This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS thateachpartyuses(Goober's The OP)


Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
- "The Newsroom" is NOT a source of news but rather a fictional television show written by the usual liberal lefties of Hollyweird and starring uber-liberal actor Jeff Daniels.

- Anyone who cites The Newsroom's fictional editorial views as a credible source of editorial opinion is either a blithering idiot or a hard left wingnut or a combination of the two.

- And the fictional editorial delivered by Daniels equating the Tea Party movement to restore fiscal sanity and constitutionality to American government with the Taliban who, among other things, execute people for dancing and singing and women for going to school is pure codswallop, even worse than an earlier piece of crap by that show's lefty writers which damned America and showed a real flair for self loathing and inaccuracies.

- What is it about some leties, exspecially the young ones, that they are so lazy and gullible these days they actually cite fictional TV shows like this one and the Daley Show and other dreary left wing drivel as authoritative news and opinion sources?


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Re: US Election- Lies - Spin and BS

May I request including the media on this? Any and all media too.

If not, I'll delete this and start another thread.

Because, just today, the same bias-spinning anchor was at it again..because naturally, Romney has an evil lair in the Caymans. Caymans bad.

Brian Ross Does It Again

ABC Reporter Who Botched Shooter Identity MisIdentifies Yacht Flag

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff

August 29, 2012 1:13 pm

ABC News reported Wednesday that a group of Romney donors gathered on a yacht flying the Cayman flag.

One problem: The flag is not the flag of the Cayman Islands. It is the flag of Bermuda.

Among the three reporters bylined on the story is Brian Ross, who suggested on live television that the James Holmes who murdered a dozen moviegoers in July could be a Tea Party member named Jim Holmes. Ross later apologized.

Update 1:31 p.m.: According to Charter World, the yacht is officially registered in the Caymans; its home port is in Fort Lauderdale.

ABC reports the flag the yacht is flying is the Cayman flag; the flag is the Bermudan flag, however. It is unclear why the yacht is flying a Bermudan flag.



Also re-reported at Daily Kos:

A Cayman Islands-flagged yacht, Mitt? Really?

Daily Kos: Romney holds donor party on Cayman Islands-registered yacht

Oh, well, I guess Romney must be a good guy.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
You need to borrow some purple ink?

I ran out- Used it all up with EAO. Can ya spare a Vet some spare ink................

- "The Newsroom" is NOT a source of news but rather a fictional television show written by the usual liberal lefties of Hollyweird and starring uber-liberal actor Jeff Daniels.

- Anyone who cites The Newsroom's fictional editorial views as a credible source of editorial opinion is either a blithering idiot or a hard left wingnut or a combination of the two.

- And the fictional editorial delivered by Daniels equating the Tea Party movement to restore fiscal sanity and constitutionality to American government with the Taliban who, among other things, execute people for dancing and singing and women for going to school is pure codswallop, even worse than an earlier piece of crap by that show's lefty writers which damned America and showed a real flair for self loathing and inaccuracies.

- What is it about some leties, exspecially the young ones, that they are so lazy and gullible these days they actually cite fictional TV shows like this one and the Daley Show and other dreary left wing drivel as authoritative news and opinion sources?

No humour- No one is allowed to laugh or even have chuckles that are made in a negative way to the New Government Party- Camps will be opening soon for those that offend the NGPIP- New Governing Party In Perpetuity. No, not those fun camps- the other ones.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
- "The Newsroom" is NOT a source of news but rather a fictional television show written by the usual liberal lefties of Hollyweird and starring uber-liberal actor Jeff Daniels.

- Anyone who cites The Newsroom's fictional editorial views as a credible source of editorial opinion is either a blithering idiot or a hard left wingnut or a combination of the two.

- And the fictional editorial delivered by Daniels equating the Tea Party movement to restore fiscal sanity and constitutionality to American government with the Taliban who, among other things, execute people for dancing and singing and women for going to school is pure codswallop, even worse than an earlier piece of crap by that show's lefty writers which damned America and showed a real flair for self loathing and inaccuracies.

- What is it about some leties, exspecially the young ones, that they are so lazy and gullible these days they actually cite fictional TV shows like this one and the Daley Show and other dreary left wing drivel as authoritative news and opinion sources?

Why not. Junior managed to start a war using fictional information. SOmething about weapons of mass destruction that never existed except in his mind. Or perhaps it was caused by the paranoia brought on by snorting too much coke in his younger days.

The "News room" is about as good a source as Faux news anyway.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Re: US Election- Lies - Spin and BS

Oh, well, I guess Romney must be a good guy.

None of us know what kind of guy any of these arseholes are.

The bigger problem is how the media (usually left-leaning) rushes to sway the way the public is suppose to view them. Because they said so or implied so. Because some partisan news editor told a talking head (usually biased as well) how to structure a story. Because these pricks consider themselves our moral and intellectual superiors.

That sort of manipulation is worse than the constant lies these politicos hurl about each and every day.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Here we go again, people arguing about a bad joke, instead of what is really important.
Personally I don't think Romney doesn't care about Black People, he doesn't care about
the middle class or those below that on the totem pole of life.
If he cared he would invest in America not China. He would keep hi money in America
not in off shore banks and if he cared he would pay his fair share of taxes and be proud
to release how much that was. In addition he is big on charity of course he is its great
for tax deductions and lowers his tax rate even more.
On the other hand it was a bad joke, and not acceptable by any standard. It actually
reminds me of the appearance by George Bush at a news conference outdoors and he
is heard to call a specific newsman an ass*ole that was not acceptable either.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
After being slammed by Romney for "Obamacare":

Campaigning his way toward the Democratic National Convention, President Barack Obama slapped a "Romney doesn't care" label on his rival's health-care views Sunday and said Republicans want to repeal new protections for millions without offering a plan of their own.

