I stake my life, my soul to the God of Jesus Christ, for He (Christ) is the new name by which all mankind may be saved, of which I am one.
Christianity came out with a dogma by which condemned anybody not accepting Jesus as their Savior.
That would include you, and all Muslims, Jews and all nonbelievers.
What is being missed in all of it, is that Jesus died to pay the price for all mankind, including you, Muslims and all unbelievers.
The question is, how many will believe it?
God, the creator created a son of which He called Adam and of the same He also created a daughter, also an Adam, and they in turn procreated after their kind.
For this animal to have intelligences, knowledge and reasoning ability, made them as gods.
And true to form as you say "one God only"there could be no other gods besides God alone.
What that meant is that all should born after Adam and Eve, were born dead spiritually to God, because God is only one God and would have no other to share His throne.
God alone then, wanting to save all humanity had to provide a body to sacrifice in place of all humanity to revive that which became dead as the result of creation, has Himself born the body of a human for one day only. And that day, Jesus was as God taking away the sins of the world and to render life to the world via His body which was sent to taste hell and then resurrected to life in heaven as the God of all mankind.
Now, regardless of what Muslims believe, Christians believe, Jews believe, non believer believe, has absolutely no bearing on mankind's salvation.
The big problem that exists which can only be conquered with. is, for good people to consume all evil and render love in return.
That is what is needed and not so much condemnations for people who believe other than what we believe.
The truth is, regardless of all the confusion there is in the world about this belief or that belief, is that God loves us period.
We are granted a privilege to live on this earth of which by behavior, we run the chance of forfeiting life.
Ecc 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
Will we use our privilege of life to help someone else have a better life?