The Russo-Japanese War was in 1904...........the Japanese were allies of both the United States and Russia (until the Russians withdrew) in the First World War, from 1914 to 1918. Yep, they were on our side.
Japanese militarism and expansionism in the Pacific were of course a concern of the United States, as were Japan's actions in China.
The UNITED STATES was attacked, in case you didn't notice.
The dropping of the nuclear bombs on Japan SAVED an estimated one MILLION allied lives (estimated casualties of the invasion of Japan), and thus several million Japanese lives that would have been lost if the war had gone on.
There were only a couple of bombs ready in August 1945, with months required to build new ones.
A demonstration was therefore not possible.
In addition, a demonstration would not have forced a Japanese surrender.......the "demonstration" on Hiroshima didn't force them to surrender, they required a booster shot.
THINK before you indulge in revisionist history.
What compels you to champion murder war mayhem and death Colpy?
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.