Super Tuesday: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton win big


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Trump has measured the societal mind set of the times, and is telling those masses what they want to hear. And he will get the votes from traditional red states. The question is can he break through in the traditional blue states which carry a larger electoral number.

Don't you think they all are? Sanders is for sure which is why Hillary is speaking out about it. Free college... seriously?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You don't visit Burger King much do you?

Not sure what the connection is but I mainly patronize A & W and McDonalds a wee bit. Nothing against B.K. except they're a few miles out of my way.

O.K. now I recall the Whopper from I ate there regularly in 1983.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Trump has measured the societal mind set of the times, and is telling those masses what they want to hear. And he will get the votes from traditional red states. The question is can he break through in the traditional blue states which carry a larger electoral number.

I suppose it may depend on how many of those blue states have seen thousands of jobs disappear, factories close and manufacturing plants go overseas. The Donald appears to be striking a chord with people who see little hope for the future now that that future contains joblessness, idleness, poverty, loss of homes and the possibility of families breaking apart. I listened to him talking about the trillions of dollars that have gone overseas - he had a point and many of the unemployed people listening to him were probably quite cheered to hear that someone wants to do something about it.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Not sure what the connection is but I mainly patronize A & W and McDonalds a wee bit. Nothing against B.K. except they're a few miles out of my way.

O.K. now I recall the Whopper from I ate there regularly in 1983.

Burger King has reduced price Whoppers every Wednesday ... a promotion they call Whopper Wednesday. That is the connection.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
To depart from a consumer economy almost every aspect of life would require retooling but what would it become? What would the economy be?

Burger King has reduced price Whoppers every Wednesday ... a promotion they call Whopper Wednesday. That is the connection.

$2.50 but they want 85¢ for a slice of cheese. It's the second best bang for your buck. 2 mcdoubles "like a Mac" can't be beat though.

"Like a Mac" is adding Mac sauce and lettuce.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The Rise of the Machines?


Bring up the Blaster! MOWICH GO!



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
It must take an enormous pile of investment and production and literally years of prime time media. I wonder if it's profitable?
These epic election extravagazas.

You can just bet that the media and advertising companies are laughing all the way to the bank, DB. Yeah, people are making big money off this ............too bad it doesn't seem to be serving the American public all that well. JMO

I think he'd be the better of the two evils! (doubt if either one of them is totally sane)

Don Martin interviewed Conrad Black on Power Play today and the subject was his (Connie's) friend Donald. His Lordship vouchsafed the opinion that what you are seeing on the campaign trail is but smoke and mirrors and the Real Donald Trump though not quite warm and fuzzy, is the next best thing - a really good, smart man who can build fab buildings.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Trump's biggest enemy is the Republican Party itself - the 'establishment'. I think they are shooting themselves in the foot by opposing him! It is the establishment that the American public is tired of and that's why they are supporting Trump.
The 'old boys' in the Party don't want change; they want to hang onto their power. But if they want to win the election they will have to support Trump.
Clinton will be the same old same old. Trump will be a revolutionary new power that will get things done. I think Trump will go all the way and will defeat Clinton. There's a lot more to Trump than he has shown so far. All the mud they're throwing at him isn't sticking.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Trump's biggest enemy is the Republican Party itself - the 'establishment'. I think they are shooting themselves in the foot by opposing him! It is the establishment that the American public is tired of and that's why they are supporting Trump.
The 'old boys' in the Party don't want change; they want to hang onto their power. But if they want to win the election they will have to support Trump.
Clinton will be the same old same old. Trump will be a revolutionary new power that will get things done. I think Trump will go all the way and will defeat Clinton. There's a lot more to Trump than he has shown so far. All the mud they're throwing at him isn't sticking.
Absolutely and as we all know from history that isolationism and protectionism produce fantastic results.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You can just bet that the media and advertising companies are laughing all the way to the bank, DB. Yeah, people are making big money off this ............too bad it doesn't seem to be serving the American public all that well. JMO

Banks. What do they actually do? I I was in highschool and heard nothing about banks really. Are they important to young people? How many young people do banks eat every year?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Trump's biggest enemy is the Republican Party itself - the 'establishment'. I think they are shooting themselves in the foot by opposing him! It is the establishment that the American public is tired of and that's why they are supporting Trump.
The 'old boys' in the Party don't want change; they want to hang onto their power. But if they want to win the election they will have to support Trump.


And I think the GOP establishment will do whatever they can to run him off the road. I think that will be a mistake because that might just break the GOP and I am one who scoffed at that prediction in the past. But alienating such a large base is doom for the GOP. The GOP big shots simply don't have their fingers on the pulse of the electorate.