That's the point, isn't it. Trudeau had options that he didn't exercise. While he was telling Saskatchewan that their refusal to sign onto his carbon scheme would result in being ineligible for $62 million in low carbon project funding initially earmarked for the province, Federal transfers to BC’s treasury accounted for $8.9 billion this fiscal year, or almost 17% of BC’s budget that wasn't even on the table for "negotiating" and exercising federal jurisdictional authority.
Brad Wall put it well yesterday...I think the feds got their first and last resorts mixed up!!
LIE-beral hypocrisy going to get WORSE before it gets kicked off the stage for good! And that vile Wynne-bag is ALREADY PLANNING A COME BACK!!!!!!!!!
Here is an article illustrating how utterly poisoned is all LIE-beral policy. AS Wynne-bag has told us: “SORRY- NOT SORRY” for that 15 year run of insane greed and DEBT! With some comments of my own in brackets):
Liberal MPP 'proud' of deficit spending, would do it again
By Antonella Artuso. Published: April 2, 2018. Updated: April 2, 2018 5:29 PM EDT
A Liberal MPP would “cheerfully” run up the province’s debt again, saying he’s proud of his party’s 15-year record in government.
As first reported in the Mississauga News, local MPP Bob Delaney reacted strongly to criticism of his government’s spending Thursday during a “budget breakfast.”
(So who is afraid of Canada going into desperate debt just like the Europeans? Certainly LIE-berals are not worried! This is the LIE-beral Party legacy- AND it is the future that LIE-berals are working for- massive debts and endless bribery of special interest groups and to hell with ordinary people!)
Ontario can easily carry its current debt load, insisted the MPP for Mississauga-Streetsville.
(Various fiscal advisors have told us repeatedly that our debt is manageable -IF there are no sudden economic shocks- you know - things like $1.60 a litre gas, or the failure of NAFTA- and Our idiot Boy Justin is so determined to insult Yankees and keep on ignoring national security issues related to the mobs of strangers swarming across our borders that idiot Justin seems complacent about the death of NAFTA and the resulting economic chaos!)
“I would do it again and I would do it proudly,” Delaney said of the debt incurred, according to an audio recording of the event. “I would cheerfully do it again.”
(LIE-berals are so determined to change every major feature of Ontari-owe that one has to wonder how miserable they are living here!)
Ontario now carries a debt of more than $300 billion, up from about $140 billion from the time the Liberals took office in 2003.
(And if Wynne-bag LIE-berals win that June 2018 election then we can expect them to go FULL SPEED AHEAD- taxing and price gouging and borrowing madly to pay off their civil service union Hog pals for their support! Another LIE-beral election win takes us into incredible record debt with reckless speed!)
Much of the new debt was accumulated after the 2008-09 recession as the Ontario government bailed out the auto industry and began borrowing billions every year to cover operating costs.
However, having finally balanced the books this past year, Premier Kathleen Wynne is proposing six more years of deficits.
(Oh- that crap is out of date! Wynne-bag has NOT balanced the budget- she has merely LIED in a sophisticated and comprehensive way about her DEBT! She has LIED and she has got caught! In addition the debts she would run between 2018 and 2022- if she is re-elected will be at least DOUBLE what she is claiming! And she is OFFENDED that we call her a LIE-beral! HAHAHAHAHA!!!)
In an interview with the Toronto Sun Monday, Delaney said he was talking about the many investments the government had made in Mississauga — especially following the recession — in post-secondary education, hospitals and transportation.
(And all those investments add up to gravy for Hogs! Those vaunted LIE-beral investments are nothing more than vote buying for Hog support! Our water system still routinely breaks and floods. Our electrical system is still the most costly and unreliable in North America. Our roads are still full of potholes and LIE-berals are DUCKING QUESTIONS about their paving scandals! The Pickering pedestrian bridge WAS built upside down after all and LIE-berals do not want to tell us how much extra that crap cost! And LIE-berals have gone silent about the repair costs for that collapsing Nipissing bridge. And they have nothing to say about how much it costs to tend to the illegals that LIE-berals are collecting as if they were no more trouble than stray cats! And LIE-berals have long ago STOPPED talking about how close to bankruptcy are the pension plans of the various Hog unions -and how many HUNDREDS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS LIE-berals will need to bail out their gravy grabbing Hog pals! If buying votes in DESPERATE bid to cling to power at any price is a virtue then LIE-berals are SAINTS!)
“I was very proud of those projects … I would be pleased to go into the streets with that track record and I would do it again,” he said.
(LIE-berals are hiding the true number of illegals who have come here in the same sloppy way they hid their deficits! LIE-berals admit there are 200 illegals per day crossing into Quebec- but that is only ONE of many crossings! So- 200 illegals per day X 365 days gives 73,000 people- WITHOUT the bother of counting in illegals from other crossing points and without getting into the possible LIE that LIE-berals are telling us as they do admit that as many as 500 people per day cross- rather thyan their highly suspect “average” number of 200 per day!)
(How much will it cost to feed, house and train all these LIE-beral PETS? And what will happen to our democracy when LIE-berals decide it is too much trouble to process all the illegals in a sensible way through regular immigration channels and simply start issuing blanket amnesties so the illegals can start casting ballots in our elections?)
PC finance critic Vic Fedeli said the Liberals clearly don’t understand the pain they’ve inflicted on Ontarians with their budget deficits and plans for even more borrowing.
(LIE-berals understand very well- its that they are NOT interested! If we are stupid enough to trust them then we deserve the chaotic LIE-beral economic results!)
“They simply do not understand the fiscal reality and how people shake their head at that when they’re hurting all throughout Ontario,” Fedeli said. “We still have the highest hydro rates in North America; we still have this red tape that’s crushing businesses; we have businesses that are leaving Ontario; and more importantly we have businesses that announce they’re not coming to Ontario.”
Amazon and Google recently announced first ever data centres in Canada, and chose to locate them in Quebec, Fedeli said.
Amazon says Quebec’s lower hydro rates helped give that province the edge over Ontario.
(And LIE-berals CERTAINLY DO NOT want to talk about their mouldy green energy scam that is designed to turn our electrical system into a vast slush fund for LIE-berals! This appears to be the reason why LIE-berals sold off part of our electrical system to their pals and then slammed shut the books so we could not see their DIRT!)