Trickle of Illegal Immigrants into Canada Could Become Deluge in the Spring


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Why do you want a wall along your border?

Because of the DELUGE?

Here is an article regarding the shameless virtue signalling of LIE-berals and their official mouth piece the Toronto (Red) Star newspaper in support of unregulated and unrestricted immigration! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Some Cdns will recall the fuss in autumn 2018 when Yankee Steve Bannon debated Various matters of public policy with Cdn David Frum- to the outrage of Antifa goons who reject free speech and public debate! The article has some comments of my own in brackets):

(In the aftermath of the Bannon/Frum debate in Toronto- which organizers at first claimed Bannon had won- because of a little mechanical complication- which is no doubt related to Frum being a Conservative and thus not well liked by Cdn snowflakes- Toronto Red Star then had this empty virtue signalling piece to offer its audience of Snowflakes):

Canada has the tools to fight back against hatred and racism. We should use them

By Les Scheininger. Special to the Star

Published Fri., Nov. 2, 2018

The first and most important globalist and universalist I knew was my late father, Joel Scheininger. He witnessed and endured the state-sanctioned racism which Jews faced daily in Eastern Europe. In the summer of 1941, as the German army was approaching, my father gathered family members together and with them, my parents and older brother, who was 3 at the time, escaped to Russia and found themselves in Uzbekistan.

My father was immediately torn from his family and taken to a labour camp in Siberia. He toiled, as did so many others, in indescribable conditions. He never had the loving pleasure of seeing and holding his daughter, who was born shortly after he was taken away and who did not survive through infancy.

For four unbearable years my parents did not know whether the other was alive.

(Too bad it is LIE-berals like Our idiot Boy Justin who are so intent on WHITE WASHING Soviet era crimes because they do not want us thinking harshly of THEIR Socialism! Antifa happily condemns vile Nazis and EXCUSES Soviets who were even WORSE!)

When the war ended, Jews began searching for their loved ones, and with the help of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Service (yes — HIAS — the agency targeted by the accused mass murderer, Robert Bowers), my father was among the fortunate ones reunited with their families. HIAS facilitated housing in a displaced persons’ camp in Steyr, Austria, where I was born. It was again HIAS, together with the Canadian Jewish Congress, that enabled us to begin new lives in freedom, hope and peace in Canada, in October 1948.

(And now in Canada the LIE-beral political system has become so POISONED that our Postal Workers union has actually PICKETED AND PROTESTED Bnai Brit- the Jewish charity! Cdn civil service union chiefs think that allowing Jews to defend themselves from Muslim terror is MORALLY WRONG! And LIE-beral loving Star bigots want to support that racist policy!)

In spite of this most difficult life experience, my father maintained, articulated and imparted to my brother and me a fundamental philosophy that Jews should be able to live in liberty and safety anywhere on this planet, and not be restricted — as they had been for centuries — by discriminatory state decree, despots and bigots to ghettos or outlying communities.

(Well GOOD LUCK on that score- Israel was created specifically by people who swore Jews would never again have to line up for their killers at places like Auschwitz! And now Cdn LIE-berals have decided they can win more votes by being anti “Zionist” against Israel!!!!!)

To him and many others, who have endured adversity and hatred in many areas of the world, Canada and the United States represented the ideal of what they desired for their families and descendants. The stated principles of liberty, equality and opportunity were the reasons that brought them here. But above all, Canada and the U.S. supposedly offered the hope for peace and safety from hatred, which historically manifested itself in violence, pogroms and murder.

(Yes- United States is still safe for Jews but Canada is sliding into Soviet Socialist territory thanks to LIE-beral vote buying and LIE-beral policy designed to weed out so called “white privilege”! Under our LIE-beral overlords it is not just Jews that should feel uneasy at political developments in CANADA!)

(Many Cdns are becoming quite uneasy with LIE-beral insistence that we are all “systemic racists” and Islamophobes merely because we oppose various LIE-beral policies that are causing friction between groups in Canada for no reason other than to BUY votes for LIE-berals!)

(WE do not agree that LIE-berals should pillory Cdn farmers for defending their property from prowling drunken thieves like Coulton Boushie! And we are appalled that Our idiot Boy Justin would want to do away with the ancient jury selection process that ensures that bigots, criminals and others whose HONEST VERDICT CANNOT BE TRUSTED- do not get onto a jury!)

