Team Romney earns gaffe gold in Britain


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
"You know, it's hard to know just how well it will turn out," he told NBC News on Wednesday. "There are a few things that were disconcerting, the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, sup-posed strike of the immigration and customs officials; that obviously is not something which is encouraging."

Really? This is what everyone is flipping out about? Pickings are getting.... a little slim it would appear.

Oh come on. You KNOW he don't like blacks, Brits, or poor folk.

When asked about the "poor folk" he said " they already have their safety net".................I would beg to differ, but that's a whole new topic and no one is about to change anyone's mind.

Britain once captured the American imagination. But times have changed here. Frankly, no one here cares about the British.

Eh!!! You mean all the Brits that got the **** out when they could. Some capture. Hell, they're still coming.

When you say no one here cares, who do you mean, ?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
He's touring London with a mutt strapped to his taxi. Pure evil.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
So... he was giving an honest answer? A "few things that were disconcerting" now means "no confidence". Wow. Talk about a stretch.

Yes indeed the pickings are slim.

I am not exactly sure you understand what tact means... actually, I am exactly sure you do not understand what tact means.

Ahhh... do you think the African-American vote is in play for Romney?

Well, that is basically what he said with his speech, isn't it.

"Thanks for this opportunity to speak, now let me regurgitate the same party line you have already heard."


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
He tied up the board of the NAACP and shat on them. How else does one dump??

Ask the Eagle to face palm that...........:lol::lol:

Ummm... I'm actually at a loss of graphics for that one!

Oh come on. You KNOW he don't like blacks, Brits, or poor folk.

When asked about the "poor folk" he said " they already have their safety net".................I would beg to differ, but that's a whole new topic and no one is about to change anyone's mind.

Yes the Libs do need to spread stuff like that. They've always been pretty divisive.

Poor folk DO have safety nets! Not only that they get everything for free and when they work the system, which is there to be worked, they can live pretty well and not have to work a day in their lives. Free housing, medical, and plenty of spending money. Did you know that Massachusetts pays Beauty Salon and Spa bills for the "poor"? All legal. If you are on welfare Massachusetts will pick up your Day of Beauty at the spa. Free car and insurance... extra cash if a Doc says your kid has A.D.D. They call them mental checks and when the program was passed the amount of "mental kids" in Massachusetts skyrocketed!

What fun!


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
Ummm... I'm actually at a loss of graphics for that one!

Yes the Libs do need to spread stuff like that. They've always been pretty divisive.

Poor folk DO have safety nets! Not only that they get everything for free and when they work the system, which is there to be worked, they can live pretty well and not have to work a day in their lives. Free housing, medical, and plenty of spending money. Did you know that Massachusetts pays Beauty Salon and Spa bills for the "poor"? All legal. If you are on welfare Massachusetts will pick up your Day of Beauty at the spa. Free car and insurance... extra cash if a Doc says your kid has A.D.D. They call them mental checks and when the program was passed the amount of "mental kids" in Massachusetts skyrocketed!

What fun!

If this were all true instead of hyperbole, wouldn't you essentially be admitting to being an idiot for working?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I am not exactly sure you understand what tact means... actually, I am exactly sure you do not understand what tact means.

Oh I know what tact means. I also know what a slow news day is and what an over reaction is. I also know that the media needs something as things aren't looking so good in the Obama camp at this moment.

Well, that is basically what he said with his speech, isn't it.

"Thanks for this opportunity to speak, now let me regurgitate the same party line you have already heard."

Then when he doesn't speak....

"Why won't he come speak to us! He don't care!"

Same ol' same ol'.

If this were all true instead of hyperbole, wouldn't you essentially be admitting to being an idiot for working?

We tell ourselves that around here. Why are we working?

And sadly... it is true...

Massachusetts governor's welfare card restrictions would still allow purchases at nail salons and jewelry stores | Fox News

Being from Massachusetts I heard the Gov say on the that a woman should be able to have her nails done at taxpayer expense... for example if she is getting ready for a job interview. Riiiiiiiight


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
Oh I know what tact means. I also know what a slow news day is and what an over reaction is. I also know that the media needs something as things aren't looking so good in the Obama camp at this moment.

That's the funny thing about this. It is a complete non-issue to everybody but the British, who have to ensure that it doesn't end up looking like they weren't prepared. So they definitely need to spin it a little bit. Outside of England, nobody cares. Which is why I cannot understand why you seem to be inventing strawmen that believe it to be a big issue so that you can pretend to be so wise in understanding that it was just an ordinary gaffe.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
I'm not a friend of the British. I have observed the relationship between Britain and America for decades. The relationship has changed significantly imo.

