The night journey of Prophet Mohammed to Heaven


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Tonight we have a discussion of some details of this marvelous journey of Prophet Mohammed - salam to him - to the Aqsa masjid at Jerusalem, the his ascension to heaven, after which he returned to his sleeping body which he left in bed.

So Gabriel came and took the soul of Mohammed out of his body, which Mohammed left sleeping in bed, and he went together with Gabriel in their spiritual journey in the world of souls; they went at first to the Aqsa masjid at Jerusalem, where Mohammed performed the prayers, then he ascended together with Gabriel to the seven ethereal heavens [which are called by Christians: the kingdom of heaven.]

Then they went up and Gabriel guided Mohammed to the Throne of God; this Throne which is over these ethereal spiritual heavens. God be glorified is over the Throne.

So Mohammed went to reach a very short distance from the Throne: as two confronting bows distance.
Then God revealed to His servant Mohammed the commandments of the 'exclusive devotion to God alone' and the religious instructions.

After which our noble prophet returned back accompanied by Gabriel to where he started his journey and his soul returned to his body again.

In this journey, God acquainted His servants a lot of knowledge and practical information about the spiritual world so that he would believe a sure and certain belief.

Quran-ayat Man after Death His ethereal soul ascended to the heaven; while his body was sleeping in his bed - Make a google search.
Quran Man after Death
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
There is no such place as you describe, no Gabriel and no throne. It's all stories out of the book which copies other stories out of other books. Step out of fantasy land and into reality you might actually learn something other than bullshyt.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Si is the prophet screwing little boys again? Or just jerkin off?

taxslave: Zionists have to pay tax and tribute and give the money to the Palestinians the owners of the land, as a rent and compensation:

A Zionist student should pay 50$/month or annually 600$ for every student and this payment should be given by his family. And this to be given to the Palestinian students in compensation for their demolished schools and others.

Every individual Zionist in Palestine should give a tribute monthly and this should be given to the Palestinians as compensation.

Every Palestinian imprisoned should be given 1000$ initially, then 100$ for every day he was in prison + compensation about the suffering and persecution according to every case.

This should be under the supervision of the UN.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Why should Zionists pay anything they beat the hell out the Arabs in every war you started
Gabriel came to the Jewish guys before you so that is a copy too.
I will give the prophet one thing he was doing good drugs to come up with a story like that.
Same with many bible quotes no one is satisfied with a legion of angels in these books
got to get the numbers up so they ten thousand legions of angels and so on.
This is 2016 and science and modern views and a more liberal lifestyle has shown this is
a backward view of the world and religion is with white knuckles trying to hang on to the
educated mind of the people. Islam loses their wars because they are not modern in the
thought process and in the customs of life, if they became modern they wouldn't want to be
Muslims anymore. Tell Mo his book is out of date


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Of course people divided into two categories: disbeleivers who disbelieve the story of the night journey and the ascension to heaven; these are the atheists and idolaters and disbeleivers.
Others believe a certain belief about this night journey of Prophet Mohammed - salam to him - together with Gabriel, who kept telling Mohammed much knowledge about many things, during their ascension then during their coming down to the earth.

Quran 53: 1-18, which mean:
{ 1. [I swear] by the [tailed] star [: the comet] when it will fall down [upon the earth!] a

[Then God – be glorified – said:]
2. Your companion [Mohammed] has neither misled b nor deceived [anyone] c,

3. Nor does [Mohammed] speak out of [his own] desire d.

4. It is only a revelation [from God], revealed [to him by means of Gabriel.]

5. [Mohammed] is taught by [Gabriel: an angel] mighty in power. e

6. To whom is referred [by angels, prophets and messengers or apostles] for consultation. f
And [Mohammed] became similar g to, and together with, [Gabriel.]

7. When he [: Gabriel] was at the high horizon [in the atmosphere of the earth, teaching Mohammed some religious instructions.]

8. Then [Mohammed] drew near [to the Throne, to which he] was guided [by Gabriel.] h

9. And he was at [a distance of] two [opposing] bows [from the Throne], or [even] nearer [in case the bows were small in size.]