(LIE-berals would be horrified if a leader of Ku Klux Klan got to sit on a jury judging a black man! LIE-berals would be equally appalled if a Nazi got to sit in judgement on a Jew! So why are LIE-berals comfortable with allowing CONVICTED Native criminals to have an UNFAIR influence on our legal system when whites and natives come into legal conflict over theft and breaking and entering????)

(If LIE-berals are so willing to discriminate in favour of native criminals then we should ask some hard questions about LIE-beral honesty and respect for democracy and the rule of law! Coulton Boushie was nothing but a drunken thief and LIE-beral efforts to elevate him to the status of freedom fighter and martyr to “systemic racism” are disgraceful; in the extreme! And damaging to our democracy!)

(Toronto Red Star should be ashamed of promoting such twisted LIE-beral virtue signalling about natives and Muslims that is guaranteed only to produce the sort of bigotry that Star editorials CLAIM to deplore! Bigotry is just as ugly when directed unfairly at whites!)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Sadly, there is a HUGE DISTINCTION between people and USEFUL PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure the 'former' White Helmets bio program and ISIS killing program members will appreciate your lack of support just because they failed to defeat Russia in Syria.

That is so sweet, can I have your address so I can send a 'signed' thank you card?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
At the same time we are planning to reduce our collective emissions to 1990 levels , and no one is giving up air travel especially among elected officials. A nation of hypocrites, but we have a carbon tax .

Well the Trudeau regime says that they plan on reducing emissions but the reality is that Canada will not come even close to hitting their targets. In fairness, I don't think they ever intended on hitting them.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well the Trudeau regime says that they plan on reducing emissions but the reality is that Canada will not come even close to hitting their targets. In fairness, I don't think they ever intended on hitting them.
Of course not , as I said a nation of hypocrites . My nieces and nephews have all bought into the settled science , yet they all have two cars and two flying holidays every year .


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Of course not , as I said a nation of hypocrites . My nieces and nephews have all bought into the settled science , yet they all have two cars and two flying holidays every year .
I also have a nephew like that who's a believer, his wife doesn't drive but he has a pick-up, a car, a motor boat, skidoo for winter, an argo for hunting....


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Well the Trudeau regime says that they plan on reducing emissions but the reality is that Canada will not come even close to hitting their targets. In fairness, I don't think they ever intended on hitting them.
He's closing plants as fast as NATO will let him. The thermostats are for next winter, so TPTB that he can be as big of a prick as they are. 'Life @ 55F' is the bill being written.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Of course not , as I said a nation of hypocrites . My nieces and nephews have all bought into the settled science , yet they all have two cars and two flying holidays every year .

That is the funny part of all of this. Nobody is doing anything to stop so called Climate Change. Sure there is a lot of talk, but the reality is that people are living their lives as always. The deep blue state of Washington has shot down carbon tax laws twice at the ballot. Here in Massachusetts, another blue state, they shot down Cape Wind. California, another blue state, the 3rd biggest supplier of fossil fuels with oil wells right there in Los Angeles. Right here in Boston, development on the Boston Waterfront is exploding.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I also have a nephew like that who's a believer, his wife doesn't drive but he has a pick-up, a car, a motor boat, skidoo for winter, an argo for hunting....

That's hilarious. A colleague of mine bought a reusable straw for his daughter for $20. It came in a case and everything. He opened the glove box and it was full of straws... a deluge of straws. When he asked what it was his daughter said that they were the straws she got from the coffee shop, but she has her own so she just puts the straws in the glove box.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Behind a paywall, but I'll assume it is apart of the new UN agreement

No ----

Examination of long term LIE-beral policy reveals they badly want to increase immigration levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Firstly- LIE-berals are working to kill what Pierre Trudeau called "Cdn Imperialism" - which a new generation of LIE-beral bigots now call "white privilege"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we need to recall that Pierre referred to the war against Nazi Germany as "British Imperialism"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pierre went on to publicly heap praise on Chinese Chairman Mao "for his genius in rushing 30 million Chinese to the gallows"!!!!!!

