The Atheist Holy War


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Anna's Dad says Turtle Island is North America. Maybe he's wrong. I have no idea, but I've heard people say they think all land mass on Earth is Turtle Island. I tend to lean towards Bill's idea that North Am is Turtle Island. Can't see aboriginals of Oz calling their patch of real estate Turtle Island and Canuckville is only about half of NorthAm and not an island.
Quite right about about the religious versions of rightness and the versions produced by analytical thought. Repetitious dogma is not necessarily right.
Turtle Island is North America. If you look at it from space it kinda looks like a turtle. I wonder how the aboriginals knew that?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Thank you all for your insights... Would've weighed in before but the weather is so beautiful here in Quebec... finally... summer had been crappy so far...

Because of the fact that religion is so widespread and that it played such a significant role in the evolution of humanity as a whole, it is tempting to consider religion as a perfectly natural stage of collective psychological evolution. Whatever evils and atrocities were done under its name, religion nonetheless creates a cohesive framework under which groups tend to organize themselves.
Pretty much. I'd say it was time to grow up, though. Some carry it to an extreme (fundamentalist faiths and their attitude towards women, EG)

Of course, the problem arises when groups clash with one another. I think one aspect of religion is very much related to the ''tribal'' mindset which lies in every single one of us, whether we like it or not. By ''tribal'' I mean the need to identify to a larger group, to find satisfaction and security in belonging to a social ''clan'' or institution. In other words, to feel you are part of a gang.

It is in this sense that religion is a social framework. But as we all know, the results of ''tribes'' clashing with each other over religious issues usually aren't pretty. The tribes must find what they have in common in order to live together and as they do, more ''inclusive'' religions arise, which create larger and larger social frameworks.

In what is often called the Axial Age (about 800BC to 200 BC), most tribal religions of the world tended to constellate around a few major religions that were the building ground of all current major religions. But of course, the ''tribal'' clashes just got bigger and bigger as major religions clashed with other major religions.

Eventually, I believe something more inclusive than religion as we commonly understand it needs to come into play in order for more efficient and solid social frameworks to arise. And this is where science comes into the picture. Or perhaps I should say, this is where philosophy and analytical thought comes into the picture. Because in the end, science really is an offspring of philosophy.

Logical and analytical thought is, I think, a higher form of human psychological manifestation than religion. To a certain extent, it is more inclusive than anything else. We don't all agree on why our planet exists in the first place. But we pretty much all agree that it is round because that is what analytical thought gives us as a conclusion. Analytical thought is something that all humans have in common, at least in potentiality.

I could go on and on, but what I am trying to say is that science is ''superior'' to religion in the same way an adult is superior to a child. This analogy is very important in my opinion concerning the OP... because adults don't wage war to children.

All societies are at different stages of evolution and this must be understood and respected. You can't expect a society mainly driven by religion to suddenly accept logic and analytical thought as its new ''dogma''. This is like asking a 7 year old to act like an adult. But when a child loses control, we teach that child a lesson and put it back in its place. This is how I view religion. As long as it doesn't over-react and have a tantrum, it needs to be fully tolerated, accepted and even embraced as it expresses itself in its shiniest and most beautiful way (religion can be expressed positively.)

Some may think it is condescending to compare religion to a child and science to an adult. To this I would answer that some children are much more wise and mature than adults. Analytical thought can be used for shallow purposes as much as any religion...
Good thinking, IMO. However, I am a bit waffly about the kids sometimes being wiser than adults. I definitely think they are more open-minded than most adults and therefore have a less biased viewpoint on a lot of things as adults. So it may only seem as if they are wiser.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I don't think it's contributed much of value at all, and it's done a lot of harm, from the moment the first European priest set about proselytizing to the people who were here first.

In those days proselytizing at gun point was the norm wherever the Europeans went. They did the same thing in South America, India etc. While India has had some Christian population since shortly after the birth of Christ (there is evidence to suggest that Jesus spent some time in India), many were converted (forcibly) when the Christian missionaries came with the British.

They were able to convert Hindus to Christianity, many times by misrepresenting the Gospel, and almost always with the force of the British conquerors backing them up.

But at least in India they did not kill the local population wholesale, like they did in North and South America (or more accurately, perhaps they were not able to do so).
lol And what is it that you do, but proselytise about you and your religion (Joeyism)? According to you, you are an expert on everything and never wrong. lmao Sounds just like the Bible, to me. :D

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I know how smart you think you are, which is why I will take such great pleasure in proving you wrong, yet again...

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy. Originally published in the Youth's Companion, in a flag sales promotion to Public Schools. It was adopted by the Public School system in October of the same year.

It was adopted by the US Congress in 1942, as the official National Pledge.

