The objections of the idolaters to the Prophet

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The idolaters opposed Prophet Mohammed, because they stuck to the traditions of their fathers, and they blindly followed their fathers without using their reason.
In fact, almost every apostle (or messenger) faces such opposition from the idolaters (those who associate others with God the Creator in their worship)
The idolaters demanded many impossible acts the Prophet should do, so that they might believe in God alone without associate and to leave their idols of stone.

[Some associaters among the Arab said: “Had Mohammed been any prophet, he wouldn't have married such many women; wasn’t Jesus single and he did not marry?

Moreover, had he been any prophet, he would have brought us the miracles as had Moses and Jesus brought.”

Therefore, this aya was revealed, which means:]

(Quran 13: 40. We did send [many] messengers before you [Mohammed], and appoint for them wives and offspring.
And it was never the part of any messenger to bring a miracle [of His own accord, and he could not do that] except as God permitted.
For every period was a book.

41. God [in the Quran] cancels [some statements of the Torah] as He likes, and He affirms [in the Quran, some other statements of the Torah as He likes]; with Him is the Essence of the Book.)

More explanation is in the link:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In the previous post, 2 objections of the idolaters were cited:
1- The messenger of God marrying many wives.
2- Demanding of him some objective miracles.

Both of these objections have been answered in the previous aya:
Quran 13: 40, which means:
(We did send [many] messengers a before you [Mohammed], and appoint for them wives and offspring.)

40 a They were Noah, Abraham, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Zachariah, Isaac, Jacob and many other apostles or messengers. None of them was single but only John and Jesus; then why do these associaters deny your marriage, Mohammed? Such denial is only because of their ignorance about affairs?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The other objection was that they demanded of him an objective miracle:

And the next part of the aya replied to their objection:

Quran 2: 40, which means:
(And it was never the part of any messenger to bring a miracle [of His own accord, and he could not do that] except as God permitted b.
For every period was a book.

In addition, they are ignorant about the consequences of the miracles, which they demand of you. But God is All-Knowing about the consequences of affairs and is All-Knowing about the miracle suitable to every generation, and to the messenger who brings it, and to the nation to whom he is sent, and He is All-Knowing about the book suitable to that time, and statements included in that book suitable to the time of that generation.

40 b It means: Except the miracle which God gave to him, he would bring it to his people and he could not bring anyone else.

E.g. if Pharaoh said to Moses: “I don’t accept this staff from you, which you cast on the ground to become a serpent, but I will give you another staff, which you may cast on the ground to become a serpent,” then if Moses cast it on the ground, it would not be a serpent.

As such, every prophet has his special miracle from God, which he cannot bring anyone else of his own accord, but only according to God’s permission.

Moreover, each nation has its suitable miracle, on account of the different time, languages, doctrines and knowledge acquired by that nation; so this is the meaning of (For every period was a book.)

It means: To each time is a special kind of miracles which suit that time, a book suiting that period of time, the religious statements included in that book which suited the generation of that time, and a messenger or apostle proper for that particular nation.

Therefore, the staff [of Moses] suited the time of Pharaoh, because the magic was prevalent with them, so Moses brought the staff and invalidated their magic.

The reviving of the dead suited the time of Jesus, because medicine was prevalent with them, and physicians were unable to do like to what Jesus did of healing the congenitally blind and the albino.

The Quran suited the Arab and their time, because they were fluent and eloquent in their language, so God – be glorified – said in the Quran 52: 34, which means:

(Then let them produce ‘words’ like the [Quran] if they are truthful [in their claim that Mohammed has invented it.])


Some other objections of the idolaters to Prophet Mohammed:

Quran 25: 7-10, which mean:
(7. And they say: “What sort of Messenger is this [Mohammed] that he eats food [as do we eat], and walks in the markets [to obtain his livelihood, as do we walk?]
Why has not an angel been sent down to him that he might help him about the warning?”

8. "Or [why] has not a treasure been cast to him [so that he may not be in need of working], or why has he not a garden to eat of its [fruits?]"
And the wrong-doers [: the associaters] said [to the believers]: "You are only following a man, [whom they] bewitched [and so he has become mad.]"

9. See [Mohammed] how they describe you in many ways a, and how [their words] have led them astray [from true guidance], and so they cannot find any way [to disprove your case and refute your argument.]

10. Blessed is [God] Who, if that were His will, could give you [Mohammed] better [things in the life of the World] than the [treasure and the garden, that they suggested:
[so instead of one garden, He can give you] many gardens beneath which rivers flow; and He can give you many palaces.

9 a When they said: “he is only bewitched”, and “he is in need and forsaken” and “he is possessed.”

10 b But the wealth of the Wolrd is useless, because you are not immortal, and you will go to the Next Life, which is better and more enduring.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
They demanded God Himself should come to tell them that He had sent Mohammed:

Quran 25: 21-22, which mean:
(21. Those [associaters] who look not for a meeting with Us [in the Next Life a] say:
"Why are not the angels sent down to us [to testify the apostle-hood of Mohammed
b], or [why] do we not see our Lord [to tell us that He has sent Mohammed to us c]!?"

