The Athiest vs the Religious


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
You spelled 'industry' wrong. You also missed the part about your kind being the ones to rake in the most wealth and prestige from what you consider to be a scam.
"My" kind? How exactly does someone like me rake in the wealth and prestige from stupid superstitions? And uh, you're the one who professes to a be a good ol' god fearin' Jew hater. So how many people have you ripped off in the last week?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Then the NT is full of shit, just like you. There are thousands of gods, religions and holy texts. To think that you have the handle on the truth, that your god is the only true god is such a colossal ego mind phuk. Your god is no different than any other, no more important, no more omnipotent, no more real than anybody else's. Your judgement of other's beliefs will get you into trouble with those who matter in such matters is on your head. "Judge not lest ye shall be judged."
At least when our ancients worshiped the sun and shit thinking they were gods it made more sense. You can at least see those gods.

And both the OT and NT are complete bullshit. The OT is full of stories lifted from even older religions. And while I don't take issue with the very basic message of the NT, one doesn't need a Bible or religion to be a decent person.

But the biggest joke of all is one of the "Ten Commandments", Thou shalt not kill. Yeah, meanwhile god's telling the Israelites to slaughter the unbelievers all over the OT. And THAT kind of attitude has caused some major problems throughout history. When people believe, I mean REALLY believe they are acting in their god's name, they have shown themselves capable of the most absolute horrifically cruel acts imaginable.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I'm surprised you weren't threatened with Jihad from selfsame for posting a picture of old moe
I hate to be technical, but those are hand drawn cartoons, not pictures
You know...pic or it didn't happen.

The bit about worshiping the sun shows just how little commentators actually know about the past. The math for this item is in the old and also new testaments (IN JESUS OWN WORDS! FFS!!!), and NOT ONE OF THE DUMBASS "book" BELIEVERS EVEN KNOWS THAT, but they still comment out of ignorance anyway. In order to support the "gawdliness" and apartheid practices of their own religions. It would be HIGHfreakinglarious if it wasn't so genocidal.

I can do longitude without a chronometer while you people are still looking for your socks.

Talk about "delusions" man....?

Why is the Sally Ann Paying its Own Employees Poverty Wages?

The Salvation Army of Canada claims to be "the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services" in the country.

Given this, the thousands upon thousands of Canadians who make donations every year to the Salvation Army would likely be surprised to learn that many employees at Ottawa's Booth Center earn a poverty wage.

So no mention of how the faith based welfare is LARGELY PAID FOR BY TAX DOLLARS???
(THAT is NOT Charity)

Government funding 2016; $251,863; 2017; $238,373 2018; $228,430
All figures in $000s

The goal of the President's Faith-Based and Community Initiative is clear - to enable faith-based and community organizations to provide compassionate care for the poor by receiving Federal grants on the same basis as other groups.

Banks are now referring people to Foodbank to help them pay their mortgage

Despite all the individual people who really do mean well: All you religious people are living AND KILLING in make believe land for make believe reasons. For real debbles.

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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
"My" kind? How exactly does someone like me rake in the wealth and prestige from stupid superstitions? And uh, you're the one who professes to a be a good ol' god fearin' Jew hater. So how many people have you ripped off in the last week?
Like the one that says the Jewish Bankers aren't the biggest assholes in the world, followed closely by the Jewish doctors who have killed many more millions than they have cured, followed closely by the Jewish Rabbis who have had the OT fot 4,000 years and can't understand mire than 4 words of it.
That is who is 'you kind', assholes to the very core. Let's see you say some nice things about blacks and Muslims you racist piece of shit. Any of your kind are welcome to take up that 'challenge'.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Jesus versus Mohammed[/QUOTE]

Jesus is not versus Mohammed, neither is Mohammed versus Jesus ..

but Jesus together with Mohammed (and Moses) are against the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv and their allies the guilty criminals.