The Church of Woke


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
No Kidding. Anyone that I've seen that have good math skills are often of the Asian persuasion, but I'm sure there are a few "white" people who are good at math as well. Talk about total nonsense!!
I hear there was some German guy named Einstein who was pretty good at it.

Can you imagine a world where math is just some arbitrary number
Sure. I call it "my sister's credit-card usage."

- talk about destroying a whole system - doesn't matter whether it's capitalistic, socialistic, communistic - I guess that's how JT came up with the statement that "budgets balance themselves" - the math doesn't matter. WOW. That is really scary.
I don't think he meant to, but Trudeaubama stated a profound truth there. Budgets do balance themselves, and planes return to earth. The only question in both cases is "how hard?"
I'm thinking - what if your employer decides to pay you using this "new math" but it's not what you had agreed upon because your math is "white privilege" and his is "woke". Would you be happy?
Interesting. Do you have an opinion on what should be done about wage theft?
You're right Walter, you can't make this sh*t up!
Well, you should probably stay out of politics and academia, then.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Anybody notice how the protests turn into riots more frequently now that the Federal goons have made their statement by attacking peaceful demonstrators in a place they were entitled to be at a time they were entitled to be there?

Did you notice only a few media platforms were covering the riots before the Feds. showed up, then the rest of the MSM arrived to attack the Feds. to down play the riots as peaceful protests and call the Feds. storm troopers, shock troops portraying them as the aggressors.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Did you notice only a few media platforms were covering the riots before the Feds. showed up, then the rest of the MSM arrived to attack the Feds. to down play the riots as peaceful protests and call the Feds. storm troopers, shock troops portraying them as the aggressors.

Depends on which 'riot' you're talking about.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Using the public time and dime to accomplish it as well, aren't we the suckers?

Scholars Strike! The Nation Reels!

Keen observers of the English language will have noticed the appearance of a new acronym. From the lips of CBC announcers, the keyboards of woke reporters and the throats of protestors comes a two-syllable word that defines a collective of the oppressed: BIPOC, short for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour. Just as Canadians have learned to speak of a herd of Yukon caribou, a school of Labrador cod, and a two-four of Labatt’s beer, we now have a BIPOC of victims.

I am a little skeptical of the usefulness of this term. Take, for example, the POC part of the acronym, People of Colour. Do any of us know people who have no colour? Are the majority of Canadians suddenly to be referred to as People Living with an Invisibility? Or have we, overnight, been turned into a population of trans-Canucks – transparent Canadians? There is clearly more work to be done here.

And what are we to make of this acronym as a descriptor of the downtrodden? It is interesting to note that despite the hellish conditions for minorities in this country with genocides on every hand, when scarcely a day goes by without a Royal Commission denouncing the systemic racism which infects Canadians even in the cradle, that our borders see a daily influx of the non-transparent asking to live among us. Nor, strangely do we see a migration of the Indigenous, fleeing the nightmare that is life in the land of the maple, seeking a better life abroad in a country that has never known racism, such as North Korea. Or Cuba. Or Venezuela. But we historians take language as we find it, and this week we find the word BIPOC being uttered by the Provost and Vice-President, Academic of an Ashoka U Changemaker Campus. Now, I don’t know about you, but when a spokesbeing from the 54th-best university in Canada speaks, I’m going to listen. The Vice-President, Academic begins with a truism: she is opposed to racism against BIPOC.

Who isn’t? But the Vice-President, Academic and her institution are willing to go further than this: she speaks of a Scholar Strike.

Apparently across our fair Dominion, September 9 to 10 was given over to bringing attention to systemic racial injustice, a subject which apparently has been given insufficient notice in the news of late. Quite what that action is to be, remains unspecified but rest easy knowing that there is a President’s Advisory Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion working hard on it.

The notion of a Scholar’s Strike is an interesting one. If it follows the usual pattern of strikes, those participating will not be doing their usual work. So according to the logic of the Vice-President, Academic, not teaching, not researching, not passing on knowledge and skills to those who have come to learn will be a Good Thing. Far better to ignore the sonnets of Shakespeare, to down tools in the search for a cure for MS, to refuse to instruct the youth of Calgary in computer engineering and instead flap lips for two days while ululating the latest conventional pities. Because that’s the way racism is ended.

