Trump USA : 2020


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Nope. By getting and reading the book one is gaining an education and insight abut the kind of person some insist on supporting. Might be a good idea for Trumpians to read it too.........but they will just dismiss it on some silly excuse or another. (they can't deal with the truths about the man. They choose to wear blinders when it comes t o him )

That's the thing about many Trump supporters, they are so reluctant to look at both sides, to even give a little wiggle room and admit that he is sometimes flawed and has made poor decisions. They believe his every move and put full stock in every word that he utters, clapping in the dark the whole time. It's a shame really because it is possible to support a leader and to also admit their mistakes at the same time.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Nope. By getting and reading the book one is gaining an education and insight abut the kind of person some insist on supporting. Might be a good idea for Trumpians to read it too.........but they will just dismiss it on some silly excuse or another. (they can't deal with the truths about the man. They choose to wear blinders when it comes t o him )
Did you buy the books on Trudeau?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
That's the thing about many Trump supporters, they are so reluctant to look at both sides, to even give a little wiggle room and admit that he is sometimes flawed and has made poor decisions. They believe his every move and put full stock in every word that he utters, clapping in the dark the whole time. It's a shame really because it is possible to support a leader and to also admit their mistakes at the same time.
exactly. Every leader has flaws. Leaders are human. It is a question of degree. That is the reality. Blind support as seen with the Trumpians has a fanatical element to it. It is almost as if he has brainwashed them. Perhaps it is his monotone voice and repetitive slogans .... Jones had a similar effect on his following........on a smaller scale. His devotees were just as fanatical.

The thing is that the GOP as we knew it does not exist anymore. Except for one or two....... the party has drunk the trump Kool aid and will defend his most atrocious decisions. .....and behavior. The press secretary twists herself into a pretzel "explaining" Trumps behavior. The whole thing is quite bizarre. Perhaps his supporters prefer the alternate reality that Donald presents to them. Maybe they envy his ability to manipulate and con others and keep getting away with things that others have not. The fact he is getting away with all that he is also speaks to the hold he has over the former TOP and his supporters.Of course the other hold is that he is rage filled and reactive thus creating an environment of fear .........making folks comply with him. Some actually like that as they interpret that as him being a strong -man. That is a misinterpretation of what a STRONG effective leader is. Fascinating (fro a psycho-social perspective _, but also concerning. Trump is not a leader. He is a figure head.
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Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Looks like the White House is still trying to peddle Hydroxychloroquine to the American public, as a miracle cure. I am sure that has nothing to do with several prominent figures in the White House buying shares in the company that produces the drug, or that the US stockpiled billions of tablets a short time ago.
That has to be some kind of malpractice.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
that might be the case........but how many of them have the POWER that Trump has and is giving himself?? Power that he is abusing.
His conduct should matter to all nations........ as he is unstable. He also has no regard for the law. Now he has commuted the sentience of his crony. Think : Roger Stone.(who is as unethical as Trump)
Not near the power turdOWE is taking and abusing. Trump has yet to try to steal private property be declaring it to be illegal. Or his attempt to recycle a billion of taxpayers dollars through a liberal party charity into his family and friends bank accounts.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
sadness would be a very appropriate emotion , should that happen. As even Bolton said in an interview last evening on pBS....... the US can recover from one term of trump..........but will most likely not be able to from two terms. A second term would give trump all the license he wants to do what he wants......... . Te US is hardly recognizable even now. He would not even have the constraint of another election........... so he would become even more unleashed.
He would continue to align himself with the Arthurian leaders on the planet.......while criticizing the traditional allies. ( and world agencies )He would probably isolate the US even more .... But continue a very aggressive approach with other nations.......... (allies) The dictators of the world have nothing to worry about.
The fact that he is incompetent ..(and psychologically dysfunctional)..... is not a concern for his supporters.. He has gained control of their psyche , in a way that Hitler did with his supporters.Lust Power and abuse of power is their common theme.
And still far better than what the opposition has to offer.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Maybe if it was a doctor prescribing it. Otherwise no.
One pretty much has to be a doctor to prescribe it. Politicians do not have the licences to prescribe anything. Nor should they recommend anything in the medical field. Particularly drugs. But ethics are not trump's strong suit. Nor is it a politicians job to promote/ sell, or advertise drugs of any nature. The most they should do is refer people to their physicians And anyone that suggests injecting disinfectant int the body should be seen by a psychiatrist. If anyone took that insane suggestion and died......then it potential homicide..

Fascinating how tolerant the trumpinas are of his crazy/ irrational behavior. In fact....the crazier, the more they like it.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I'm genuinely interested. What do you think Trump has done that is good for Canada, or good for you personally?
except for a few sarcastic tweets & comments..........the good thing is that he has left CDA alone. He is more interested in the Dictator Club Most nations -CDA included- have learned to "handle" him and his irrational moods.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
except for a few sarcastic tweets & comments..........the good thing is that he has left CDA alone. He is more interested in the Dictator Club Most nations -CDA included- have learned to "handle" him and his irrational moods.

I genuinely apologize for going from what we were, a superpower determined to correct our flaws and failures, to what we are now.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I'm genuinely interested. What do you think Trump has done that is good for Canada, or good for you personally?
For Canada- increasing US economy is in general good for our exports of natural resources and to a lesser extent manufactured products. He is at least somewhat interested in taxpayer rights and personal freedom, which is the exact opposite of our Prime Moron. Gives our letards someplace to direct their stupidity where they can not inflict any damage. He is also a great source of comic relief. Finally, he proved that one can win the highest office in the land despite not belonging to the political class. Granted the political class in Canada is not as prevalent as in the US but it is still there, and we in the west feel the negative impacts far more than the rest of the country does.
For me personally he provides some comic relief, especially watching leftards here get their panties in a knot over something they have no control over.Also a great role model when compared to turdOWE. Gives us hope that we can better our position.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC