We have much better explanations now, and religion seems to me to be largely reduced to the God of the Gaps argument, as an explanation for things we haven't figured out yet.
That is the wrong place for religion, Dexter, religion does not belong in the gaps. Traditionally, religion has tried to explain things that it has no business explaining, it has been trying to explain natural phenomena such as electricity, planetary motion, origin of life on earth etc. When science comes up with an explanation for something, that phenomena is taken away from religion, one more gap is closed.
But that is not really the true purpose of religion. Seems to me that through the ages religion had abrogated the proper role of science, and that is where trouble begins. But at its root, religion is about Theology, about after life, about Salvation. Science has nothing to say about these subjects, these subjects are meaningless to science.
As long as religion restricts it self to Salvation, soul, afterlife, redemption etc., (the ‘why’ question) there is no conflict between religion and science.
"The Archdiocese of Miami is the latest of many Catholic dioceses around the country that have cut back in recent years. In one of the biggest cutbacks, the Diocese of Cleveland announced in March that it would close 52 of its 224 churches next year."
This dosen't sound like religion is gaining strength around here.