The American right has been slow to comprehend the deep antipathy in which conservative Americans are held by the British left. But the American right has finally grasped the implacability of the hatred of the British left. The net result of this understanding is that the former special relationship is dead in the eyes of many conservatives. And without the support of American conservatives the so called special relationship can't exist.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
That's the funny thing about this. It is a complete non-issue to everybody but the British, who have to ensure that it doesn't end up looking like they weren't prepared. So they definitely need to spin it a little bit. Outside of England, nobody cares. Which is why I cannot understand why you seem to be inventing strawmen that believe it to be a big issue so that you can pretend to be so wise in understanding that it was just an ordinary gaffe.

Ahh... if you see my post... I said I don't see what the big deal was. Perhaps you should review my posts?


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Ahh... if you see my post... I said I don't see what the big deal was. Perhaps you should review my posts?
I wouldn't make much out of it except the part where he looks like the reincarnation of Ghengis Khan.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Britain once captured the American imagination. But times have changed here. Frankly, no one here cares about the British.

I suppose that is why you all come out in droves to see any British royalty gracious enough to visit your country. :lol:

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Team Romney earns gaffe gold in Britain

Mitt Romney's trip abroad was meant to illustrate his readiness for the international stage as he attempts to deny U.S. President Barack Obama a second term in November.

Instead, there was this head-line Thursday adorning one of the biggest and most respected newspapers in Britain, the Guardian: "Mitt Romney's Olympics blunder stuns No. 10 and hands gift to Obama."

The paper also featured a live blog devoted to Romney ridicule.

"Romney in London," read one Tweet highlighted on the blog. "Come on. We needed this. It's a little comic relief. Kind of like Mr. Bean, only he's an American."

Attaboy, Nit. er I mean Mitt. Step in it, then stick foot in mouth, swirl it around, and savor the flavor. lmao


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I suppose that is why you all come out in droves to see any British royalty gracious enough to visit your country. :lol:

Really? Droves? They come out to see Canada's Royalty too... Justin Bieber. I bet he gets a bigger crowd than Britains Royals.

They're celebrities and of course they're going to have a following.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I still think a man who is a former businessman will make a much better president than Obama, who has no history of being in business and runs an economy as well as Betty Ford could run a pub crawl.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I still think a man who is a former businessman will make a much better president than Obama, who has no history of being in business and runs an economy as well as Betty Ford could run a pub crawl.

I guess 2 wars and a fuked economy had nothing to do with Bush.

Too Much Baggage - By David Rothkopf | Foreign Policy

But the Israel trip was marked by an even bigger error. This one was not a classic "gaffe," the Washington word for a gotcha moment that political hacks try to spin to their advantage almost as hard as regular humans try to ignore it. Rather, it was something deeper, a true foreign-policy blunder that revealed both a deep misunderstanding of a critical issue and a willingness to sacrifice U.S. interests in exchange for political cash.

The statement, a suggestion that Israel had thrived while Palestinians struggled because of the innate superiority of the Israelis, was also something more. It was racist. There are two possibilities here. One is that Romney was given by bad advice about what to say by his staff. The other is that he either ignored the advice he got or misunderstood it and was personally responsible for saying the stupid thing he said. (The likelihood of this latter possibility goes up, by the way, when it is noted that the language he used is similar to elements of his memoir in which he muses about the reason nations decline. In other words, he may actually believe the awful, damaging statement he made


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
The statement, a suggestion that Israel had thrived while Palestinians struggled because of the innate superiority of the Israelis, was also something more. It was racist...
All groups have the same human material to work with imo. However, not all groups make the most of what providence gave them. One cannot seriously contend that Palestinian culture is the equal of Han Chinese culture. Not all cultures are equal. Some cultures inculcate characteristics that are more propitious than others. For example, the Han Chinese have a reverence for educational excellence that some other cultures lack.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
All groups have the same human material to work with imo. However, not all groups make the most of what providence gave them. One cannot seriously contend that Palestinian culture is the equal of Han Chinese culture. Not all cultures are equal. Some cultures inculcate characteristics that are more propitious than others. For example, the Han Chinese have a reverence for educational excellence that some other cultures lack.

I would agree- But has the Palestinians economy had the freedom to produce? Or has it been restricted by conditions- war- and others.