The 'Official' Quit Picking On Trump Thread

Who Hates Trump the Most?

  • Dumbocrats

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Reptilicans

    Votes: 9 28.1%
  • Broads

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Canadians

    Votes: 9 28.1%

  • Total voters


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

How many posts do you think it'll be before somebody says "ya but Hillary..."?

You mean like Hillary



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Is that the same Meryl Streep who cheered a child rapist?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Hey retard! Ever heard of this thing called "context"?

Hehehe... Trumpites are so predictable. Your leader mocks the disabled. You can try to shift blame to me, Hillary, leftards, the msm, or anybody else you see fit. Nobody but other Trumpites buy it.

Your leader is an ignorant and epic piece of shyte and clearly you condone and accept his actions. Do you know what that makes you?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

You notice the Trumpites have no actual defense of their leader so they have nothing left but attacking those that wish to stand up for the disabled. How many posts do you think it'll be before somebody says "ya but Hillary..."?

Three people who valiantly defend dear leader in less than an hour and an epic reddie from ES :lol:

He's certainly got the sheep, I'll give him that.

Hehehe... Trumpites are so predictable. Your leader mocks the disabled. You can try to shift blame to me, Hillary, leftards, the msm, or anybody else you see fit. Nobody but other Trumpites buy it.

Your leader is an ignorant and epic piece of shyte and clearly you condone and accept his actions. Do you know what that makes you?

Little pieces of shyte lol


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Hehehe... Trumpites are so predictable. Your leader mocks the disabled. You can try to shift blame to me, Hillary, leftards, the msm, or anybody else you see fit. Nobody but other Trumpites buy it.

Your leader is an ignorant and epic piece of shyte and clearly you condone and accept his actions. Do you know what that makes you?

Yep I support non-PC free speech. I don't care how disabled you are if you're an a$$hole I'll say you're an a$$hole


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Yep I support non-PC free speech. I don't care how disabled you are if you're an a$$hole I'll say you're an a$$hole

I support non-PC free speech as well. Allowing epic pieces of shyte the freedom to speak is what enables us to know that Trump (as well as those that defend his speech) are epic pieces of shyte.

As a supporter of Ralph Klein, I didn't blame the media, the left, the Liberals, easterners or anybody else when Ralph mocked homeless people. I blamed Ralph. Ralph blamed himself. Ralph took responsibility. That's what honorable people do. Trumpites have no honor. As has been proven, they are epic pieces of shyte


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

You're here responding so obviously you do.

BTW, will be in Florence Thursday night. I'll PM you when I get settled.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

I watched Sherlock on PBS instead of the GGs. Terrific show, apparently didn't miss anything important or unexpected at the Golden Globes and only saw some clips of its more outrageous moments.

Very typical of Hollywood to wrap itself in self righteousness and to pontificate on morals. These stars who live lives of lavish excess, privilege and often licentiousness.. hermetically sealed with political correctness.

They are competely blind to the depradations of the political paradigm that delivered the Presidency to the Trump. To those who have watched their jobs disappear, their communities die, their children robbed of futures. These elites view them as racist discards.. those who haven't been accorded the illustrious status of 'victim' of white man's guilt anyway.

The real victims of the wretchedness of neoconservative/neoliberal agendas have watched America reduced to a sentimental, eccentric and corrupt political landscape. One that is fragmented along racial and ideolgical trenches.

It is a nation in the grip of a pervasive culture of death, infused with moral relativism, radical individualism, secular humanism.. that has spawned a climate of normalization, institutionalization, sacralization of homosexuality, abortion and the devolution of family into an absurdity.. and economically disastrous programs born of irrational environmental pseudo sciences.. all leading to deindustrialization, vast polarization of wealth and a catastrophic decline in the fertility rate to below replacement levels.

Meryl.. you conceited, self centred, little fart. You vastly overrated actress. Do you honestly believe anybody who voted for Trump gives a damn what you think. Believe me, you aren't better than anybody you so freely slander.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Hehehe... Trumpites are so predictable. Your leader mocks the disabled. You can try to shift blame to me, Hillary, leftards, the msm, or anybody else you see fit. Nobody but other Trumpites buy it.

Your leader is an ignorant and epic piece of shyte and clearly you condone and accept his actions. Do you know what that makes you?
Sniffly sniff sniffity
I know what it makes you. It makes YOU a complete f*cking idiot. I'M physically disabled as well. I don't need YOU to tell me what to be upset about, okay there little proggy? I have enough battles to fight as it is. I'll choose which ones I want to take on, not you. Besides, who the hell are you to tell me how I should feel about anything?

Fun fact 1: I'm not American so Trump is NOT my leader.
Fun fact 2: If you bothered paying attention instead of thinking you're scoring some imaginary internet points, you'd have noticed that I'm not a Trump fan. Just because I hate Hillary more does automatically make me a Trumpite, no matter how many times you tell your tiny little mind that.
Fun Fact 3: You have just amply demonstrated that you know jack sh*t about context.

The fact is, you know sweet f*ck all about me. I don't support any one party or ideology. However, given the fact that you have such an issue with the Russians "interfering in the US election" by "leaking" already leaked information while not seeming to give a damn that the US Democrats directly interfered in the sovereign electoral process of Canada speaks f*cking volumes about the kind of person you are.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Sniffly sniff sniffity
I know what it makes you. It makes YOU a complete f*cking idiot. I'M physically disabled as well. I don't need YOU to tell me what to be upset about, okay there little proggy? I have enough battles to fight as it is. I'll choose which ones I want to take on, not you. Besides, who the hell are you to tell me how I should feel about anything?

Fun fact 1: I'm not American so Trump is NOT my leader.
Fun fact 2: If you bothered paying attention instead of thinking you're scoring some imaginary internet points, you'd have noticed that I'm not a Trump fan. Just because I hate Hillary more does automatically make me a Trumpite, no matter how many times you tell your tiny little mind that.
Fun Fact 3: You have just amply demonstrated that you know jack sh*t about context.

The fact is, you know sweet f*ck all about me. I don't support any one party or ideology. However, given the fact that you have such an issue with the Russians "interfering in the US election" by "leaking" already leaked information while not seeming to give a damn that the US Democrats directly interfered in the sovereign electoral process of Canada speaks f*cking volumes about the kind of person you are.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Sorry, you can't sniff enough to get that reddie back.