Trickle of Illegal Immigrants into Canada Could Become Deluge in the Spring


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
When Europeans invaded the continent?

Poor STUPID CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was DICTATOR Napoleon in about 1804 that invaded Egypt- and it was a British fleet that chased the French back out again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the time Egypt was nominally a province of the Ottoman Empire- but the Khedive- the Egyptian king- was basically IGNORING orders from Istanbul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Khedive started doing deals with Britain that would enhance his power and extend Egyptian sovereignty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the British pressured the Khedive to end slavery in Egypt- with fair success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To the south of Egypt is the Sudan- which WAS then an Egyptian province- but the Sudanese leaders were basically IGNORING orders from Cairo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Ottoman Empire was rotting from within thanks to the corruption of its leaders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the 1870`s The Mahdi- The Expected One appeared and led a jihad against the hated Egyptian TAX COLLECTORS and against the British anti slavery movement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slavery was NEVER FULLY ERASED in Sudan because the local people refused to forego the pleasure of owning slaves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course once Sudan was freed of British and Egyptian occupation- they went right back to establishing slave markets that STILL EXIST TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes- have you not heard that in BOTH SUDAN and LIBYA- SLAVES ARE STILL OFFERED FOR SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But there is a NEW TWIST to the old business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slaves are no longer bought merely for their labour- now they can be bought AS ORGAN DONERS by wealthy Muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any detailed examination of life in Sudan indicates that it is the PEST HOLE OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALLAH help any woman who has the misfortune to be born there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During the time of The Mahdi- when Islam was supposed to be enjoying a Renaissance - Sharia Law was routinely distorted and ignored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Prophet Muhammed tells us a Muslim may have as many as FOUR WIVES and NO MORE THAN THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet in the 1880`s a good Muslim might have as many as 40 wives - by just collecting them in groups of FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Getting tired of a wife was NO PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just say 3 times the magic words "I divorce you" and she is no longer your responsibility!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course if she has pleased you well in the past or retains the good looks that attracted you to her- then she has VALUE and may be passed on as a gift to some other man to be "married" for a time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With the woman WELL ADVISED to accept her status as sexual gift to another man since the alternatives were NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A demure willingness to serve men in ANY WAY was the road to slightly better treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or if she had become old or ill humoured then she could be SOLD TO A BROTHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or -if she had really offended her hubby then she could be beaten and turned out on the street alone to sell herself and survive as best she could!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Quran tells us that Allah favours the compassionate and the merciful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But apparently Muslims DO NOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because it is western "imperialists" who worked hardest and longest to establish HONEST COURTS and un-bribable judges in third world pest holes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it is the WEST that has done most to end slavery and extend civil rights across the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
So that's how you got that fancy basement you live in.

Well, RIP to everybody's dead moms.

Even yours George.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
She died more that two decades ago, so I really can't say, pigs.

POOR stupid LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are trying SO VERY HARD to distract us from their COLLAPSING political platform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just look at the hypocrisy of our just fired Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Reybold as described in the following article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article reminding us of the racist garbage that LIE-berals are promoting in hope of buying native votes! With some coments of my own in brackets):

Wilson-Raybould, and the prosecution of her people

By Mark Bonokoski, Postmedia Network

First posted: Saturday, August 20, 2016 06:17 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, August 20, 2016 06:26 PM EDT

OTTAWA — In a recent speech to the Canadian Bar Association, Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, herself First Nations, talked of how the over-representation of indigenous people in the court system was “totally unacceptable.”

Her facts are inarguable. Despite making up only 4.4% of Canada’s population, our country’s indigenous people represent 25% of the inmates in our federal prisons.

But here’s the question. How many indigenous people did Wilson-Raybould herself put behind bars when she was a Crown prosecutor in Vancouver’s notorious Downtown Eastside, a notably seamy area rife with crime, drug addiction, alcoholism and indigenous despair?

