The Expanding Earth


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Try to keep your pseudosciences straight. Plasma physics is real science, the electric cosmos model is pseudoscience. They are not remotely the same thing, but you electric cosmos guys conflate them as if they were. The only person I've seen even attempt any real physics in the electric cosmos model is Donald Scott, and he gets a lot of fairly elementary things wrong.

If I were to make a list of the things elementary that your fine puffed up self gets wrong and attached it to the superstitious nonsense that you regularly flog as the apex of scientific wisdom in these much abused pages at CC I would no doubt be very busy rolling a scroll several kilometers long. You are plainly a religious nut of the big bang black hole variety. It is with great sorrow that I admit defeat in trying to elevate your understanding of reality. You are the poorest student I have ever encountered. I have decided to leave the education field and take up full time wine and cannabis abuse. The children will miss me sorely.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Oil Is MasteryFriday, December 11, 2009

Scientists Admit the Earth Grows

"The near-Earth plasma sheet is thought to thin during the growth phase and then rapidly expand after the onset of the substorm." -- J.P. Dewhurst, astrophysicst, et al., 2004

Science Daily: Earth's Atmosphere Came from Outer Space, Scientists Find.
ScienceDaily (Dec. 11, 2009) — The gases which formed the Earth's atmosphere -- and probably its oceans -- did not come from inside the Earth but from outer space, according to a study by University of Manchester and University of Houston scientists.

The report published in the journal Science means that textbook images of ancient Earth with huge volcanoes spewing gas into the atmosphere will have to be rethought.
According to the team, the age-old view that volcanoes were the source of the Earth's earliest atmosphere must be put to rest.​
How can the Earth gain matter from outerspace without growing? I guess the particles have negative mass.
Posted by OilIsMastery
Labels: Expanding Earth, Growing Earth
Growing is not necessarily expanding. If you take a balloon and puff it up, it's mass has not changed and all you've done is make it expand. If you take the balloon and add more latex to it, it's grown.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
"did not come from inside the Earth but from outer space"
That applies to every atom on earth. Some things carried mostly rocks or ice. Most matter can be solid, fluid, or gas just by a variance of the temperature.
Stardust should be made up of 'groups', an example would be the demize of the earth when the sun ceases. Most accounts say fire will be involved, our oceans would biol and the solar winds would carry that away. The water vapor would turn to ice at some distance away and stay that way until it enters another existing solar system or just a glob of matter that will one day become a solar system. By chance it may end up on a planet somewhat like earth but it would come as a blizzard of ice and nothing more. Earths rocks could take a similar path but on a slightly different time-line and trajectory so the same ice and the same rocks will never end up in the same solar system again.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Most matter in the universe is plasma.
If it was able to allow gravity to let it all gather together could the last part of that process be two black holes ( on a much larger scale) wouldn't pulling material out of a black hole cause it to become unstable?

Have you watched any of the 'How the Earth was Made series. the last one I was was about the Rockies. They don't even mention an expanding earth theory except right at the very end when talking about the Rio Grand rift. They admit it will eventually result in a trench that will reach the Arctic, one rift and the rest of the same features that look the very same (all mountains and canyons) are by only compression or erosion.

You would have to have watched the show to follow this next part that explains how a river can cut a mountain range in half by flowing in a direction that flows 90deg to the direction of the existing valleys. Their explanadtion is the mountains were much higher and they eroded into the valleys till only a few peaks were showing and then water started to flow in the direction it flows today, rather than having the original granite divert the water it cut through the solid granite at the same rate as it did through the loose fill that had fallen to fill the original valleys. Why was there no erosion during all the time the valleys were getting filled up? Put that cut as being an expansion rift and normal erosion visa water, gravity, and ice.

The same series covers a wet Saraha but that is more in line with mankind being organized much earlier than most would admit.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
In the climate modeling I'm doing for an earth that is 50% smaller and has to go from a liquid that is no thicker than heavy cream. The much closer moon would have a tidal effect on it as would internal convection currents. with no crust any gases escaping would just burst as a bubble (no crust no build-up of pressure). No atmosphere no blanket to hinder cooling at night or at height over the lighted portion. Vapors let off as gas should condense in the coldness of space and start to fall as a sno-flake, be it made of ice or CO2, at a certain temp it will solidify and snowflakes can put out a fire faster than a rain. The areas between the upwells of magma would have been the first to cool into the beginning of a crust. The currents of magma would have had collision zones, Greenland and northern Canada would have been one such place. With a portion of solid land that had elevation, evaporation and condensation could increase resulting in more and more crust being added.
Our modern oceans would rise to cover the land masses more and more as the earth shrinks. At it's smallest size the same water would have been covering much of the old land which except for a very few ridges (eastern Canada and elsewhere) The oceans covered Alberta and BC before the Rockies (and other ranges)were pushed up because the whole earth had a crust that needed to expand to accommodate for internal pressure.
This differs from the mainstream but it uses the same method to account for fossils being found at high altitudes (ie Rockies) and in lower elevations (ieSaraha). At one time they would have been covered by the same shallow sea, that water should also have been fresh water as the salt has accumulated over the eons.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I have an expanding Earth hypothesis, too. :D
There an invisible leprachaun using an invisible tube to blow into the middle of the planet. :D
Is it a 'published' work? That seems to be a near and dear requirement for Dex.
I wonder why the history channel would promote rifting in North America, let alone promote it going the full length, the the rifting that will connect the Great Lakes to the Gulf is another spread. Course by that time the Yellowstone hot-spot will be under the Great Lakes themselves, That should be a good one.
Did you see the specific part about the river cutting through solid granite rather than follow another path of lesser resistance? The narrator also appeared to hold back a snicker at one point. lol

