Trudeau Liberals surge ahead over Conservatives

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
When reality shows the Conservatives will never be in power again, initiate operation Armageddon.
It'll be "Amageddon" under the Liberals that's for sure!! Unfortunately, the Liberals will likely continue to ruin the country but there are those out there (Mentalfloss) that don't give a damn about our country; only what they can "score" for themselves.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It'll be "Amageddon" under the Liberals that's for sure!! Unfortunately, the Liberals will likely continue to ruin the country but there are those out there (Mentalfloss) that don't give a damn about our country; only what they can "score" for themselves.

It's conservatives that can't wait until the end of the world.

That's a quintessential part of the platform.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
It'll be "Amageddon" under the Liberals that's for sure!! Unfortunately, the Liberals will likely continue to ruin the country but there are those out there (Mentalfloss) that don't give a damn about our country; only what they can "score" for themselves.
The libs are doing their best to show Canadians that our country is not and never has been united . Sad after all we accomplished in the two great wars , and the industry and infrastructure all pissed away by pitting region against region . It is only a matter of time until Canada fractures as we have no national identity, thank you Liberals .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
BONOKOSKI: Trudeau still more electable than O'Toole? Incomprehensible!
Author of the article:Mark Bonokoski
Publishing date:Apr 10, 2021 • 46 minutes ago • 3 minute read • 116 Comments
In this multiple-exposed image, Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole, left, asks a question and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau answers during question period on Nov. 4, 2020.
In this multiple-exposed image, Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole, left, asks a question and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau answers during question period on Nov. 4, 2020. PHOTO BY THE CANADIAN PRESS /Toronto Sun
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While Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole has been widely judged to be a boring dud — for thrills, he watches paint dry, et cetera — the thought of Justin Trudeau getting another majority government is absolutely gut-wrenching.

For a progressive conservative such as myself, the thought of this scandal-plagued prime minister, best described by veteran journalist Neil MacDonald as “cynical, patronizing, condescending, arrogant, and insulting,” being rewarded by a public he sneers at is mind destroying.

When Trudeau was doing his daily briefings, MacDonald, a retired veteran CBC correspondent, tuned him out.

“I just can’t stand any more of that pious breathiness,” he wrote. “Stay home (pause, breathe, blink sincerely) and wash your hands.”

You can almost hear Trudeau saying this and, like MacDonald, I do not find it either reassuring or pleasant.


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The problem, however, is that Trudeau seems to love the sound of his own voice. He treats press conferences as if they’re performance art and he is the leading man — with or without blackface.

Remember, he couldn’t recall how many times he actually wore blackface, but that’s apparently the fault of his urges to entertain.

Not remembering how many times says it was way too many.

According to an updated 338 Canada vote projection last week, if a federal election were held tomorrow the Trudeau Liberals would win a majority of 172 seats, leaving O’Toole’s Conservatives with a paltry 108 seats, 13 fewer than attained under Andrew Scheer’s leadership.

It’s unfathomable. It may not be the end of Canada as we know it, but you can surely see it from here, with the rise of socialism orchestrated by a PM who publicly admires communist China’s basic dictatorship.

If the 338 Canada poll is accurate, and it usually is, what in God’s name is the Canadian electorate thinking? Has it lost its collective mind?


Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau looks on during a news conference in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada March 30, 2021.
BONOKOSKI: Justin Trudeau’s guinea pigs respond not so kindly
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, wearing a protective mask, attends a news conference in Ottawa March 5, 2021.
BONOKOSKI: Experts question Trudeau’s strung-out vaccine strategy
A photo of Justin Trudeau at West Point Grey Academy's 2001
LILLEY: Feds' anti-racism training deals with political agendas, nothing else

Ethics breaches with convictions, (the first PM to be so tainted), the SNC-Lavalin gongshow with high-profile heads rolling, the still-to-be unravelled WE scandal, the horrendous treatment of Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, the botching of the COVID-19 response, a vaccine rollout that’s more akin to a human experiment, the uprooting of the Senate’s equilibrium, untold billions being tossed out willy-nilly with no concrete plan by a man with a drama education but no business acumen, and more taxes on the middle class, including a ramped-up carbon tax.


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These are all on Justin Trudeau.

Yet he is still somehow more broadly electable than O’Toole?

It’s incomprehensible.

That “nice hair” slight, used against Trudeau in the 2015 election campaign, is the truth. Nice hair is the only entry on his depth chart.