(The ugly nature of HYPOCRISY is lost on LIE-berals! Nor do they want to discuss WHY natives are so often incarcerated because the truth might lose them voter support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Wilson-Raybould spent four years in Vancouver’s Main Street criminal courthouse after being called to the bar in 2000, meaning she was working the Crown’s office at the same time as pig-farming serial killer Robert Pickton was first arrested in 2002 and charged with the murder of scores of women, many of them indigenous sex-trade workers who trolled the Downtown Eastside.

So she was there during a period of time when the Downtown Eastside was at its most volatile, and social workers and activist groups were raising red flags and demanding assistance in coping with the social collapse of a neighbourhood too long in the news.

Wilson-Raybould actually alluded to her time as a Crown prosecutor in her speech to the lawyers’ association,

“I often saw young indigenous men in the courtroom who were charged with non-violent property crimes,” she said. “Far too often these men got caught in a vicious cycle within the system that led them to spending more time behind bars than in their communities.”

(One little detail that LIE-berals IGNORE is that when natives are given a choice between paying a fine or jail time- they very frequently chose jail- which is the exact opposite of the chose made by a white man in the same situation!)

(This fact of preferring jail to fines was supplied to us by Bonokowski in his article of about 15 years back! Natives do not fear jail as whites do because they have so many friends and relatives in there already to watch their back and show them the ropes and etc!!!!!)

So, what did Wilson-Raybould do about this during her time as a prosecutor in likely the most notorious judicial precinct in the entire country?

She was then Jody Wilson, yet to marry public policy consultant Tim Raybould, but daughter of Bill Wilson, arguably one of British Columbia’s more influential Native leaders.

Did she refuse, for example, to prosecute indigenous offenders because of the extenuating circumstances of entrenched intergenerational trauma that eventually led to the launching the Truth and Reconciliation Commission?

(The general Cdn view is that trauma may be a reason to limit the severity of a punishment- but trauma does not excuse drunken violence and mayhem! In London Ont. A native drunk driver who killed several people attempted to excuse the carnage by reminding the court of the trauma he endured! But Cdns do not believe YOUR PAIN entitles you to inflict it on others!)

Did she drop charges, reduce the Crown’s sentencing recommendations, or publicly advocate for the change she now seems to be so avidly seeking?

If she did, she failed to garner any headlines.

(LIE-beral bait and switch is the order of the day- in exchange for votes! And besides- she is a LAWYER- a HIRED MOUTH paid to argue whatever position is required at the time! Morals and values ARE NOT REQUIRED of a lawyer!!!!!!!)

In fact, an archival search of Vancouver newspapers during the period Wilson-Raybould was a Crown prosecutor in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside fails to come up with a single newspaper story bearing her name in that role.

In her speech last week, Wilson-Raybould rhymed off a litany of statistics — indigenous inmate populations growing by 50% over the last 10 years, indigenous women now representing 37% of women in prison serving sentences of more than two years, and incarceration rates for indigenous people 33% higher than the rest of the population.

(And how much of that increase in native crime is the DIRECT RESULT of endless LIE-beral excuses for native criminals in exchange for VOTES? LIE-berals are promoting the loathsome idea that native criminals are ENTITLED to lash out due to trauma!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

She called this “shocking.” But why would Wilson-Raybould be shocked? Year in and year out, Corrections Ombudsman Howard Sapers has been decrying these numbers.

Is Wilson-Raybould that out of touch with her people that she is only now finding these statistics “shocking”?

(We should ask if one reason for the crime wave is because of the wave of corruption overtaking reserves? If you cannot even get clean water - while listening to the latest news of band councils miss - using govt gravy then what faith will you have in the system? If the entire Indian Affairs Dept is appearing to be a LIE-beral propaganda machine that does NOTHING USEFUL for natives then what social options will you see or work towards? )

Our justice minister did not stay in the criminal courtroom environment for long. By 2004, she was elected to the B.C. Treaty Commission and never looked back, later being elected chief of the B.C. Assembly of First Nations.

When she gives her next speech, however, it would be good to hear Wilson-Raybould’s story of her four years as a criminal prosecutor where a vast number of defendants in the prisoners’ dock were undoubtedly First Nations.

