Trudeau cancels appearance at Surrey fundraiser after protesters hurl racial slurs

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Tell me how calling an Indian a towel head isn't racist again?

If you can't admit that, then you should have your account removed.
Where does this come from? From this last Wednesday in Surrey BC or elsewhere? What, if not from Surrey this last Wednesday, is its relevance in this conversation?

You’re stuck on this statement above, but without any background or relevance that you have provided. It’s pretty tough to debate like adults without being provided the background, as you see from the reactions to your posts. The reactions would probably be quite different and interesting instead of just reciprocal trolling with some background information as to where you’re coming from.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Quebec is weird. At least from the outside looking in. Here’s a weird observation.

Many years ago on a vacation in the Caribbean in a very multicultural destination with people from all over the world (even a few Americans)…. On an excursion…. We were asked to introduce ourselves briefly and state where we were from.

Those from Quebec who said, “I’m a Canadian from Quebec” where easy to get along with & a pleasure to be around.

Those from Quebec that said, “I am Québécois” where pretty consistently insufferable arseholes. True story. It’s like there are two different populations in the same province that are completely culturally different in their outlooks and demeanour towards anybody outside their circle when it comes to those that self identify as Québécois…. And in all honesty I don’t even know what it means beyond the literal translation.
So, kinda like Texans, but without the heavy artillery and stupid hats.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Do Texans behave like two different species of people split between Texans & Texebecois who seem to despise each other?
No, but as you describe Kay-beckers, some of 'em will identify as Americans from Texas, and some will identify as Texans.

The latter is a pretty good indicator of assholism. As are the heavy artillery and stupid hats.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That’s a very good question. I don’t know the answer, but it’s a very good question.
Maybe because the commercial and fed funded network news was outside with the protesters in Kamloops and Toontown instead of inside where its 3rd party claims of slurs and easy to dramatize in front of a captive audience of followers.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I hope so. I'm still waiting to hear actual racial slurs. Everything is recorded these days. Where is the hard evidence instead of 3rd party allegations?

When lefty lieberals start to lose a debate or an argument, out comes the words racism or racist, to be applied to their opponents. Shocking.

I just read from one of my websites that I visit quite often where it quoted a passage from the bible that said: "the heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left". Ecclesiastes 10:2 I guess that this is one verse in the bible that I can heartily agree with. (y)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I'm sorry that the truth really hurt your feelings.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say with your one sentence drive by. What are you trying to say?

Prime Minister Shoe-polish calls others racist…in a blackface calling the kettle black sort’a way, which is ironic and sad and really means less than nothing because of where it’s coming from, but it is an empty comment…. So what are you trying to say above?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Listen. I will make the odd mistake like posting in the wrong forum under the influence, but if you want a legitimate wrongdoing, it's not whatever you're fantasizing about right now and it ain't the one petey probably wants either.

We will see in few days.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Listen. I will make the odd mistake like posting in the wrong forum under the influence, but if you want a legitimate wrongdoing, it's not whatever you're fantasizing about right now and it ain't the one petey probably wants either.

We will see in few days.
And you're drunk again I see. That's the best defense ya got for supporting a racist, huh?
Ya know, as despicable as right-wing racists are at least they own their racism.