Trump's AMERICA : 2018 (& world reaction )


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trump lawyers warn 'Fire and Fury' author, publisher to stop release of book, saying its 'false statements' are being investigated

Intimidation tactic?? Staff in the white house participated in this book.

What happened to freedom of the press, peach?? etc etc.

And this is only Jan 4 th

Meanwhile the sale of the book is being rushed out .......and probably heading for the best seller record time :)

Hot off the press: CNN reporting) all cell phones for visitors to the white house are being banned.

The dictator has spoken.

I know you won't answer this, but is writing a book protected by freedom of the press?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Trump requests $18 billion from lawmakers for border wall, indicating U.S. taxpayers would fund it for the foreseeable future

The Trump administration has told lawmakers that it wants $18 billion over the next decade for the initial phase of a Mexico border wall, laying out for the first time a detailed financial blueprint for the president��s signature campaign promise.

Democratic lawmakers blasted the request, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, and it arrived in the middle of delicate budget negotiations that include the risk of a government shutdown Jan. 20 if no deal is reached. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol provided the funding outline at the request of senators preparing to launch negotiations this month on several contentious immigration issues, including a potential deal to protect young immigrants who will be subject to deportation when the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program expires beginning in March.

With their votes needed to keep the government open, Democrats are looking to use their leverage in the spending talks to force the Republicans who control Congress to reach a deal on

This is one of his crazier ideas. They can improve border security with technology and other contemporary concepts...... IF they must. Trump has a crazy wall fixation..... and not receptive to other , less expensive ideas.
Machine guns hooked to motion sensors would certainly be more cost effective. Kind of like what communist countries do to keep their citizens in.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island


EU Membership
Dec 29, 2017
He is soon gone from president house. Replcenment are new republican when republican congress votes for new president. The stories is 70 or 90 per cent true within current president and new president. The wall is what to say well not true.

My trouble is ones eating from distance how this human are stupid far from even he can eating far from he is very stupid human with zero acceptable with my and my food wannabee.

The cock do dinner to me every day for my best but I can not eating alone when far from human do eating through however are American tricky but shift place doesn't work so he only hinder me with my eating even I can eating.

I'd lived on food but it wants not maybe is it an God does hinder me to eating but I can eating when he acceptance my food he or she wants to shift place but it doesn't exists far away they must coming closer me to shift place but it never listen to my pray.

Food is everybuddys rights to lived longer. American tricky do not work far away.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Political opinions are freedom of speech and you can't deny anyone of those (Our hate speech legislations are unconstitutional, too).

Much of the commentary is being presented in a factual manner prior to those details being confirmed.

Considering that Trump is not averse to spending time/money in Court (as per his past life), someone is taking one helluva chance on this


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
English Bay?

Sunshine Coast?

Galliano Island?

Of course. It is irresponsible to not drill and see if there is anything of value down there. We potentially could be like Alaska were residents get a cheque from the government every year instead of giving them half our paycheques.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Of course. It is irresponsible to not drill and see if there is anything of value down there. We potentially could be like Alaska were residents get a cheque from the government every year instead of giving them half our paycheques.

It always amazes me how the lobby that decries the development of natural resources are never front and center in demanding that the urban centres (especially their own) aren't razed and returned to nature.

Sadly, I've seen it a number of times where an individual bitches and moans about being able to redevelop or build a weekend home at the lake, yet the moment they get theirs, those same folks demand a cessation of any further development.

Ya just can't help but laugh at the duality and hypocrisy of it all


EU Membership
Dec 29, 2017
It doesn't work and real asshole far away.

I am me since starts position closer to birth since the 80's ago I remember 1989.

You European American's are pussys when you want to shift place far from me but still my victim far from you'll and nobody of distance hinder coming closer. You'll have not acceptable my food when I am hungry I eating food and nothing respectable with hinder my eating but I'd lived on food every day. The great Satan can hinder closer to him selfy on arms I believe really.



EU Membership
Dec 29, 2017
Lucifer is best for me but danbones like the great Satan and you likes only Satan and he is trouble for Lucifer if Satan exist as known.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Trump��s extraordinary tweetstorms mark an unsettling start to 2018
In a White House marked by a string of high-level comings and goings, there remains but one constant. That is the disorder at the center, perpetrated by a president who continues to break the norms of his office. It��s the reason this year could eclipse the previous one for political turbulence.


Seems that the USG is the most unstable government on the planet at the moment.....with the exception of the war zones the US created.


Staff cellphone will be banned as of the coming week. Another EXTREME action by Trump that makes no sense.... The staff should all go on strike .......

He keeps proving the fact that HE is unstable., Those that continue to support im so blindly........demonstrate more about their own character than anything else.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Trump has you wrapped around his finger. :lol: I'd like to see you cry, please. He has you running six ways from Sunday.

Maybe your end will come in a giant nuclear fireball or at the hands of rampaging Muslims. Or maybe, based on you and your crazy news reports, the USAF might fly over BC and drop nukes on the lower mainland. Oh my!

But I have it on good authority he won't use nukes. Trump needs to test some MOABs. To cut down on expenses, some USAF generals or others may have proposed dropping several on the lower mainland of BC, so their observation staff won't run up a big bill with their expense account.

That would be the will of Landru. And after all, there isn't much on the lower mainland. A few dozen properly placed MOABs would rid the land of human built structures and return everything to nature. Cliffy would like that.

Your sacrifice will be noted. Our thanks in advance.