Wouldn’t it be better for our nation if our scholars chose to highlight an injustice by, instead of posturing for two days on the taxpayers’ dime, vowing to work harder? To research more deeply, teach more eloquently, and study longer? It’s crazy but it just might help.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Scholars Strike! The Nation Reels!
Keen observers of the English language will have noticed the appearance of a new acronym. From the lips of CBC announcers, the keyboards of woke reporters and the throats of protestors comes a two-syllable word that defines a collective of the oppressed: BIPOC, short for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour. Just as Canadians have learned to speak of a herd of Yukon caribou, a school of Labrador cod, and a two-four of Labatt’s beer, we now have a BIPOC of victims.
I am a little skeptical of the usefulness of this term. Take, for example, the POC part of the acronym, People of Colour. Do any of us know people who have no colour? Are the majority of Canadians suddenly to be referred to as People Living with an Invisibility? Or have we, overnight, been turned into a population of trans-Canucks – transparent Canadians? There is clearly more work to be done here.
And what are we to make of this acronym as a descriptor of the downtrodden? It is interesting to note that despite the hellish conditions for minorities in this country with genocides on every hand, when scarcely a day goes by without a Royal Commission denouncing the systemic racism which infects Canadians even in the cradle, that our borders see a daily influx of the non-transparent asking to live among us. Nor, strangely do we see a migration of the Indigenous, fleeing the nightmare that is life in the land of the maple, seeking a better life abroad in a country that has never known racism, such as North Korea. Or Cuba. Or Venezuela. But we historians take language as we find it, and this week we find the word BIPOC being uttered by the Provost and Vice-President, Academic of an Ashoka U Changemaker Campus. Now, I don’t know about you, but when a spokesbeing from the 54th-best university in Canada speaks, I’m going to listen. The Vice-President, Academic begins with a truism: she is opposed to racism against BIPOC.
Who isn’t? But the Vice-President, Academic and her institution are willing to go further than this: she speaks of a Scholar Strike.
Apparently across our fair Dominion, September 9 to 10 was given over to bringing attention to systemic racial injustice, a subject which apparently has been given insufficient notice in the news of late. Quite what that action is to be, remains unspecified but rest easy knowing that there is a President’s Advisory Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion working hard on it.
The notion of a Scholar’s Strike is an interesting one. If it follows the usual pattern of strikes, those participating will not be doing their usual work. So according to the logic of the Vice-President, Academic, not teaching, not researching, not passing on knowledge and skills to those who have come to learn will be a Good Thing. Far better to ignore the sonnets of Shakespeare, to down tools in the search for a cure for MS, to refuse to instruct the youth of Calgary in computer engineering and instead flap lips for two days while ululating the latest conventional pities. Because that’s the way racism is ended.
Wouldn’t it be better for our nation if our scholars chose to highlight an injustice by, instead of posturing for two days on the taxpayers’ dime, vowing to work harder? To research more deeply, teach more eloquently, and study longer? It’s crazy but it just might help.
The left be tone deaf.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Correct me if I'm wrong but arent the transparent supposed to be really mean and violent? Are they being poked in the ribs? How long before they grab the stick and beat sense into the people of the spectrum with their own stick?
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Socialism’s sneaky verbiage


Merriam-Webster Dictionary just changed the online definition of “sexual preference,” labeling it an offense term, and the fact the edit was made on the heels of Democrat senators scolding Supreme Court justice nominee Amy Coney Barrett for using the same term in reference to the LGBTQ community does not escape notice. It is hardly coincidental.

The left will do what it can to tear down normalcy and inject chaos into society, even to the point of redefining commonly accepted words and phrases, because that’s a path to Big Government.

That’s a road toward total government control.

That’s a sneaky tool of socialists and collectivists and Marxists and communists to inject their socialist, collectivist, Marxist and communist ways into society at-large.

It goes like this: Challenge norms. Tear down constructs. Create chaos. Then usher in government as the soothing source of stability.

Soon enough — and this is where America currently stands — it’s argued that only government, only government bureaucrats, only select government officials, are the ones who can solve the crisis that comes, are the ones who can bring peace and calm to the chaos in the streets.

“You use the term sexual preference to describe those in the LGBTQ community,” Sen. Mazie Hirono scolded at Barrett, during confirmation hearings. “Let me make clear: ‘sexual preference’ is an offensive, an outdated, term. It is used by anti-LGBTQ activists to suggest that sexual orientation is a choice. It is not.”