This occurred during the Great Leap Forward- the disastrous 5 year economic plan that proved to be a horrible COMMUNIST mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Our idiot Boy has told us "he likes the way the Chinese get things done" and he has told us that bloody handed Soviet style Cuban dictator Castro was a CLOSE FAMILY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where LIE-beral policy is concerned there are ALWAYS wheels turning within other wheels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss- direction is the order of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals LOVE BAIT AND SWITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals want immigrants with Third World values to counter that white privilege and Cdn Imperialism that LIE-berals despise!!!!!!!!!!

Pierre even told Cdn reporters- including Toronto Sun writer Lubor Zink that he "wanted to take Canada from the past into the future via the route of radical socialism"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zink and other reporters suggested that Cdns would not follow such a plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pierre explained: "think of passengers getting on a ship at point A - in expectation they would be taken to point B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But once the ship is out of sight of land and away from any handy reference points- the captain quietly ALTERS COURSE and the passengers end up at unexpected POINT C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is the HEART of LIE-beral policy as envisioned by Pierre Trudeau!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wheels within wheels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are convinced THEIR way forward is by BUYING VOTES and rendering the Cdn population compliant and DEPENDENT ON GOVT AID!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals expect to use that govt aid as a club to force public obedience - just like the Chinese Communists do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OBEY GOVT and get a good job and nice place to live in the GOVT OWNED HOUSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is why Wynne-bag LIE-berals were so excited about electric TOY cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals could use govt subsidies to get their pals into the drivers seat of electric Toy cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And use MORE GOVT SUBSIDIES to let privileged Hogs get cheap access to the best chargers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course getting lots of electric Toy cars on the road would create a new market for COSTLY mouldy green electricity produced by LIE-beral pals!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While at the same time LIE-berals could price gouge owners of gas powered cars and force them off the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral wheels within wheels.............ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With LIE-berals being by far the most generous with govt aid - TO SELECT GROUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals are working HARD to ensure that Idle No more Natives, Black Lives Matter bigots and the mass of illegals become dependent on LIE-beral aid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Secondly- LIE-berals LOVE elements of Keynsian economics and they think massive immigration will facilitate that implementation!!!!!!!!!

John Maynard Keynes pointed out that running govt deficits is not necessarily a bad thing- IF society gets some true benefit from it such as new public transit, better roads, expanded trade and modern sea ports etc AND if the new benefits enable the deficit to get paid off swiftly thanks to newly generated revenue streams from the new innovations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keynes was born in late 19th century at a time of very rapid industrialization thanks to technical innovation which is not happening now!!!!!!!!

Your new cell phone is a technical marvel but it is not producing the same long term economic benefit as the switch from animal power- meaning horses- over to steam engines and then gas and diesel and nuclear power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That 19th and early 20th century technical change produced very marked improvements in worker productivity- enabling fewer people to produce MORE and thus expanding the economy and creating new revenue streams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Power mad LIE-berals seeking to buy as many votes as possible so they can cling to power at any price have decided to completely PERVERT KEYNSIAN DOCTRINE and are now trying to "grow" our economy by bringing in hordes of illegals who have no hope of making meaningful contributions to our economy due to their lack of education and language skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Idiot LIE-berals make NO DISTINCTION between the development of new machinery that can produce food, clothing or other consumer goods more cheaply!!!!!!!!!!!

Compared to the LIE-beral hiring of masses of poverty pimps to offer half assed care to the economically helpless illegals who are dependent on our charity!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vast govt charity programs DO NOT generate new revenue streams- they CONSUME OLD REVENUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we are ALREADY CRIPPLED WITH LIE-BERAL DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Nor does it interest LIE-berals that Keynes spoke of growing the economy by paying successful workers more cash as a result of their greater skill and productivity- while LIE-berals ONLY think of "growing" the economy by paying more gravy to Hogs- whose productivity and utility to society are often DISMAL AT BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As an example one has only to think of the civil service Hog union that supplies workers for Veterans Affairs offices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the Cdn forces finished up and came back from Afghanistan- the Harper govt closed some local veterans affairs offices as they were deemed not needed since no more maimed Cdns were coming home seeking aid! Harper also laid off some of the union workers and replaced them with NON union employees they only needed to deal with ongoing care of existing patients rather than devising innovative treatment for new patients!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the union head went berserk and posted a serious rant on Craigslist - DEMANDING that the closed offices be re-opened and that union staff be hired immediately and all the non union staff be FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The union plan for Veterans Affairs certainly puts more money into the pockets of SOME Cdns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But IT DOES NOT grow the economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor does it produce any new revenue stream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Hog union plan CONSUMES existing revenue streams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is one thing to pay a worker more who has figured out a way to increase the production of Widgets from 10 per hour to 15 while avoiding a price increase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is quite another thing to CLAIM to have "grown" the economy by giving Hogs a pay raise because you need to BUY their votes!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are issuing VAST PILES OF FAKE NEWS about our economy and about their FAILED POLICIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