10. And He i revealed to His servant [Mohammed] what j He revealed [to the messengers before him.]k.

11. The ‘[spiritual] heart’ [of Mohammed] lied not [to you, people,] concerning what [signs and marvels] he saw [in the ethereal heavens l.]

12. Will you then dispute with him concerning what [portents] he saw m?

13. And surely [Gabriel] taught [Mohammed] yet another time while descending [from the seventh to the first heaven.]

14. Near the lote-tree, at the termination [of their spiritual trip in heavens.] n

15. Near to which is the Garden of Refuge o.

16. When the lote-tree was enshrouded in [lights] that overwhelmed [the eye sight p.]

17. The eye-sight [of Mohammed] deviated not, nor yet did it wander beyond [his goal.] q

18. For truly [Mohammed] saw [in heavens] the greatest of the signs of his Lord r.}

a The meaning: I swear by comets when they will fall upon the earth in the future; which is our present time.
This in fact is a threatening and warning of associaters, wrong-doers and disbelievers about the falling of the punishment on them in this time; and it implies: You will see what destruction and ruin will inflict you.
Similar to this, is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 56: 75-76, which means:
(But, no! I swear by the falling [sites] of comets [in the future.] And that is surely an awesome oath, did you but know [it.])
The meaning: Shall I swear by ‘the places on which comets will fall’; which will certainly be a serious event, did you but know it.

b Anyone from the way of the truth.

c As you, associaters, claim.
And this is in reply to their saying, as in the Quran 25: 42, which means:
"He would have misled us away from [the worship of] our gods, had we not been steadfast to them."

d Nor has he received the [Quran] from a priest as you claim.

e This is a description of Gabriel that he is mighty in power; as also He described him in the Quran 81: 19-20, which means:
(That the [Quran] is the utterance of an honorable messenger [: Gabriel,] endued with power, and is ‘authorized and supported’ by [God:] the Lord of the Throne.)

f On account of his intelligence, wisdom and high position.

g i.e. Mohammed became equal to Gabriel in kind and in ascension to heaven on the night of the ‘Ascension’; i.e. they became alike in kind: for Mohammed ascended with his spiritual soul, and Gabriel is a spiritual creature; and moreover, they ascended together up to heaven.

h i.e. Gabriel guided him to it.

i i.e. God – be glorified.

j Commandments of monotheism, and abandoning the idolatry and association.

k The indication of this is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 39: 65, which means:
(And it has been revealed to you [Mohammed], as [had it been revealed] to those [messengers] before you [that]: "If you associate [anything with God], your work will be in vain, and you will be of those who lose!")
For God – be glorified – revealed to His messenger Mohammed, when he was in heaven, and Gabriel taught him many things.

l On the night of the ‘ascension’, and he did not doubt about what he saw, because that has been imprinted on his memory.

The ascension was spiritual not corporeal; it means: it is his soul that ascended to the seven heavens, and he saw the angels who also were spiritual, and he communicated with the prophets and they were spiritual souls, in addition to that the فؤاد i.e. the ‘spiritual heart’ is one of the soul organs.

m And what evidences he learnt.

n i.e. in the conclusion of their trip in the heavens, and that was near the lote-tree [: the nettle tree], which was an ethereal tree, i.e. spiritual; its fruit is the ‘nabk’ or the lote tree fruit.

o i.e. the Garden of Refuge, is near that lote-tree (or nettle tree.)
To this Garden, the souls of the pious, martyrs, and devotees to God, resort in the Barzakh world [or the spirit world or the Afterlife.]
It is the lowermost layer of the seven heavens; it is not the Garden of Everlasting which they will enter on Doomsday.

p With its light.

q i.e. that he intended to see.
The meaning: Mohammed looked only forwards, without turning right and left; and that was in a way of respect and for glorifying his Lord.
So (The eye-sight [of Mohammed] swerved not) indicates that the ‘Ascension’ was spiritual, because the ‘sight’ is one of the soul special senses, about which I have explained in my book Man after Death. While the ‘eye’ is one of the body organs of special senses.

r i.e. the Throne of the Lord, which is the greatest sign above the heavens; the indication of this is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 23: 86, which means:
(Say: "Who is the Lord of the seven [ethereal] heavens, and the Lord of the Throne [of Glory] Supreme?")