So says the left anyway.

Sen. Cory Booker took similar offense with Barrett. Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern, meanwhile, wrote that using of the “archaic phrase” — meaning, sexual preference — “suggests that sexuality is a choice, that gay and bisexual people simply prefer to partner with people of the same sex — a preference that, with enough willpower, can be changed.”

This is not a minor point.

This is not just simple bickering over phraseology.

This cuts to the whole larger theme about family definitions, traditional values and, yes, God and God’s ordained will for humanity.

If the left can redefine family and sex and what it means to be male versus female — and even remove the labels of male and female — that means one of the most basic of absolutes is removed from society. That means the idea of God as a sovereign creator, all-knowing, all-powerful, is placed in doubt. That means the wisdom of mankind is elevated — to that equal to and eventually above God.

That means God is unnecessary.

And for America, that means the concept of a country built of Judeo-Christian principles, grounded in the idea of individual rights coming from God, not government — that means that entire concept is degraded. Overturned. Erased.

What follows is a society in turmoil, with those who stand for God-given rights, the Constitution, limited government and traditional values in direct conflict with the social justice warriors, the so-called “tolerant” class, the leftists who buck moral restraints of any kind.


Here comes the government to crack down the chaos and instill a sense of order. And since God’s been relegated to the side as unnecessary, it’s a socialist sledge hammer that’s wielded. After all, individuals obviously can’t control themselves, right? Government must do the job for them.

This dickering over phrasing is not happenstance.

Collectivists know the power of the word.

Those who control the language, control the masses.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Socialism’s sneaky verbiage


Merriam-Webster Dictionary just changed the online definition of “sexual preference,” labeling it an offense term, and the fact the edit was made on the heels of Democrat senators scolding Supreme Court justice nominee Amy Coney Barrett for using the same term in reference to the LGBTQ community does not escape notice. It is hardly coincidental.

The left will do what it can to tear down normalcy and inject chaos into society, even to the point of redefining commonly accepted words and phrases, because that’s a path to Big Government.

That’s a road toward total government control.

That’s a sneaky tool of socialists and collectivists and Marxists and communists to inject their socialist, collectivist, Marxist and communist ways into society at-large.

It goes like this: Challenge norms. Tear down constructs. Create chaos. Then usher in government as the soothing source of stability.

Soon enough — and this is where America currently stands — it’s argued that only government, only government bureaucrats, only select government officials, are the ones who can solve the crisis that comes, are the ones who can bring peace and calm to the chaos in the streets.

“You use the term sexual preference to describe those in the LGBTQ community,” Sen. Mazie Hirono scolded at Barrett, during confirmation hearings. “Let me make clear: ‘sexual preference’ is an offensive, an outdated, term. It is used by anti-LGBTQ activists to suggest that sexual orientation is a choice. It is not.”

So says the left anyway.

Sen. Cory Booker took similar offense with Barrett. Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern, meanwhile, wrote that using of the “archaic phrase” — meaning, sexual preference — “suggests that sexuality is a choice, that gay and bisexual people simply prefer to partner with people of the same sex — a preference that, with enough willpower, can be changed.”

This is not a minor point.

This is not just simple bickering over phraseology.

This cuts to the whole larger theme about family definitions, traditional values and, yes, God and God’s ordained will for humanity.

If the left can redefine family and sex and what it means to be male versus female — and even remove the labels of male and female — that means one of the most basic of absolutes is removed from society. That means the idea of God as a sovereign creator, all-knowing, all-powerful, is placed in doubt. That means the wisdom of mankind is elevated — to that equal to and eventually above God.

That means God is unnecessary.

And for America, that means the concept of a country built of Judeo-Christian principles, grounded in the idea of individual rights coming from God, not government — that means that entire concept is degraded. Overturned. Erased.

What follows is a society in turmoil, with those who stand for God-given rights, the Constitution, limited government and traditional values in direct conflict with the social justice warriors, the so-called “tolerant” class, the leftists who buck moral restraints of any kind.


Here comes the government to crack down the chaos and instill a sense of order. And since God’s been relegated to the side as unnecessary, it’s a socialist sledge hammer that’s wielded. After all, individuals obviously can’t control themselves, right? Government must do the job for them.

This dickering over phrasing is not happenstance.

Collectivists know the power of the word.

Those who control the language, control the masses.

Which God?