PITY our poor stupid LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are running out of FAKE NEWS and are not smart enough to make a fresh batch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider the kind of people that LIE-berals think will make good Cdns- and then recall that LIE-berals have been blind to the problems their own FAILED policy crap has been building for decades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals believe the solution to all their problems IS MORE DEBT- but they cannot even handle the current debt load!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a cautionary tale for those Cdn`s who foolishly think they can sleep snug in their beds while LIE-berals stand on guard for us-and tinker with our immigration laws. And is it not sad that the LIE-beral party has no response to any of this-except to sneer and ignore! The facts were put before the courts in 2010:

A Montreal man was found to have been collecting Quebec govt welfare cheques for almost 20 years-starting around 1990-collecting welfare for 2 decades as he traveled repeatedly across Europe to meet up with 6 men who have been killed during terror acts, or arrested and convicted of terror or been linked to global terror activities. The facts and allegations were made by Csis and RCMP in May 2010.

And wasn’t Mike Harris trying to STOP crap like this when he was premier? But was stymied by civil service Hogs who DEMAND gravy and by LIE-berals who cannot get elected without the Hog votes they buy at such great cost-for us!

Court documents show Mohamed Omary has been jobless and unemployed since his arrival in Montreal from Morocco in the early 1990`s-yet he found the cash to visit Europe repeatedly between 1993 and 1999-criss-crossing the continent to meet up with a list of Islamic terror Jihadists.

Omary-a father of FOUR-denies any involvement with terrorists-and has never been charged with any offense-not even welfare fraud! Though his brother WAS KICKED OUT of Canada on national security grounds.

During the time period 1990-2000, Omary joined a Longueuil area shooting club and learned to handle guns. He later learned how to handle AK 47 assault rifles while in Bosnia allegedly as “humanitarian worker” according to Cdn govt.

Omary`s house was searched by police in 1999 at the request of French authorities. He made visits to various countries through out Europe-staying for at least a month each time-with stays at the better hotels-including one 4 star place-no flea bag places for him! Nor cheap take out either-he ate WELL in his travels!

In 2009, Omary was arrested by Moroccan authorities at the Casablanca airport. He holds dual citizenship in both Canada and Morocco and his Cdn passport was taken from him. Omary is now suing the Cdn govt, Csis and RCMP for preventing him from coming back to Montreal for 2 years. He is suing for loss of liberty, stress and pain from family separation. In addition he is making a laugh out loud claim for LOST WAGES! One must assume he wants to be repaid all the welfare cheques he missed out on while detained in Morocco? And he claims the stress has aggravated his heart condition-you just have to love that free health care to go with the welfare!

In the 1990`s, Quebec news reporters linked Omary to an Islamic sleeper cell based in Montreal.

Sadly, its not the first time Cdn charity has been abused! Those who have seen the movie “Black Hawk Down” will remember the early scene where trucks carry sacks of grain into a Somali refugee camp. People rush the trucks and a clown with a heavy .50 calibre machine gun fires a burst and kills several people-the bodies mangled by the heavy calibre bullets. The mob freezes in terror and a thug with a bullhorn announces: “this is the food of Mohamed Farrah Aideed, and he gives it to you”! The camera pans in as people rush forward again and begin grabbing sacks of grain with assorted labels: product of Canada, product of USA, donated by United Nations, donated by Red Cross etc....Aideed has stolen this food for his own purposes-and laughs at western foolishness.

In 1990`s Somalia was not a safe place-which is why the Wife of Mohamad Farah Aideed immigrated to Ontari-owe-as a refugee naturally- and set up house keeping with roughly 10 kids. Its so hard to tell how many she really has as her hubby has a number of wives-none of our business who they are-and he has a pile of kids-we don’t need to know which kids belong to mothers actually LIVING in Canada either-its ONLY our business to PAY for them!

