The Alt-Right Movement: A New Age of Racism and Xenophobia


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
White nationalists? Alt-right? If you see a Nazi, say Nazi

What does it take to call a Nazi a Nazi? In the interminable fortnight since the election of Donald Trump, the US press has been floundering in a gyre of panic over the internal taxonomy of racists.

For months, many (myself included) indulged Trump’s base in their euphemism of choice, the “alt-right”, an attempt to rebrand warmed-over Reconstruction-era white supremacy as a cool, new (and harmless!) internet fad. Despite the fact that Breitbart News (described by former honcho turned Trump adviser Stephen Bannon as “the platform for the alt-right”) had, at one point, a news tag labeled “black crime”, and was a driver of the racist conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was a secret Kenyan Muslim, the press contorted itself into labyrinthine knots to avoid applying the word “racist” to Bannon or Trump in any committed way. (In our post-meaning world, being called a racist is nearly as grievous as being a racist.)


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
A Novato man was arrested at a McDonald’s restaurant after allegedly throwing a synthetic Christmas tree, verbally abusing employees and disparaging Mexican immigrants, police said.

The incident occurred at about 5 a.m. Monday at the downtown McDonald’s on Redwood Boulevard, said Novato police Capt. Matt McCaffrey.

Gienty “was asked to leave after he decided to take off his shoes and have a seat upon the trash bins,” McCaffrey said in an email.

“Gienty apparently took exception to this and threw a decorative Christmas tree which was situated near the front counter.

“During the episode, Gienty gave his opinion about people of Mexican heritage in the country stating they should go back.”

Police arrived and took Gienty to the county jail. The McDonald’s is about 50 feet behind police headquarters.

Gienty made an initial appearance Tuesday in Marin Superior Court, where his case was assigned to a public defender. He delayed entering a plea and remained in custody Tuesday evening in lieu of $837.

The owner of the restaurant declined to comment on the incident.

McDonald’s patron denigrates immigrants, hurls Christmas tree, Marin police say



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
When you ask prominent alt-right mouthpieces why they’re boycotting, they say the Star Wars franchise has become too politicized, and even explictly anti-Trump. The former might be true in a general sense—if you consider Rogue One’s writers and cast speaking out against white supremacy and hate as “politicized”—but by taking those criticisms as personal attacks, the alt-right is literally aligning itself with the Dark Side. More importantly, they’re doing it in a way that allows the alt-right to cast themselves as the oppressed rather than the would-be oppressors. It’s a lesson they learned from the grandaddy of all American white supremacist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynist, homophobic groups: the Ku Klux Klan.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Montana is very cold in the winter but I suppose a "march' in Whitefish would only take 10 minutes.......

A white supremacist website is reportedly planning an armed protest in Montana.

The publisher of The Daily Stormer wrote to supporters that “we are planning an armed protest in Whitefish,”

The website has claimed Jewish people in the town of Whitefish were harming the business of prominent white supremacist Richard Spencer’s mother.

“Montana has extremely liberal open carry laws, so my lawyer is telling me we can easily march through the center of the town carrying high-powered rifles,” the message said.

“Currently, my guys say we are going to be able to put together about 200 people to participate in the march, which will be against Jews, Jewish businesses and everyone who supports either.”

Montana outlet The Missoulian, reported that the Daily Stormer offered to “call off” the march if certain demands were met.

The Whitefish police department is “aware” of the march which has been planned for early January.

White supremacist site offers to call off armed march in Whitefish | Montana & Regional |

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
See what the lefties have done? They're raised the ire of the extreme right-wing, not unlike they have in Germany with their stupid, thoughtless and ignorant rules and regulations, not giving any thought to the consequences of their decisions. It's incredibly naïve to think that those who oppose unregulated immigration, no fault rape, and those who refuse to acknowledge laws etc., are told to STFU because they're racists, bigots etc., etc. Would you not think that this would raise the ire of those who are racists etc.? Of course it would - it plays right into their hands by telling the citizens that they were right all along! And ignorant people will believe them because they feel that they've been let down by those in power who helped create the very situation they find themselves in. OMG This is what happens when people feel helpless, not listened to, not in control. This would not happen if common-sense prevailed but alas, common-sense died a long time ago.

BTW I do not condone people who go to such extremes; they're just as bad as the lefties who are themselves fascist in their thinking. And this is the situation the world finds itself in. Didn't we say at some point - never again? Well it's happening again - extreme left and extreme right-wing organizations are making it happen again.

Is Trump, (if he even makes it) part of the solution or is he going to be an additional part of the problem? We'll have to wait and see but I'm not overly optimistic.



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
'Alt-right' groups will 'revolt' if Trump shuns white supremacy, leaders say

Jared Taylor, a white supremacist who runs the self-termed “race-realist” magazine American Renaissance, said the president-elect had already backpedalled on several pledges that had fired up the far-right.

“At first he promised to send back every illegal immigrant. Now he is waffling on that.”

David Cole, a self-proclaimed Holocaust revisionist and Taki magazine columnist, envisaged the movement sliding into bickering and in-fighting, stuck in “rabbit warrens” of online trolling rather than policy shaping.

“In January Trump will start governing and will have to make compromises. Even small ones will trigger squabbles between the ‘alt-right’. ‘Trump betrayed us.’ ‘No, you’re betraying us for saying Trump betrayed us.’ And so on. The alt-right’s appearance of influence will diminish more and more as they start to fight amongst themselves.”

In an email interview Peter Brimelow, founder of the webzine, which alleges Mexican plots to remake the US, said Trump’s failure to deliver “important bones” could trigger a backlash. “I think the right of the right is absolutely prepared to revolt. It’s what they do.”

There is, however, a catch: Weber, Taylor and Brimelow – all classified as “extremists” by the Southern Poverty Law Center – said Trump’s victory energised the far-right and that the movement can grow with or without White House help.

The young crowd that roared “Hail Trump” at last month’s gathering in Washington will fight for its beliefs no matter what, Brimelow said. “None of them were looking for jobs in the Trump administration. These are not party loyalists. They know they’re entirely outside the establishment consensus. And they’re used to guerrilla warfare.”

Trump’s relationship with the far-right – an unruly grouping which includes opponents to illegal immigration, free trade, police reform, political correctness, miscegenation and mainstream Holocaust scholarship – will partly define his administration.

The casino mogul turned Republican insurgent electrified this group during the election by calling undocumented Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. He vowed to deport 11 million undocumented people, ban Muslims from entering the US and build a wall on the southern border.

He put Steve Bannon, who turned Breitbart News into a platform for the far right, in charge of his campaign and rewarded him with a senior White House post.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
So, what does an Alt-Right rebellion look like?

... heavily armed millitias living in bunkers out in the desert?