The early Quran revelations


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
He makes more sense than you do. He at least knows how to use evidence and reason to form a conclusion, something you've not figured out yet.
Its not a conclusion, its a personal assumption that isnt evidence based. The only way to quantify is to kill people and bring them back repeatedly. Its too risky and unethical.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
That's also impossible. I was referring to Dawkins' whole body of work, which does illustrate what I claimed, not specifically his atheism, though you're not right about that either. In The God Delusion Dawkins treats the claim that there is a personal god as a hypothesis about the nature of the world, examines the usual evidence and arguments offered in support of it, and finds them insufficient to justify accepting the claim as true, plus plenty of evidence that strongly suggests it's not. But even he doesn't conclude that there is no deity, only that on the evidence it's extremely improbable.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
That's also impossible. I was referring to Dawkins' whole body of work, which does illustrate what I claimed, not specifically his atheism, though you're not right about that either. In The God Delusion Dawkins treats the claim that there is a personal god as a hypothesis about the nature of the world, examines the usual evidence and arguments offered in support of it, and finds them insufficient to justify accepting the claim as true, plus plenty of evidence that strongly suggests it's not. But even he doesn't conclude that there is no deity, only that on the evidence it's extremely improbable.
I think "gods" are a holdover from our more superstitious ancient past when we simply used "the gods" as an explanation for things we didn't understand yet.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Let the atheist think whatever he may think with his void conceit, and he will face his dark outcome later on, when he cannot at that time retreat from his falsehood. So dear reader, let not the disbeliever and the atheist cheat you with his asserted decorated words, but know that God is True and His words are the truth.
The Quran tells us much about this and the regret of the disbeliever at last.

[God – be glorified – threatened the deniers of His might and those associating others with Him, and He said in the Quran 46: 34, which means:]
(On the day [of their death] when disbelievers are exposed to the Fire, [they will be asked]: “Is not this the real truth [: neither illusion nor magic, as were you used to say about the Quran?]'
They will say: “Yes indeed, by our Lord! [It is the really true.]”
The [angel tasked with their punishment] will say: “Then taste the chastisement because you disbelieved [and denied the Quran in the life of the World.]”)


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
[Moreover, God – be glorified – told about the condition of the unbeleivers and the stingy, at the hour of death, and He said in the Quran 23: 99-100:]
(99. Till when death comes to one of them [and he is about to die], he says: "O [angels of] my Lord, return me [to the life of the World.]"
100. "So that I may do charity with [the wealth] which I left behind."
[The angels will say to him:] “No, [there will be no return for you.”]
This merely is a word that he speaks;

for there is behind them a barrier [: that is the devil who will ‘bar and prevent’ them from the expenditure in God's way, if they are returned] till the day when they will be sent forth [from their bodies to the ether world or the world of souls.])

More explanation here:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 50: 28-29 which mean:
(28. [God] [will] say [to them in the Next Life:] "Do not dispute before Me! For beforehand I sent you the threat."
29. The sentence passed by Me cannot be changed s, and I am not in the least unjust to My servants t.)

s i.e. don’t hope that I may change My threat and punishment to whom I promised the punishment.
t So I never punish anyone without having done sins.


Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I think "gods" are a holdover from our more superstitious ancient past when we simply used "the gods" as an explanation for things we didn't understand yet.
We're still doing that, though it seems pretty clear that the more we know about something the less willing we are to allow any role for the supernatural in it, and the circle within which deities can be claimed to operate is shrinking all the time. It's also always seemed self-defeating to me to try to explain something that's complex and hard to understand by invoking something at least equally complex and hard to understand as the cause, because then it too needs an explanation. Saying "God did it" doesn't explain anything, it's just avoiding an explanation.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
We're still doing that, though it seems pretty clear that the more we know about something the less willing we are to allow any role for the supernatural in it, and the circle within which deities can be claimed to operate is shrinking all the time. It's also always seemed self-defeating to me to try to explain something that's complex and hard to understand by invoking something at least equally complex and hard to understand as the cause, because then it too needs an explanation. Saying "God did it" doesn't explain anything, it's just avoiding an explanation.
But there's a shitload of cash in it. Political power too.

Especially when they figured out that "explaining" and claiming you could influence natural phenomena was good for a few skins, promising eternal life was the jackpot.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Every man (and woman) sins, and the sins are different: major sins and minor; the sin is God's disobedience, particularly disobeying the Ten Commandments and especially the first one and the most important commandment: not to take another god besides God.
So everyone sins, but the pious and Godfearing avoids the sins as much as he can, while the ungodly plunges in sins and the disobedience of God.
The important sins also include the trespassing on the rights of others.
Now the atheist and disbeliever. in addition to his increased sins, he of course does not repent from his sinning and does not ask God's forgiveness.
While the believer withdraws and retreats from his disobedience and ask God's forgiveness.
On Judgement Day, God Most Gracious and Most Forgiving may forgive the believer who repents and ask God's forgiveness, but will not forgive the disbeliever who was arrogant over his Lord and did not ask His forgiveness and did not repent, but increased in sins and transgression.
So this is the meaning that God does not wrong anyone and will punish them according to their sins and evil work.
In other words: God forgives only the believer, but for the disbeliever He punishes him for every sin and every disobedience and will not forgive him.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 4: 48, which means:
(God does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him a, but forgives [to monotheists ] b anything short of that, to whomever He pleases.
Whoso associates [anything] with God, he has indeed invented a great sin.