[so God said:]
Indeed they have become proud within themselves [by saying such words], and their arrogance has exceeded all limits [in contradiction and opposition.]

[Then God – be glorified – threatened them with punishment, and said:]
22. On the day [of their death] when they will see the angels [of death seizing their souls d] – no glad news on that day be for the guilty e, and [the angels] shall say [to them]: "An arrest [and detainment for you by devils] enclosed [on you till Doomsday.f]")

21 a i.e. they do not believe in the sending, of souls to the Next Life, and in the rewarding.

21 b And then we shall believe in his apostle-hood.

21 c And then we shall believe in his apostle-hood.

22 d Who will take their souls out of their bodies.

22 e This is a parable about their affliction with the chastisement; it means: The chastisement is for the guilty, and the good news, of admission into Paradise, is for the righteous.

22 f It means: Devils will capture and imprison you till Doomsday.


The idolaters denied his apostle-hood:
Quran 13: 45, which means:
(Those who disbelieve say [to you O Mohammed]: "You are not sent [by God.]"
Say [Mohammed, to them]: "God suffices as a Witness
m between me and you,
as does [the Mahdi
n] who possesses [true] knowledge of the Scripture.")

45 m i.e. God’s testimony for me that I am sent by Him; His testimony or witness is in the Quran which is the word of God.

45 n i.e. the Mahdi, who guides people to the way of the truth, and has the knowledge of the heavenly books like: the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel and the Quran; he also will testify and give witness for me.

[The late interpreter of the Quran and the Bible added also:]
“Praise be to God Who gave to me the knowledge of the Scripture and guided me to the correct way; He is the All-Generous the Most Offering One.”

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God - be glorified - said in the Quran dispraising the Jews:

Quran 5: 80, which means:
(You [Mohammed] see many of them [: Jews] making the unbelievers their friends e. Evil is that they forwarded [to the Next Life] for their souls [by befriending with the unbelievers] f: that God is angered against them g and in the chastisement [of Hell] they shall dwell [forever h.])


80 e i.e. they ally with the pagan Arabs: the idolaters, while they oppose the Muslims who are monotheists [devoting themselves exclusively to God alone.]

80 f i.e. Because they preferred the idolaters among the Quraish tribe to the monotheists.

80 g i.e. Because of their infidelity and association with God.

80 h On Doomsday.


God - be glorified - said in the Quran dispraising the Christians who claimed Jesus is God Himself:

Quran 5: 17, which means:
(They have disbelieved, those who say: "God is [Jesus] Christ, son of Mary"; say [Mohammed to them]: "Who, then, can prevent God [from doing any harm] should He will to kill [Jesus] Christ, son of Mary and his mother and those in the earth altogether!?" a The sovereignty, of the heavens and the
b and all [the moons and the meteorites] that is between them belongs to God; He creates whatever c He likes; surely, God is All-Able to do anything d.)

17 a It means: if God wants to kill the Christ, the Christ cannot then avert the harm from himself, because he is a created one, not a creator.

17 b i.e. the planets including the earth. And He is All-Able to tear them up and disperse them in one hour.

17 c other planets and moons, .. etc.

17 d Like destroying the present solar system and substituting another solar system instead of the present one.

This is indicated by His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 14: 48, which means:

(On the day [of Doom] when the earth shall be exchanged for another earth, and the [gaseous] heavens too [shall be exchanged for other gaseous heavens]; and [all] shall come forth unto God, the One, the Subduer.)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
His Mongol hordes have taken my ancestors as slaves by the 10's of thousands it was an annual spring event so he can go f**k himself




the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
His Mongol hordes have taken my ancestors as slaves by the 10's of thousands it was an annual spring event so he can go f**k himself



Mongolia has always been a small place and never supported an Empirial sized threat, that Horde was something else nearer west/central, the Mongolians still extant had been enveloped by a Russian, more or less power up untill the imposition of the Romanovs installed by the shapers and movers, the houses, anyway certainly he can go fuk himself.

His Mongol hordes have taken my ancestors as slaves by the 10's of thousands it was an annual spring event so he can go f**k himself



You,d enjoy Fomenkos books.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Mongolia has always been a small place and never supported an Empirial sized threat, that Horde was something else nearer west/central, the Mongolians still extant had been enveloped by a Russian, more or less power up untill the imposition of the Romanovs installed by the shapers and movers, the houses, anyway certainly he can go fuk himself.

You,d enjoy Fomenkos books.

I don't know the Golden hoard which is the legacy of Genghis Khan (who pretty much destroyed the Roman Empire) formed the Ottoman Empire that wasn't too small ;)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The stone work in your ancestral region often reflects great technicle advancment and when subjected to reverse engineering indicates a somewhat more precise past, anything written in the rocks is a thousand times more reliable than convienient modern mythological situations designed to titilate the adherents. That is not to say that tradition is not a powerful thing, the truth rules in any case. As for myself I seem to have a British past, my seed escaped from a wharf in Liverpool before the second great war and the other half from Irish horse thieves. It seems hanging was in the balance. With a whole vast new continent to plunder my ancestor made a considered stratigic choice tailord to continuation as opposed to tangling from hemp.
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