I'm sure you still have me on I'm sure conceding to this is out of the question. Only the mature have said ability.;-)
lol "recent" is "relative".

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Ironsides, the first website you gave pertains to Vermont, and has nothing whatever to do with Canada. I searched the page for Canada and it doesn’t even mention Canada.

As to, that is a prolife, extreme right website and as such it is hardly credible. It gives a prolife perspective, nothing more. I wouldn’t give any credence to it.
And I doubt people give you as much credence as you think. lol


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
How many people already worship at the feet of specimins like Einstien and Hawkings two of the foremost hawkers of religious ideas like the big bang or how about the cosmological trinity of dark energy dark matter and black holes all complete with the faith based congregations and adherants who religiously keep the faith of the god BigBang.
The problem is not religion but rather religious thinking. Religious thinking is at work where we least expect it right at the center of academia where it leads as many away from truth as ever the god concept did.
The mistake, if conditioned responce can be called that, is to think that those who have used religion to control and exploit mankind would leave science free of their control for the benefit those very same exploitees. If you think science is not owned by the priests you need to think again.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Ironsides, the first website you gave pertains to Vermont, and has nothing whatever to do with Canada. I searched the page for Canada and it doesn’t even mention Canada.

As to, that is a prolife, extreme right website and as such it is hardly credible. It gives a prolife perspective, nothing more. I wouldn’t give any credence to it.

What does it matter what website was used, the medical procedures described are the same. There are only so many ways an abortion can be preformed. Do you think anesthetizing or overdosing the baby prior to aborting it would be any better, would it change the result, murder is murder no matter how one tries to define it. You reach a point where no matter how you try to officially try to define something you cannot.

Legal Restrictions on Later Abortion
As of 1998, among the 152 most populous countries, 54 either banned abortion entirely or permitted it only to save the life of the pregnant woman.[15] In addition, another 44 of the 152 most populous countries generally banned late-term abortions after a particular gestational age: 12 weeks (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Rep., Denmark, Estonia, France, Georgia, Greece, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Rep., Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Norway, Russian Fed., Slovak Rep., Slovenia, South Africa, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Yugoslavia), 13 weeks (Italy), 14 weeks (Austria, Belgium, Cambodia, Germany, Hungary, and Romania), 18 weeks (Sweden), viability (Netherlands and to some extent the United States), and 24 weeks (Singapore and the United Kingdom [Northern Ireland excluded]).[15

Late-term abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your right, no where is Canada even mentioned. You mention how low on the scale the U.S. appears as to medical care. In this case Canada is not even on the scale. There is such a thing as being to liberal. There is no health reason for a mother to abort in the third trimester. Her baby can be delivered alive as easy or easier than aborted dead.
In an event that a mother would die in her third trimester were her baby not aborted, it has always been legal in every hospital in every state in the United States to do so to save a mother's life, and it always will be.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
What does it matter what website was used, the medical procedures described are the same. There are only so many ways an abortion can be preformed. Do you think anesthetizing or overdosing the baby prior to aborting it would be any better, would it change the result, murder is murder no matter how one tries to define it. You reach a point where no matter how you try to officially try to define something you cannot.

It very much matters ironsides, it makes a big difference which website is used. An extreme prolife website, which is ideologically tied to banning all abortions, is going to distort, twist the facts to support its agenda. Sometimes it may even invent ‘facts’ and figures outright.

You don’t know how reliable a prolife website is, which facts are the true facts and which ones are invented, distorted or twisted facts, chances are that it is not reliable. Anything I read on prolife website, I need it to be confirmed by a reputable, respectable website before I will believe it. But then why not cut out the middleman, the extreme right website; why not go to the reputable website directly?

Let me give you an example. Would you believe anything you read on a Nazi, Al Qaeda or KKK website? You may believe everything you read on a prolife website, because you probably are prolife. Since I am not, any prolife website is biased and unbelievable as far as I am concerned.

On the flip side, I wouldn’t’ believe anything I read on a prochoice website either, they are also pushing an agenda, but in the opposite direction.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Your right, no where is Canada even mentioned. You mention how low on the scale the U.S. appears as to medical care. In this case Canada is not even on the scale. There is such a thing as being to liberal. There is no health reason for a mother to abort in the third trimester. Her baby can be delivered alive as easy or easier than aborted dead.

So what is your point, ironsides? Sure Canada does not have any law restricting late term abortions, but doctors police themselves quite efficiently, it is almost impossible to obtain an abortion in Canada after 24 weeks unless there is serious risk to mother’s health.

In fact, some states in USA are more liberal than Canada when it comes to late term abortions. I remember we had a case here a few years ago, where boy friend of a woman went to court to get an injunction preventing her from getting an abortion. Incredibly, he succeeded.

