This thread is dedicated to the lies, spin and BS thateachpartyuses(Goober's The OP)


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Media Bias: Shaping the News That Fits [an Extreme pro-Obama Agenda]

If you're curious why Barack Obama remains so popular even when American embassies around the Muslim world are burning, watch this.

small dead animals: Media Bias: Shaping the News That Fits [an Extreme pro-Obama Agenda]

Now that's funny. 4 Fox News people unbiasedly discussing Romney's reaction to the flag burning...........

But staying with the hot topic of the week...........

let's review who is getting handouts


Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News Over Romney Video: ‘Chaos On Bullsh*t Mountain’ | Mediaite

But brutal freemarket ideas don’t apply to members of Manhattan’s genteel farmer class, even billionaires like Norman B. Champ III, who received nearly a half-million dollars in welfare payments for poor farmers, despite the fact he lives in a multimillion dollar co-op at 828 Park Avenue. From 1995 to 2006, he raked in a total of $405,807 in dairy, corn and soy subsidies via his stake in the Champ family’s dairy farm in Missouri, his home state. Handout-for-handout, even Reagan’s mythic Cadillac-driving Chicago welfare queen and her $150,000 welfare scam got nothing on Champ, who could buy a Lamborghini and still have money left over to reupholster his private jet.


The Making of Manhattan’s Elite Welfare Farmers | - New York's essential guide to culture, arts, politics, news and more


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
On September 18, the Drudge Report linked to a YouTube video of Obama speaking at an October 1998 conference at Loyola University in Chicago. Drudge used the headline "I actually believe in redistribution" under a picture of Obama, which right-wing bloggers seized on to label Obama "America's Socialist in Chief."

Even that is a cropped version of what Obama said. The end of his sentence was, "at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot."

But the extended video obtained by NBC News completely debunks the idea that Obama was in any way expressing opposition to capitalism. His next sentence is, "How do we pool resources at the same time as we decentralize delivery systems in ways that both foster competition, can work in the marketplace, and can foster innovation at the local level and can be tailored to particular communities."

He was actually talking about looking at the funding for the Chicago Housing Authority and the Chicago Public Schools and trying to figure out how to distrubute that money more effectively.


Extended 1998 Video Discredits Right-Wing Media's Portrayal Of Obama As A Socialist | Blog | Media Matters for America


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Oh this is a good one! :lol:

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

This breaking story comes straight from The Blaze.

A clip from a recent Romney/Ryan rally has recently been played over and over at MSNBC highlighting what appears to be an embarrassing moment on the campaign trail for Governor Romney. Originally aired on Wednesday's "Morning Joe," the clip shows Paul Ryan introducing Romney as the MSNBC-added text appears on the screen proclaiming that the crowd is shouting "Ryan!" Romney gets the mic and asks the crowd to say "Romney/Ryan!" Joe Scarborough covers his face and grumbles out the words, "Sweet Jesus."

Then the Blaze received a call from one of the rally attendees:

During Thursday‘s edition of TheBlaze TV’s “Pat & Stu,” one caller gives her account of the campaign rally.

“The crowd was yelling,” caller Sherry recounts, “the crowd was screaming ‘Romney! Romney!’ and Romney, being the gentleman [he is], we can‘t get in his head because he’s so stinking nice, he stopped us to add ‘Romney-Ryan.’”

I stitched together the MSNBC clip and the clip of The Blaze caller with Pat and Stu's reaction to her claim--and their reaction to the rally footage as they play it again without the MSNBC-added text. I also stitched together the original Romney/Ryan clip that I pulled from C-SPAN.

What appears to be an unpopular Romney seeking appreciation and attention from a Paul Ryan-infatuated audience is really a man who is generously deflecting attention away from himself onto his VP nominee.

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally - YouTube


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Pat Caddell: Press Has Become 'Threat to Democracy' and 'Enemy of the American People'

It sure as hell has.

"The press’s job is to stand in the ramparts and protect the liberty and freedom of all of us from a government and from organized governmental power. When they desert those ramparts and decide that they will now become active participants, that their job is not simply to tell you who you may vote for, and who you may not, but, worse—and this is the danger of the last two weeks—what truth that you may know, as an American, and what truth you are not allowed to know, they have, then, made themselves a fundamental threat to the democracy, and, in my opinion, made themselves the enemy of the American people."

So said Democratic strategist and pollster Pat Caddell at an Accuracy in Media conference earlier this month (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):


Pat Caddell: Press Has Become 'Threat to Democracy' and 'Enemy of the American People' |


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I have mentioned the very important necessity to have the western press completely purged of the various gatekeepers. I'm afraid some of our celebrity news people will have to do time in prison and I;m sure more than a few are candidates for hemp suspension. It is a very serious crime to insight crimes against humanity including war and genocide.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
WaPo Poll: OMG! Obama Up 11 Points In Swing States! Race Is Over! – Reality: 160 People Surveyed, 8-Point Margin Of Error…
(WaPo/Right Turn) — In the Washington Post-ABC News poll and the Battleground Poll, both of which show a race within the margin of error nationally and with President Obama under 50 percent, Mitt Romney supporters will find confirmation that the contest’s dynamics have changed very little, if at all, since the summer. The dramatic ups and downs in August and September seem to be a wash.

But wait, is the race still in the bag for Obama, as some would have you believe?
You’ve got to get deep into the weeds to tell what is going on. The Washington Post-ABC pollsters tell us that “52 percent of likely voters across swing states side with Obama and 41 percent with Romney in the new national poll.” But without the proper context, readers may jump to an incorrect conclusion when they see that figure, concluding that Obama is home-free in swing states. As I learned from Post pollster Jon Cohen, that finding is based on the responses of a total of 160 people, and it has a margin of error of 8 percentage points. So yes, there may be a difference between swing-state and national numbers, but the gap might be very small or it might be big.

Moreover, the swing-state votes aren’t aggregated. You need to look at each one separately. The presidential contest is a race to 270 electoral votes. So the true battleground states (sorry, that doesn’t mean Michigan or Pennsylvania) are where things will matter.

Keep reading…
WaPo Poll: OMG! Obama Up 11 Points In Swing States! Race Is Over! – Reality: 160 People Surveyed, 8-Point Margin Of Error… | Weasel Zippers


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
via Zip

MSNBC’s Harris-Perry: Elizabeth Warren “Grew Up Thinking She Was Native American” So She Is Native American…

Libs are deranged.

Via The Blaze:
MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry jumped to defend Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren’s claims that she is part Cherokee Indian Saturday on her weekend show. Perry delivered a mini-diatribe on the relativity of race, with the conclusion that all one must do is “think” they are a certain ethnicity for it to be true.
Keep reading…

MSNBC’s Harris-Perry: Elizabeth Warren “Grew Up Thinking She Was Native American” So She Is Native American… | Weasel Zippers



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012

Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan to birthers: You people are crazy;

In response to questions from TPM this week, Ryan’s office provided copies of the form letters his staff has used over the years to respond to questions about the president’s citizenship. Polite and measured if not a little dry, the letters break the bad news to the birthers in the kindest possible terms.


Paul Ryan Has News For The Birthers: He’s Not One Of Them | TPMMuckraker