She told lawyers in that speech to the bar association that she was “committed to being a champion” for the marginalized segments of that population and how she will fight for “off ramps to the justice system” to lessen their incarceration rate.

But did she practice what she now preaches when she was the prosecutor in the courtroom? This is the question that is still answered.

(Oh but what she preached then is not required to match what she preaches NOW! For LIE-berals every new day equals a new beginning and a new set of stories designed to make LIE-berals MORE APPEALING and easier to elect! LIE-berals are always SHOCKED when disgruntled voters parrot back stupid LIE-beral comments from days past!! LIE-berals forget so EASILY so why will voters not do the same???????????/)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

BTW, Ever heard of the Underground Railroad?

So the country who went war for the right to enslave people you consider a friend, albeit historically. Well like I've always said, Democrats and Libs have always been racist.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Canada to welcome hundreds of refugees from Libya


Well.............................on the plus side they were all being held as SLAVES and so will not have much loyalty to the old country?????

It is hard to imagine former slaves planting bombs to maim and kill the people who rescued them?????????????????????????

So this latest batch of LIE-beral selected immigrants are superior to the usual LIE-beral choices????????????????????????????

The DOWN SIDE of course is that these ex- slaves are even less likely to be able to survive in Canada without getting massive govt aid for a LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Joe Schlesinger passes away at 90.

Arrived in Canada as a refugee.

The death of one man diminishes us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But is it not a stark illustration of the change in the type and kind of refugees LIE-berals are finding for us???????????????

Schlesinger was a refugee who made a fine reputation as a journalist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And is he not a STARK CONTRAST to Omar Khadr who has made an UGLY REPUTATION as a BOMB MAKER?????????????

Or Iranian born LIE-beral Maryam Monseff who insulted all Cdns and cursed and reviled our democracy IN OUR PARLIAMENT because other MP`s INSISTED that Canada must have a referendum before adopting electoral reform- also known in some circles as the LIE-beral VOTE RIGGING PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or Carribean born Hedy Fry who insulted all Cdns with her racist comments and screeching accusations in parliament that "CROSSES ARE BURNING AS WE SPEAK" - as if anybody who disagreed with her must be some sort of Grand Dragon of the KKK- for which she was later compelled to apologize !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or Muslim LIE-beral MP Iqra Khalid- who has insulted all Cdns with her talk of Islamophobia among allegedly bigoted Cdns while ignoring the growing body count from Islamic terror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If we Cdns are such racists then how did these LIE-berals get elected in the first place???????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Asylum-seekers fleeing the US for Canada are figuring out how to do it by watching YouTube videos and scanning social media


You ARE a Russian troll!

You fit the M.O. to a tee ...


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

And Curious cdn is a LIE-beral HYPOCRITE who is getting annoyed because he is running out of Fake News with which to defend his LIE-beral overlords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LIE-berals are now SETTING RECORDS for breaches of ethics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One has only to recall the Bill Morneau MESS withb his sale of stocks just before LIE-beral legistaltion REDUCED the value of the stocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or we could talk of how AT LEAST SIX OTHER LIE-berals are using the same NON SHIELD- that breaches Cdn ethics- as Morneau did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or we could talk of how Morneau conveniently forgot to declare ownership of a chateau in France on his tax forms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article illustrating the hypocrisy of LIE-berals generally and of Our idiot Boy Justin specifically. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau oblivious to his perceived conflict of interest

By Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun. First posted: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 06:12 PM EST | Updated: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 06:19 PM EST

It’s now obvious from the reporting of my Postmedia colleague David Akin that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau placed himself into a perceived conflict of interest by his actions during the Christmas, new year break.

(By first trying to hide where he went and then trying to lie about the cost of his trip to the private island of billionaire pal Aga Khan- the guy who just happens to get millions in Cdn govt grants for various little known reasons. It is clear Our idiot Boy Justin understood that ordinary Cdns would not like the optics- which is why he tried to hide it all! And apparently he thought his lies were clever enough to TRICK US TOO! OOPSIE!)