The woman appealed, but time was getting on. She tried to get an abortion in Canada, but she was so far advanced that no doctor in Canada would perform an abortion. So she crossed over to Massachusetts to get an abortion. Once she did that, of course the court case became moot.

Sure there is no law in Canada restricting late term abortion, but there is no abuse of the system. Personally I wouldn’t be opposed to some restrictions on late term abortions. But if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I am totally opposed to digging up the long buried issue of abortion and embark upon a divisive, destructive debate which may last for years.

As long as there is no abuse, I am opposed to putting any restrictions on abortion. Indeed, that is the difference between USA and Canada. We had a vigorous debate about abortion 15 to 20 years ago, the issue is settled and we have moved on. Any politician who tries to dig up the issue will be committing political suicide, especially in Quebec and Ontario.

This is unlike USA, where they will be discussing the issue of abortion for decades yet, without coming to any resolution.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
There is such a thing as being to liberal.

There is no such thing as being too liberal, ironsides.

In an event that a mother would die in her third trimester were her baby not aborted, it has always been legal in every hospital in every state in the United States to do so to save a mother's life, and it always will be.

Don’t be too sure. If religious right ever succeeds in fetus being declared a person, a human being, then there will be competing interest between fetus and the mother. Then it won’t at all be clear cut that mother’s life would take precedence over that of the fetus. Both are human beings, why would one life be more precious that the other?

In fact, one could make a convincing argument as to why the fetus should be permitted to live; even if that results in mother’s death. After all, mother has had at least a few decades here on earth; fetus has had only a few months (one has to count from conception on, of course). So it is only fair that fetus be given the chance at life, rather than someone who has already experienced life for a few decades.

So if religious right ever succeeds in getting fetus declared a person (and if Obama is defeated in 2012, followed by eight years of a Republican president, that is a very real possibility), then mother’s life certainly cannot be guaranteed.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
What does it matter what website was used, the medical procedures described are the same. There are only so many ways an abortion can be preformed. Do you think anesthetizing or overdosing the baby prior to aborting it would be any better, would it change the result, murder is murder no matter how one tries to define it. You reach a point where no matter how you try to officially try to define something you cannot.

It very much matters ironsides, it makes a big difference which website is used. An extreme prolife website, which is ideologically tied to banning all abortions, is going to distort, twist the facts to support its agenda. Sometimes it may even invent ‘facts’ and figures outright.

You don’t know how reliable a prolife website is, which facts are the true facts and which ones are invented, distorted or twisted facts, chances are that it is not reliable. Anything I read on prolife website, I need it to be confirmed by a reputable, respectable website before I will believe it. But then why not cut out the middleman, the extreme right website; why not go to the reputable website directly?

Let me give you an example. Would you believe anything you read on a Nazi, Al Qaeda or KKK website? You may believe everything you read on a prolife website, because you probably are prolife. Since I am not, any prolife website is biased and unbelievable as far as I am concerned.

On the flip side, I wouldn’t’ believe anything I read on a prochoice website either, they are also pushing an agenda, but in the opposite direction.
:roll:Then you are stuck with peer-reviewed journals. Pretty dry reading. Most people have a little sense and can research things a bit. If both pro-choice and pro-life come up with the same data, you can probably safely consider their data to be correct. It's about using your judgement and discretion. But, that is beyond you, I think.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
There is such a thing as being to liberal.

There is no such thing as being too liberal, ironsides.
Nonsense. The ideals of liberalism are the freedom of the individual, human rights, the rule of law, equality of opportunities, and the belief in the market economy. Now this may seem alright, but when the individual liberty infringes upon another person's liberty, liberalism can be too much. And what happens when the rule of law infringes upon the rights of the public? Or what happens when the market economy infringes upon the equality of opportunity?

In an event that a mother would die in her third trimester were her baby not aborted, it has always been legal in every hospital in every state in the United States to do so to save a mother's life, and it always will be.
Don’t be too sure.
Any evidence that it isn't?
If religious right ever succeeds in fetus being declared a person, a human being, then there will be competing interest between fetus and the mother. Then it won’t at all be clear cut that mother’s life would take precedence over that of the fetus. Both are human beings, why would one life be more precious that the other?
Ifs? You offer ifs as evidence?

In fact, one could make a convincing argument as to why the fetus should be permitted to live; even if that results in mother’s death. After all, mother has had at least a few decades here on earth; fetus has had only a few months (one has to count from conception on, of course). So it is only fair that fetus be given the chance at life, rather than someone who has already experienced life for a few decades.

So if religious right ever succeeds in getting fetus declared a person (and if Obama is defeated in 2012, followed by eight years of a Republican president, that is a very real possibility), then mother’s life certainly cannot be guaranteed.
:roll: No-one's life is guaranteed.