Former premier Mike Harris made efforts to stop welfare payments to Wife Farah Aideed and others of her type such as accused Tamil Tigers- since she so often flew back to Somalia to take part in govt ceremonies with her hubby-but naturally Hogs and LIE-berals felt Harris was picking on that poor refugee woman-just because her hubby happens to be a notorious warlord and sponsor of gangs of Somali PIRATES attacking western ships in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf!

Were we not-and are we not STILL spending OUR tax money to send warships to patrol those pirate infested seas? Anybody remember that classic old news film of a Cdn helicopter crew pushing aside a machine gun so they can unfurl a warning sign at a boat load of pirates? With the sign saying something like: “go home or we will arrest you”! No wonder Muslims don’t respect us and think we are the sucker nation of the world!

And isn`t it nice that our prime minster-that brainless Boy Justin has just restored funding to several Arab agencies with ties to terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah-so much for logic and fair and even handed dealing in volatile Middle East! Our brainless Boy apparently thinks he can save us from terror by BUYING PROTECTION!

But then Our brainless Boy is on record stating “a Cdn is a Cdn” and has just GIVEN BACK citizenship to the leader of the Toronto 18-that gang of Muslim thugs who wanted blow up Toronto stock exchange, machine gun parliament and behead the prime minister. What does a CONVICTED terrorist offer to Canada? Other than another chance for LIE-berals to BUY more Muslim votes?

Our brainless Boy has earmarked 35 million dollars for an anti Jihadist watch dog to persuade Muslims living in Canada not to hurt us. I am guessing the LIE-beral anti jihad message goes something like this: “why bother traveling to other lands to fight when you can stay here all warm and cozy in Canada and use your vote HERE to ensure that Canada finds it fate-as a MUSLIM NATION-within the coming world wide caliphate! All you have to do is keep voting LIE-beral and it shall come to pass-Cdns will eventually yield to and accept the one perfect system given by Allah-the system of Sharia Law!

LIE-berals and Muslims are like rust and like bank interest rates-they NEVER SLEEP and never let up-they just keep on eating away till there is nothing left. You can buy a new car but not a new country! Thank you LIE-berals for this social ROT you have inflicted upon us simply so you can buy votes and cling to power!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Illegal crossings did not in fact drop off in 2018, new year-end numbers reveal

What is happening in Canada, said Dumas, falls in line with the great migration of refugees and asylum seekers that have been flowing into Europe for the past few years,” a story in the Cornwall Standard Freeholder explained. Then a direct quote from Dumas: “Canada is no longer protected from this reality.

The new data also shows it’s a fairly constant stream. The new normal. Welcome to Canada.

That's what I've been saying


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Illegal crossings did not in fact drop off in 2018, new year-end numbers reveal

What is happening in Canada, said Dumas, falls in line with the great migration of refugees and asylum seekers that have been flowing into Europe for the past few years,” a story in the Cornwall Standard Freeholder explained. Then a direct quote from Dumas: “Canada is no longer protected from this reality.

The new data also shows it’s a fairly constant stream. The new normal. Welcome to Canada.

That's what I've been saying
George won’t like this .


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
George won’t like this .

And is it not remarkable what a pack of FACILE LIARS our LIE-beral politicians and LIE-beral loving news media are???????????????

They have been trying to tell us all through 2018 that things are under control and that illegal numbers are dropping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND OF COURSE the numbers would drop IF LIE-berals started storing the illegals in old army barracks in Trenton or Borden or maybe in North West Territories some place undtil such time as THEY CAN BE DEPORTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Australians see nothing wrong with storing illegals at old missile bases in The Outback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you encourage them- they will come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals PRETEND OTHERWISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While LIE-berals WASTE our old age savings and health care cash on their illegal PETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
From the "ben dere, done dat, goth the tee shirt to prove it" file:

Germany offers asylum seekers up to €1,200 each to voluntarily return to their home countries
Government budgets €40m for programme amid huge backlog in asylum claims

Well, git the f*k out of here!

(btw, dats 3333.33 outigrants for those of you who teach in the high school math deportment. )