a It means: God does not forgive the associaters and idolaters their sins, even though the sins are minor sins; that is because the association is the greatest major sin.
b [who exclusively devote themselves to worship God alone.]

i.e. God does not forgive the sins of the associater and idolater [and atheists who is worse than the idolater] even though his sins were minor sins, but He forgives the monotheist devotee even though his sins were so many: with His mercy and forgiveness.

See the total interpretation of this great aya, which also includes that everyone should check himself about his pure monotheism or association and idolatry:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Related to my post # 70

God - be glorified - said in the Quran 66: 7, which means:
([Then the angels will say to them:] "O disbelievers make no excuses today; you are only requited for [the deeds of falsehood and wickedness] that you did [in the life of the World.]")


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God - be glorified - even prevented the prophets to mediate or intercede for the idolater and associater, because these have been destined to Fire forever.
Quran 9; 113, which means:
(It is not for the Prophet and the believers to ask [God's] forgiveness for the associaters, even though they be near kinsmen, after that it has become clear to them that [they were associaters, and that] they [will] be the inhabitants of Hell.)


Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Every man (and woman) sins,
That is possibly the most pernicious idea the mind of man has ever conceived. It's a wicked and frightful thing to tell people, especially children, and the next one is right up there on the top ten list too.
God forgives only the believer, but for the disbeliever He punishes him for every sin and every disobedience and will not forgive him.
Yet you call him merciful. Nice for you that you know what he's going to do, but I suppose such arrogant certainty is to be expected from true believers, only you have the real truth after all. So after knowingly creating us flawed, deliberately misguiding us into wrong doing and demanding we believe in him on bad evidence, he condemns us to an eternity of conscious torment for things he made happen. Even in the very unlikely event that he turns out to be real, I'd have no respect for a character like that and I'd tell him so. I could hardly make things worse for myself at that point, it's way past too late. What could he do, condemn me for eternity plus another week?
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
"Every man (and woman) sins" is never a wrong notion.
So every man makes mistakes towards God's obedience, towards other people, and towards himself.
And man has to correct his mistakes: i.e. he should repent and regret his bad conduct... here if he does this, and asks God's forgiveness, it may be OK.
But if he continues with his mistakes and sins.. then his outcome will be bad.

"God forgives only the believer, but for the disbeliever He punishes him for every sin and every disobedience and will not forgive him."
God is Most Gracious and Most Merciful.
>> For the disbeliever who keeps to his disbelief and idolatry in addition to keep committing many sins without repenting: God will not forgive the idolater, the atheist and the associater who associates others with God in the worship.
>> While for the believer who devotes himself to God alone without associate or son or equal or patron, and if this believer works the righteous deeds and gives charity to the poor and needy... God will forgive him his sins when he repents and is Most Merciful to him and admits him into His Paradise.

Therefore, God is Most Merciful to the believer who devotes himself to Him alone without associate or son or daughters, when this believer works the righteous deeds and gives the charity.
But is not Merciful in the Next Life to the disbeliever, but will punish him severely for his sins, and will not wrong him any bit, but takes him to account for his evil work and his misery and his stinginess towards the poor and his transgression on others.

This is in the Next Life.
While in this temporary material life, God is Most Gracious and is Merciful to both the believer and the disbeliever.
Both of them have family, sons and daughters, wives, wealth, houses, cars, health and many other bounties, to which the believer is grateful and the disbeliever is ungrateful.

Quran 1: 1, which means:
(In the name of God Most Gracious c, Most Merciful d.)

c i.e. He shows mercy to both believers and unbelievers in the life of this World.
d His mercy, in the Next Life, involves only believers and does not involve unbelievers.
So the word (Most Gracious) is general, and the word (Most Merciful) is special.

Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You know why Allah curses you with Jews and infidels and American warplanes and. . . well. . . each other?

It's because you shove your asses in his face five times a day.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
No one is immune against God's punishment for idolaters and atheists.
To God is the dignity and to believers.
Disbelievers and idolaters cannot overcome God Almighty.
Like Pharaoh and Karon and others who perished, with God's curse and people's curse on them.

Like how God annihilated the Totem worshipers.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
No one is immune against God's punishment for idolaters and atheists.
To God is the dignity and to believers.
Disbelievers and idolaters cannot overcome God Almighty.
Like Pharaoh and Karon and others who perished, with God's curse and people's curse on them.

Like how God annihilated the Totem worshipers.
Like how God has his faithful blow up his other faithful in mosques, markets, and homes.