yup that can to be
but if we the proves it not the wrong we believe it ?
Will you redo this question I don't understand.
yup that can to be
but if we can to proves that we believe not the wrong way
can we believe in it ?
yup that can to be
but if we the proves it not the wrong we believe it ?
Will you redo this question I don't understand.
yup that can to be
but if we can to proves that we believe not the wrong way
can we believe in it ?
yup that can to be
but if we can to proves that we believe not the wrong way
can we believe in it ?
I assume that we can prove that the good way is the right way and this is what we do because we believe/feel the rightness of it reflected in those we have gifted.
I assume that we can prove that the good way is the right way and this is what we do because we believe/feel the rightness of it reflected in those we have gifted.
Hello EA, I tend to agree with the ethereal soul concept because it satisfys the longing for continuence in the next state. I also tend to believe that fear of the emptiness of death and the inate need in most of us to hope for this continuence has been the building blocks of religion and not the beautiful beguileing words of man. The love and fear of god and the hope of the happy hunting grounds predates the written word by a bit, so in that respect, if you'll forgive me, you lot, god technicians, are rather late to the game of salvation. Never mind you're doing splendid work catching up nontheless.
The origin of the beautiful compilations in your sacred book are and have been the stuff of universal conversation and contemplation, by firelight and moonbeam, for quite a while now. It is understandable that human traditions with respect to the way of death and life should have such widely divergent ideas. We should bear in mind that our own cultural and traditional beliefs may in fact be incorrect especially with respect to god. I find it interesting that many traditions teach that overmuch pride and scornful certitude and intolerance are all considered to have no virtue. Why would god command scorn and contempt for the unfortunate unbeliever instead of brotherly love and patcient kind tolerance seemingly in contrevention of his own example and word?
Every thing in the universe knew the powers of the gods long before mankind time, you decieve us with the words of men. Pleasently though.:lol:
PS: I hear through the grape vine that Sinister entertains waneing resolve to remain stubbornly unsaved in the light of your instruction.
CliffSome people think that religion in general has been invented by man to satisfy his needs
I would qualify that statement: "Intelligent people think that religion in general has been invented by man to satisfy his needs..." You will be sorry when you die and find out that you wasted you life on such silly beliefs. Go get laid and enjoy yourself. Life can be really short. You could die tomorrow without ever having had some fun. What a waste that would be.
Sir Joe,Yes I do. I believe that the continuum of life continues after death. In one sense, there really is not a beginning or end to life, life is a continuum.
Does life begin at conception? That is religious dogma. The sperm is very much alive before conception. Does life end after we die? Again, no way, the individual cells in our body are very much alive after we die.
Indeed, the cells can continue to live indefinitely in a Petri dish. Birth and death truly form a continuum.
So to come back to your question, I believe that birth-death cycle continues after death. Death of a human being is merely a stopping point in the cycle. Our body (burned or buried) fertilizes and nourishes further life.
A very inappropriate unveiling of members. Highly disrespectful and foolish.