I love it, the Romneydoesn'tcare plan.

This election is going to be fun to watch.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
via sda

The Tolerant Left

Actor Jason Biggs is very unhappy with everyone who disagrees with him politically and has decided to repeatedly lash out against them publicly with some overt sexual fantasies. He also happens to provide the voice for a character in a children's cartoon. Michelle Malkin's has more.

‘American Pie’ Actor Attacks Ann Romney, Janna Ryan in Graphic Sexually Charged Tweets

Editor’s note: The following story contains graphic language and will be inappropriate to many readers.
The actor whose claim to fame was sticking his reproductive organ into an apple pie proved Thursday night that he can be just as crude and offensive in real life.

Following up on a pair of repulsive tweets about sexually violating vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s wife, Janna, that he sent out on Wednesday, Jason Biggs decided to attack Christians, Paul Ryan, Ann Romney, Clint Eastwood, Janna Ryan (again) and offend nearly everyone else who read the string of new tweets the actor posted late Thursday as the Republican National Convention aired on national television.

But let’s start from the beginning. Biggs on Wednesday tweeted this, which was deleted literally as TheBlaze was writing this story:
I‘d totes dip a pinky or two in Paul Ryan’s wife’s bleached asshole (she obvs bleaches her asshole). #RNC
— Jason Biggs (@JasonBiggs) August 30, 2012
And followed up with a Paul Ryan masturbation joke:
I bet there’s footage somewhere of Paul Ryan jerking off to a close-up photo of his widow’s peak. #RNC
— Jason Biggs (@JasonBiggs) August 30, 2012

more quality stuff about this genius and his little tweeting digit:

American Pie Actor Jason Biggs Attacks Ann Romney, Janna Ryan in Sexually Charged Tweets |



Time Out
Mar 30, 2012
- L ... This disgusting meltdown by a Hollyweird liberal is merely further corroboration for the view that while the new fascists abroad in terms of intolerant and extreme and aggressive and hurtful responses to any dissent and diversity are the Islamists, here in North America the new fascists are the radical left wing whackjobs who, among other unfortunate things, managed to get management traineee Obama the Democratic nomination over the much better qualified and more moderate Hillary Clinton.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
- L ... This disgusting meltdown by a Hollyweird liberal is merely further corroboration for the view that while the new fascists abroad in terms of intolerant and extreme and aggressive and hurtful responses to any dissent and diversity are the Islamists, here in North America the new fascists are the radical left wing whackjobs who, among other unfortunate things, managed to get management traineee Obama the Democratic nomination over the much better qualified and more moderate Hillary Clinton.

Care to discuss R&R foreign Policy- We can start with Afghanistan, China, Russia still the biggest threat according to Mitt.

Or Taxes- increases- cuts to programs- they would be all on the table.

As to whack jobs- Both parties have them. You just fail to admit it- God Forbid the Republicans have any whackos. Oh my, another topic to discuss. We can all make a list of whackos in both parties.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Democrats To Bus In Blacks, College Students To Help Fill Stadium For Obama’s DNC Speech…

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – College students from across North Carolina will arrive in Charlotte by the busload. Same with members of predominantly black churches in neighboring South Carolina.

Their goal: help fill a 74,000-seat outdoor stadium to capacity when President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination Thursday night.

Anything short of a full house on the final night of the Democratic Party's national convention will be instant fodder for Republicans eager to use empty seats as symbols of waning voter enthusiasm for Obama.

Democrats have been fretting for months over whether the president can draw a capacity crowd at Bank of America Stadium. Polls show voter enthusiasm is down, as are Obama's crowds for his battleground state campaign rallies.

more sleight of hand

Dems bring in crowds by the busload to fill stadium for Obama speech | Fox News

h/t Weasel Zippers


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Democrats To Bus In Blacks, College Students To Help Fill Stadium For Obama’s DNC Speech…

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – College students from across North Carolina will arrive in Charlotte by the busload. Same with members of predominantly black churches in neighboring South Carolina.

Their goal: help fill a 74,000-seat outdoor stadium to capacity when President Obama accepts the Democratic nomination Thursday night.

Anything short of a full house on the final night of the Democratic Party's national convention will be instant fodder for Republicans eager to use empty seats as symbols of waning voter enthusiasm for Obama.

Democrats have been fretting for months over whether the president can draw a capacity crowd at Bank of America Stadium. Polls show voter enthusiasm is down, as are Obama's crowds for his battleground state campaign rallies.

more sleight of hand

Dems bring in crowds by the busload to fill stadium for Obama speech | Fox News

h/t Weasel Zippers
The student- youth vote was all Obama- mostly- are they voting in such high numbers this election. I think not.
Going to be a close one.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Re: US Election- Lies - Spin and BS

None of us know what kind of guy any of these arseholes are.

The bigger problem is how the media (usually left-leaning) rushes to sway the way the public is suppose to view them. Because they said so or implied so. Because some partisan news editor told a talking head (usually biased as well) how to structure a story. Because these pricks consider themselves our moral and intellectual superiors.

That sort of manipulation is worse than the constant lies these politicos hurl about each and every day.

Since the media and the politicians are both paid by the same fat purse and have engaged in nothing but rotten theatre for the past three decades that I somewhat remember I don,t think there,s too much doubt at all what these men are. They are murdering lying thieving human dung who will never be good enough to be arseholes.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Re: US Election- Lies - Spin and BS

Since the media and the politicians are both paid by the same fat purse and have engaged in nothing but rotten theatre for the past three decades that I somewhat remember I don,t think there,s too much doubt at all what these men are. They are murdering lying thieving human dung who will never be good enough to be arseholes.
What and whose purse would that be?