Trudeau cancels appearance at Surrey fundraiser after protesters hurl racial slurs


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Yeah, fuddle duddle scuttle buttle.
Misogynists and racists and anti-vaxxers, oh my. Better check under your bed tonight man, Trudope wants you to believe they're everywhere.

Ya know what misogyny is? It's when your PM fires the Minister of Justice, that he had previously crowed to the world about, because of a difference of morals. She had some, he doesn't. And then manage to tick off every box on the toxic masculinity list as you shit talk her to the world.
It's when you persecute a woman for leading a legal protest against you.
It's when you shit all over Rachel Harder for having a different opinion on abortion than you, a cringeworthy little man-child.
It's sexually assaulting a female reporter.

You know what racism is? Having a repeated history of dressing up in Blackface and then screaming about how racist Canada is.
It's crying about reconciliation and "neo-colonialism" while persecuting a Metis woman for leading a protest against you.
It's using "minority" groups to further your own political agenda while doing nothing of notice for said groups.
It's saying, "I'm going to replace Old Stock Canadians" because apparently there's something inherently wrong and "unpleasant" with having European ancestry, unless of course it's French ancestry as per Saint Justin.

You know what anti-vaxxers are? People who refuse ANY vaccine. Refusing one plandemic vaccine makes you as much of an anti-vaxxer as taking your very first spin around a Go-Kart track makes you an F1 driver.

But hey, way to keep defending a misogynistic racist, broheim.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Misogynists and racists and anti-vaxxers, oh my. Better check under your bed tonight man, Trudope wants you to believe they're everywhere.

Ya know what misogyny is? It's when your PM fires the Minister of Justice, that he had previously crowed to the world about, because of a difference of morals. She had some, he doesn't. And then manage to tick off every box on the toxic masculinity list as you shit talk her to the world.
It's when you persecute a woman for leading a legal protest against you.
It's when you shit all over Rachel Harder for having a different opinion on abortion than you, a cringeworthy little man-child.
It's sexually assaulting a female reporter.

You know what racism is? Having a repeated history of dressing up in Blackface and then screaming about how racist Canada is.
It's crying about reconciliation and "neo-colonialism" while persecuting a Metis woman for leading a protest against you.
It's using "minority" groups to further your own political agenda while doing nothing of notice for said groups.
It's saying, "I'm going to replace Old Stock Canadians" because apparently there's something inherently wrong and "unpleasant" with having European ancestry, unless of course it's French ancestry as per Saint Justin.

You know what anti-vaxxers are? People who refuse ANY vaccine. Refusing one plandemic vaccine makes you as much of an anti-vaxxer as taking your very first spin around a Go-Kart track makes you an F1 driver.

But hey, way to keep defending a misogynistic racist, broheim.

Just three more glorious and wonderful years to go with this baboon running the country. I guess that we can expect a lot more monkey business coming from this baboon in the next three years. Maybe he will try and make this Monkey Pox virus his next big project and adventure for us all to have to live thru and deal with like we had to do with covid. God help us all if he does.

But what we really need now is for these trials and tribulations that we have been going thru these past two years to come to an end before we all end up in one of this baboons gulag prison cells and find ourselves sitting in one of those gulag cells in chains and eating out of a rice bowl. Hey, we never know, eh? :unsure:
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Fuck, I forgot to pay rent again. Ah well..

Don't worry about it, liberal pot head. Go ask Trudeau for a loan. Just tell him that you vote for him all the time, and he might just give you some money out of his own pocket rather than out of the taxpayer's pocket. I doubt that he will, but try it out anyway. Come on, man, save me some tax dollars, will you. :p


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

Just another communist bully and coward who runs away from anyone who dares to ask him any questions that he does not want to have to answer to. This commie even suggested that Maxine Bernier should not be allowed to attend political debates during an election. But yet this commie baboon has no problems with having a french separatist from quebec in the debates. These lefty liberals and NDP communists are all just a bunch of bullies and cowards. (n)
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