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
"did not come from inside the Earth but from outer space"
That applies to every atom on earth. Some things carried mostly rocks or ice. Most matter can be solid, fluid, or gas just by a variance of the temperature.
So all we are living on is a conglomerate of space debris? lmao Um, I guess it never occurred to you that Earth in in space and is a part of space. :D
Stardust should be made up of 'groups', an example would be the demize of the earth when the sun ceases. Most accounts say fire will be involved, our oceans would biol and the solar winds would carry that away. The water vapor would turn to ice at some distance away and stay that way until it enters another existing solar system or just a glob of matter that will one day become a solar system. By chance it may end up on a planet somewhat like earth but it would come as a blizzard of ice and nothing more. Earths rocks could take a similar path but on a slightly different time-line and trajectory so the same ice and the same rocks will never end up in the same solar system again.
I think it's more likely that Earth would just become another Neptune, only on a small scale. A cold rock, so to speak.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Is it a 'published' work?
Nowhere other than here. I did say it was an hypothesis. I didn't say it was a theory.
That seems to be a near and dear requirement for Dex.
It is quite useful for a theory to be tested by others, yes. The biggest hypothesis that hasn't been tested to become theory that I know of is belief in gods, demons, etc. That rubbish simply doesn't stand up to inspection.
I wonder why the history channel would promote rifting in North America, let alone promote it going the full length, the the rifting that will connect the Great Lakes to the Gulf is another spread. Course by that time the Yellowstone hot-spot will be under the Great Lakes themselves, That should be a good one.
Did you see the specific part about the river cutting through solid granite rather than follow another path of lesser resistance? The narrator also appeared to hold back a snicker at one point. lol
Did the HC actually promote it, or did it only air it as something the producers thought people would watch?
I can't see why you wouldn't believe water can cut through granite, yet you believe in burning bushes that talk, Noah's flood, etc. Especially after you think your god purportedly poofed itself and an entire universe out of nothing.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I can't see why you wouldn't believe water can cut through granite, yet you believe in burning bushes that talk, Noah's flood, etc. Especially after you think your god purportedly poofed itself and an entire universe out of nothing.
You do mean wear down right, I doubt you understand what I'm even referencing, what is the name of the river that flows in that 'cut'?

Poofed???? Must have been somebody else you were talking too, my God doesn't have to poof things. Humans actually come to think of Him as being slack so really, poof just doesn't seem to apply.

You seem to be talking like a scientist ...... with no data ... other than wishes

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
You do mean wear down right, I doubt you understand what I'm even referencing, what is the name of the river that flows in that 'cut'?
What difference does the name of it make?

Poofed???? Must have been somebody else you were talking too, my God doesn't have to poof things. Humans actually come to think of Him as being slack so really, poof just doesn't seem to apply.
Yeah, poofed. You forgot that genesis says this god made the heavens, the Earth, etc.? Would you prefer the word "conjured"?

You seem to be talking like a scientist ...... with no data ... other than wishes
? You don't like chatting about a pile of "ifs" anymore? That's what I thought hypotheses were all about; if this happens then this results, and that sort of thing.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
About weather patterns?? Already done.
History of the Sahara (including weather patterns)?? Already done.
Loombo - Easy way to share your files
History of the Rockies?? Already done.
Loombo - Easy way to share your files
Molten Earth is eps 3
Are you claiming to be somehow professionally associated with those two videos, and involved in making a third one? Somewhat to my surprise, considering it was you who provided the links, they actually present good solid mainstream science and legitimate scientists. I've had time to watch them now, and they're very good, apart from a little too much hyperbole in the narration. But in no sense do they support any of your arguments in this thread, and if you think they do you haven't understood them or the implications of your arguments. They invoke, for instance, plate tectonics as a partial explanation of their theses, a theory you've pretty thoroughly dismissed in trying to argue for an expanding earth.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Are you claiming to be somehow professionally associated with those two videos, and involved in making a third one? Somewhat to my surprise, considering it was you who provided the links, they actually present good solid mainstream science and legitimate scientists. I've had time to watch them now, and they're very good, apart from a little too much hyperbole in the narration. But in no sense do they support any of your arguments in this thread, and if you think they do you haven't understood them or the implications of your arguments. They invoke, for instance, plate tectonics as a partial explanation of their theses, a theory you've pretty thoroughly dismissed in trying to argue for an expanding earth.
No, I merely watched those shows. lol Specifically in the one on the Rockies do you accept the proposed theory about how the river came to flow at right angles to the natural valleys? The Rio Grand rift is a fift within 1,000 mi of what is claimed to be a subduction zone. That is an odity. Not in the program but some theories say the Great Lakes and the Gulf will share a common waterway, that also has to come from spreading that is another oddity. That was the whole of my question about the Rockies.

Do you remember seeing the expanding earth vid that covered the mood and the smooth areas that face the earth are claimed to be expansion areas. In that short vid there is a shot of the back side of the moon. That is what an area that is under compression looks like. There was no explanation for expansion on one side but not the other. The moon is not a true circle, there is a large bulge on the side that faces the earth, that bulge is the reason the moon has no rotation of it's own. If the moon slowly cooled from a molten or semi-molten state then would that not account for expansion only on the earth side of the moon?