The COVID-19 pandemic is going nowhere fast. If the lockdowns stay-at-home orders ever end, there will be no stores left in which to shop. Small business, the economic engine of our country, is being crushed.

Hardware stores and hair salons are closed, but liquor and dope stores remain open as an ode to self-induced sedation.

It’s difficult to find the logic regarding what is closed and what is open. But the big box stores, supposedly restricted now to “essentials.” almost need pedestrian traffic cops.

Surely, though, Trudeau is not the man to lead Canada to economic recovery now that he’s buried it in debt and deficit. Surely O’Toole, while outwardly bland and uninspiring, is more qualified and more dogged.

He’s a high-ranking navy vet, and a lawyer.

Almost anyone would be more qualified than a trust-fund baby who has never experienced the real life of the everyday Canadian.

We have an actor as our prime minister.

It’s sad but it’s true.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
KINSELLA: Five reasons why Trudeau will likely win again despite his disgraceful ethical record
PM has been gifted with weak opponents, a disintegrating media establishment, and a belief that changing horses during a crisis is too risky

Author of the article:Warren Kinsella
Publishing date:Apr 10, 2021 • 52 minutes ago • 3 minute read • 56 Comments
Prime minister Justin Trudeau, with his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau at his side, waves to his supporters at the Palais des Congres in Montreal during Team Justin Trudeau 2019 election night event in Montreal, Canada on October 21, 2019.
Prime minister Justin Trudeau, with his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau at his side, waves to his supporters at the Palais des Congres in Montreal during Team Justin Trudeau 2019 election night event in Montreal, Canada on October 21, 2019. PHOTO BY SEBASTIEN ST. JOHN /AFP via Getty Images
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Could Justin Trudeau win again?

Of course he could. He could win a majority, too.

And it has little or nothing to do with his opponents. It’s all about him.

Full disclosure: years ago, this writer was friendly with Trudeau. I was introduced to him through a mutual friend, the celebrated Gerald Butts, and I was initially impressed.

As I got to know him better, however, my support for his candidacy as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada evaporated. The things that have marred his tenure — his situational ethics, his lack of core beliefs, his inauthenticity — were the very things that ultimately soured me on the man.

But make no mistake, the strengths that he had then remain among his main strengths — the things that could help him win again. There are five.

One: Conservative-minded people — particularly the grassroots — underestimate him. They think that because they despise Trudeau everyone else does too.

But, as one smart Conservative party pollster remarked to a conference last month, most Canadians simply do not dislike Trudeau. They agree he is imperfect. But they also agree that he is, as the pollster put it, “doing his best.”

Two: Beneath the impressive jawline and the affected manner — one of my smart female friends calls him “the national yoga instructor” — Trudeau is highly competitive. And he is prepared to take extraordinary risks to win.


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Look, for example, at his decision to seek out a Conservative opponent to brutalize in his long-ago boxing match. He needed to offset the slur that he was effete and effeminate.

If he’d lost, his political career would have been over. But he decimated his opponent.

That testifies to Trudeau’s competitive nature more than anything else. He was prepared to do something completely off-brand — viciously beating up an Indigenous man on TV — just so he could win. He is obsessed with winning.


Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau looks on during a news conference in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada March 30, 2021.
BONOKOSKI: Justin Trudeau’s guinea pigs respond not so kindly
A photo of Justin Trudeau at West Point Grey Academy's 2001
LILLEY: Feds' anti-racism training deals with political agendas, nothing else
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, wearing a protective face mask, attends a news conference, as efforts continue to help slow the spread of COVID-19, in Ottawa, March 5, 2021.
KINSELLA: We all bear responsibility for 'Cult of Trudeau'

Three: Trudeau’s conservative adversaries mock his training in drama — and his affinity for the dramatic arts — relentlessly. But it is his ability to act, so convincingly, that helps him to routinely best those selfsame Conservatives.

Politics is about pictures, and pictures are about emotion. And politics is a deeply emotional — not rational — business. Trudeau is simply better at emoting than anyone who has challenged him to date. He may be phony as hell, and I believe he is, but many Canadians are persuaded he is not.

Four: Politics loves dynasties. And Trudeau is a dynastic name in Canadian politics.

Is Justin Trudeau a member of the lucky sperm club? Yes, of course. Would he likely be selling used cars in Red Deer if his last name was Smith? Yes, probably.


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But he is a Trudeau. So, by the time he entered the Liberal leadership race in 2013, he was already several laps ahead of anyone else.

Five: Justin Trudeau is very, very lucky.

