Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This is interesting:
….& it doesn’t even have to make sense anymore. It would almost be funny if they didn’t take themselves so seriously.
But at least we’re being presented with opinions:
Europe, England, or Israel? Rock, Paper, or Scissors?
Pretty whacky stuff.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I don't recollect a Khalistani Nation before 1609. . .
What about after? Was it around the Surrey BC or Brampton ON? It’s Surrey, right?
In Brampton over 1 in 5 are Sikh, but in Surrey it’s almost 1 in 4. Canada has the world's largest proportion of Sikhs, with 2.1% of the population identifying as Sikh. The majority of Sikhs in Canada are first-generation immigrants, meaning they were born elsewhere and chose to live in Canada.

(American Sikhs form the country's sixth-largest religious group.[1] While the U.S. Census does not ask about religion, 70,697 Americans (or 0.02% of the total population) declared Sikh as their ethnicity in the 2020 census)

Sikhism is the fourth-largest religious group in Canada, with nearly 800,000 adherents, or 2.1% of Canada's population, as of 2021.

(As of 2021, 4.9% of Canada's population is Muslim, making it the second most common religion in the country)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In Toronto, police have been protecting the pro-Hamas protests since they started their marches immediately after the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. They have allowed them to take over city streets at will without permits to block traffic and block street cars. At times they have even shut down major roads to pray in the middle of the street.

Last Sunday, as a group of pro-Hamas types gathered at Bathurst St. and Sheppard Ave. W. – a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood – it was a Jew who was arrested.

When Ezra Levant of Rebel News tried to take his cameras to interview the folks waving placards celebrating Hamas – a protest that included a guy dressed like Yahya Sinwar, the recently killed mastermind of the terror attacks on Israel – it was Levant who was arrested.
Though released, Levant had been arrested for disturbing the peace. The people actually disturbing the peace by bringing a message that celebrated the killing of Jews into a Jewish neighbourhood were left alone.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Don't worry, Ron. Pretty soon Pete Poolover'll be in the Big Chair and y'all can have the cops arrest all the trans Commie atheists!
Trans Commie Atheists? Phew? Close call? Can they still arrest the Jews for being Jewish in public? I’m no fan of Ezra Levant but that’s pretty messed up. Truckers for vaccine mandates & bouncy castles? Etc…?
…& a cursory search lead to the edge of a rabbit hole:

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Nope, it's an attempt at con-speak. I'm not very good at it. Maybe if I hit myself in the head with a hammer a few dozen times. . .
Is this con-speak? There was the violent riot in Montreal, where an amalgam of anti-NATO protesters and university student activists somehow managed to include Israel, Zionists, and Jews as targets of their graffiti, vandalism, and car-burning.

(Israel is not part of NATO and Zionism has nothing to do with tuition policy in Quebec)

Why do people who don’t like what NATO is doing regarding Ukraine speak about the “Zionist entity”? Why are those protesting tuition policy draped in the keffiyeh and dreaming of a Jew-free land “from the river to sea”? Why is a sperm whales throat this big…👌…? If your aunt had balls, would she be your uncle?🤔

For more than a year there have been demonstrations by Palestinian supporters in Jewish neighbourhoods in Toronto. Again, why Jewish neigbourhoods? Why vandalism against Jewish shops and schools? Is there a reason other than hatred for Jews?

Is it possible to be pro-Palestine and anti-Hamas? Myself, I would prefer that Palestinians not live under Hamas rule. But those on the streets of Toronto have too often been pro-Hamas, pure and simple. And Hamas hates Jews.
Last Sunday, Ezra Levant of Rebel News showed up at the pro-Hamas protest in HIS neighbourhood. It included a depiction of Hamas leader Yayha Sinwar. Levant wanted to film it. The Toronto police wanted to keep Levant away, even though it was public sidewalk. When Levant refused, he was arrested for “breaching the peace,” told by police that his simple “presence” was inciting the pro-Hamas element. Levant styled that as the police serving as “concierges to terrorists.”

After a year of pro-Hamas protests in Toronto, the police well know who Levant is. That he was arrested was wrong legally and insensitive to Jews who live in that neighbourhood. It was clearly intended to send a signal. I would be tempted to call it virtue signalling, but there was no virtue in it.

The signal was that Toronto’s residents ought to get used to pro-Hamas manifestations on their streets, and while their free expression rights are protected, those who object are a nuisance, a breach of the peace, even inciters of violence. The signal was clear: If you object to pro-Hamas demonstrators, pass by — literally — on other side of the street.

Levant was unjustly treated. Releasing him without charge after two hours, the police knew he did not deserve to be arrested. But Toronto does not deserve what it has suffered for more than a year.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
“All the Characters, Art and Storylines depicted in this game are purely the work of fiction. Any similarity to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The plot of this game is a fictional history inspired by real facts. Even the political and military groups depicted on the game are fictional. In this game, the player does not shoot Israeli civilians, women, children, elderly, only soldiers,” says the message.
Older footage of the game before its post-October 7 update shows the opening credits of the game featuring a Palestinian militant wearing a suicide vest. The game’s narrator is identified as Abu Ubaida, the name of a well-known Hamas spokesperson representing its military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades.
“Today is the Day of Avenge. I will make you taste the pain and burn you like rats!” the character says in Arabic. “We are people who never surrender, we either win or become martyrs, and both are victory!” the narrator says as the character detonates the vest and kills the surrounding Israel soldiers.1733228978195.jpeg
Ok, I just thought that this was weird, but I guess there’s a market for everything. Death sequences after a player is killed show a bloodied hand laid across a Palestinian flag captioned: “You became a martyr. Rejoice, O mother of the martyr. Rejoice! Prepare your son for his marriage (in paradise), tie the band on all your pain and spread his wedding handkerchief, spread your anger against the oppressor, his injustice must be stopped.”


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Can I be an IDF member that shoots concert goers in the back or possibly a tank commander that kills 8 children in a kibbutz by shelling?