I’m not saying he committed a crime or broke whatever rules the Liberal party has on avoiding conflict of interest. I’m saying any reasonable person looking at the facts would be concerned about a potential conflict of interest. Here’s why.

First, Trudeau tried to keep his holiday stay at the Aga Khan’s luxurious private island in the Bahamas with his family and other Liberals a secret from the public, his staff arguing he was entitled to private vacation time.

(Why try to hide it if he is doing nothing wrong?)

But there was a public context to Trudeau’s so-called private vacation.

The Aga Khan, a billionaire religious leader and long time friend of the Trudeau family, is the founder and chairman of the Aga Khan Development Foundation, to which the Trudeau government recently gave $55 million of taxpayers’ money over five years to improve maternal and child health in Afghanistan.

(OH-Our idiot Boy is hiding his conflict of interest! That WILL help his image? And Aga Khan has a known interest in promoting social acceptance of Muslim values-a tie in to LIE-beral govt immigration policy- which most Cdns are increasingly nervous about thanks to Muslim terror!)

Overall, the foundation has received $310 million in foreign aid from Liberal and Conservative governments for 16 projects going back to 2004, indicating a long-standing, ongoing relationship between the foundation and the government.

Here’s the problem. The awarding of such grants to the Aga Khan foundation would obviously involve decisions and recommendations made by public servants, who are supposed to be non-partisan in assessing such requests for financial support. This weighed against all other similar organizations lobbying the federal government for foreign aid.

So the question arises, would they be influenced to unduly favour the Aga Khan foundation going forward, knowing the prime minister, his family and other Liberals had vacationed as the guests of its founder and chairman on his private island in the Bahamas?

(Since Our idiot boy thinks he IS THE NATION he obviously sees nothing wrong with meddling like this? He IS the prime minister of course but hey- if he was being honest should he not have opened up to the public? He would have been in a panty ripping rage if a Conservative had hidden such activities! But that is a LIE-beral for you- they are always saints even when they are not!)

While Trudeau’s intention was to keep his vacation a secret from the public, it defies logic and reason to believe that, had he succeeded, word of his vacation would not have travelled extensively throughout Liberal political circles and the Liberal federal government.

Too many people knew about it to suggest otherwise, including the prime minister’s staff and his Liberal friends who accompanied him and his family on their vacation.

It is thus reasonable to be concerned that this information would have become known inside the public service, including those civil servants involved with assessing and recommending whether requests for foreign aid from the Aga Khan foundation should be approved.

It is also reasonable to assume this knowledge might pressure those civil servants into being less objective about the awarding of money to this foundation than they otherwise would have been.

Even if this didn’t happen, Trudeau’s holiday stay with the Aga Khan created a situation where it might happen and was thus completely inappropriate.

One would have hoped Trudeau, aware his family’s friendship with the Aga Khan was publicly known, would have realized this already created a situation where civil servants could potentially be influenced by that knowledge in considering future applications for funding from his foundation.

(Sadly- his is ALL part of he long standing Trudope family effort to destroy what papa Pierre referred to as “Cdn Imperialism”! And why not expect something les than candor from a family that would congratulate Chinese dictator Mao for his genius in rushing 30 million people to he gallows” simply to cement his hold on power- as Pierre exclaimed! Or Our idiot Boy Justin telling us “he admires the way Chinese Communist leaders ge things done”! Or idiot brother Sacha telling us that Cuban dictator Castro was the greatest South American leader of the twentieth century and vastly superior to any elected leader”! The Trudope clan is NOT one to turn to for a defense of democracy or capitalism!)

In that context, Trudeau should have scrupulously avoided anything -- particularly staying as Khan’s guest with his family and Liberal friends on his private Bahamas island -- that would have emphasized his close relationship with Khan.

Apparently this never occurred to Trudeau, or it did, which is why he wanted to keep the trip a secret.

Either way, the PM’s actions were alarming and wrong.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Swilledthebeer is working for some overlord or other. If it's the Conservatives, they shouldn't pay the next invoice.