In this writer’s view, Justin Trudeau is the worst prime minister in a generation. His ethical record — as seen with the Aga Khan, the SNC Lavalin scandal, and the WE charity fiasco — is disgraceful.

His personal judgment — with blackface, groping a female reporter, and elbowing a female MP in the chest — is appalling.

And his broken promises — to be a feminist, to balance budgets, to end Western alienation — are legion. His performance on the biggest issue of our lifetimes — the pandemic — has been catastrophic.

But he is lucky. He has been gifted with weak opponents, a disintegrating media establishment, and a belief that changing horses during a crisis — the aforementioned pandemic — is too risky.

So could Justin Trudeau win again? Of course he could.

And, for many of the reasons cited above, he likely will.

— Warren Kinsella was Special Assistant to Jean Chretien'


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The only reason turdOWE might possibly win is because of the disproportionate seat arrangement that gives the bulk of the votes to OntariOWE and Quebec.

If the Cons keep the same number of seats in any future election with O'Tool as they did before the election I honestly will be shocked.

If the Cons want to do better in Federal politics, they need to start thinking all of Canada and not just the West.


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
If that bearded baboon wins the next election we might as well give up on Canada forever. The conservatives would probably have a chance at winning if they started to act and talk more like conservatives. But sadly, they are not conservative anymore and neither is O'Tool. The liberal conservative party in Canada is dead. All that is left for conservatives to vote for is the People's Party of Canada. The only real and true conservative party left in Canada. Aw well.
there's no real reason for conservatives to exist in the year 2021
  • Haha
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
If the Cons keep the same number of seats in any future election with O'Tool as they did before the election I honestly will be shocked.

If the Cons want to do better in Federal politics, they need to start thinking all of Canada and not just the West.
The West is where all the money comes from to support the rest of your social programs.
But yeah like turdOWE the tool only cares about vote rich ontariOWE and Kweebek.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The West is where all the money comes from to support the rest of your social programs.
But yeah like turdOWE the tool only cares about vote rich ontariOWE and Kweebek.

And if it wants to be a voice in Canada, it's got to have better people coming from it that will work with Canada. Which again, means the Cons need to actually either be a better party or be happy with being second, and only getting first place if the Liberals fuck up really, really bad.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
And if it wants to be a voice in Canada, it's got to have better people coming from it that will work with Canada. Which again, means the Cons need to actually either be a better party or be happy with being second, and only getting first place if the Liberals fuck up really, really bad.
Or we can just leave the rest of you to suffer in poverty and high taxes.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
there's no real reason for conservatives to exist in the year 2021
Actually, we need a real "Conservative" now more than ever. If we did have a "true" Conservative Leader, it would certainly be the best option for Canadians. Unfortunately, we don't & I don't see one in the horizon - maybe the People's Party but we'd require a leader that one can actually understand what they're saying & one with clear objectives & solutions to what ails our Country; someone with "common sense" who isn't in it for the money or credit but someone who actually cares what happens to us. I would even go so far as to state we need a "Leader" period albeit Liberal or Conservative - someone who doesn't pit one part of the country against the other and who won't be intimidated by the "progressives" (in actuality regressive) idiots currently in power.

Guess I'm asking for a lot LOL!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Actually, we need a real "Conservative" now more than ever. If we did have a "true" Conservative Leader, it would certainly be the best option for Canadians. Unfortunately, we don't & I don't see one in the horizon - maybe the People's Party but we'd require a leader that one can actually understand what they're saying & one with clear objectives & solutions to what ails our Country; someone with "common sense" who isn't in it for the money or credit but someone who actually cares what happens to us. I would even go so far as to state we need a "Leader" period albeit Liberal or Conservative - someone who doesn't pit one part of the country against the other and who won't be intimidated by the "progressives" (in actuality regressive) idiots currently in power.

Guess I'm asking for a lot LOL!
The Americans had Trump . Where did that get them ? No leader will magically appear as generally our political class are composed of lawyers, political scientists ( always follow the science ) and other activists . We get together and pick a representative out of that bunch and expect they have answers . Well they haven’t for my nigh on seventy years , yet we still look to the same pool . Yikes , and separation will not work if we continue to elect these same inept politicians . Sadly .k


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
If we kick Quebec out most of our problems vanish and we won't need to seperate.

The nation within a nation bullshit is bullshit.

Sure will, because without Quebec the Liberals will consistently lose, we'd have Cons in power and Canada would become the US faster than you can say America.

Though I agree the nation within a nation is BS and shouldn't be a thing, ever.