And here is the recitation of the soora including this story of the night journey of Prophet Mohammed - salam to him:



Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Why should Zionists pay anything they beat the hell out the Arabs in every war you started
Gabriel came to the Jewish guys before you so that is a copy too.

Zionists should pay and will pay.

Islam loses their wars because they are not modern in the
thought process and in the customs of life

If you truly want to know the genuine reason behind the decline of Muslims till now, then read this carefully:

Quran 22: 66, which means:
{[Then God – be glorified – addressed the Muslims, and said:]

66. And [God] it is Who gave you life [with dignity a],
then He will cause you to die [with degradation and humiliation] b,
and then He will [again] give you life [with dignity c.]

Surely, man is ungrateful [of bounties.] d}

a i.e. He will dignify you, by the Islam religion.

b i.e. He will humiliate you, after several centuries; and that is because of your disbelief and hypocrisy.

c In the time of the Mahdi, according to your praying and supplicating God.

d Therefore, the ‘life’ and the ‘death’ here imply the dignity and the humiliation, respectively.

Similar to this aya, is another one, describing the Children of Israel, in the Quran 2: 243, which means:

(Have you [man] considered [the story of the Children of Israel] who went forth [in their Exodus] from their habitations [in Egypt] in their thousands [six hundred thousands], fearing death [because of the oppression of Pharaoh and because they were afflicted by the plague];
God said to them: "Die [in this wilderness]", then revived them [giving them dignity and power, through their sons.]

It means: He humiliated them because of their stubbornness, then He dignified them by their sons, forty years later.

Moreover, God – be glorified – said in the Quran 36: 33, which means:
(And an [indicative] sign for them is the dead land: We have quickened it [by the rain] and produced therefrom grain of which they eat [bread.])

So the death of the land implies its barrenness, and its reviving implies its fertility.

Therefore, the Islam prevailed and was high for seven centuries, and Muslims conquered countries, and prevailed over nations as long as were they steadfast and working according to a standard way [of the monotheism and the exclusive devotion to God alone.]
[So they were with dignity and power for seven centuries.]

But when they changed, altered and increased their luxury and rapture, and they drank the wine and made mischief in the earth; then God set on them the Tatar who killed and humiliated them, tore up their books and demolished their mosques.

That took place in the time of the last one of the kings of the Abbasids, and since then Muslims started to decline and deteriorate until they became enslaved to Christians and others for seven centuries also. So the sum is 1400 years.

Afterwards, when they suffered of the slavery and bitterness of life, they supplicated God and complained to Him, their humility and difficulties, and God answered their prayer, and started to free them from the imperialists, and they will live with dignity once again by means of the Mahdi, and they will prevail and the Islam religion will also prevail over all religions.

This in fact is the meaning of His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 48: 28, which means:
(That He may make [the Islam religion] prevail over all religions [in the time of the Mahdi: the Comforter].
And God is Enough as a witness [that you, Mohammed, are a messenger.]

Then God will fill, by the Mahdi, the entire world with justice and equity, after having been filled with wrong-doing and transgression.

The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.[/QUOTE]

You long to your ancestors?
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
How dare you speak badly of your terminator?
Ever notice how you Muzzies get your asses kicked every. . . single. . . time?

The Spaniards. Count Dracula. The Battle of Vienna. The Jews and Israel.

Only thing y'all can reliably terminate is yourselves.

Muzzie training officer on suicide belts: "All right, lads, pay attention because I'm only going to show you this once!"
--Billy Connolly


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Ever notice how you Muzzies get your asses kicked every. . . single. . . time?

The Spaniards. Count Dracula. The Battle of Vienna. The Jews and Israel.

Only thing y'all can reliably terminate is yourselves.

Muzzie training officer on suicide belts: "All right, lads, pay attention because I'm only going to show you this once!"
--Billy Connolly

Who laughs later will be best.
So why are you so rancorous, Zionist?
You don't know in which ocean you may sink later on.