Socialists in a Panic


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Socialists in a Panic Over ClimateGate…to Pass UN Climate Treaty

By Bob Ellis on November 27th, 2009
In October we learned about the upcoming UN Climate Treaty gathering in Copenhagen and how President Barack Obama was expected to sign this thing, making the U.S. Constitution subservient to UN climate law designed to fight a problem that doesn’t even exist. We have Lord Christopher Monckton of Great Britain to thank for exposing this threat.
Then we heard a few weeks later from the New York Times that the deal was falling apart and that we shouldn’t expect any agreement to come together in Copenhagen in December.
But that was before the ClimateGate release of emails from a key global warming group in Britain which showed global warming fanatics talking to one another about how to manipulate the scientific data so that it appeared to back up their outrageous claims about anthropogenic global warming.
Now that the cat is out of the bag (while the American “mainstream” media is still desperately trying to keep it hush-hush), we learn President Obama is wearing some of the emperor’s new clothes and headed to Copenhagen with the intention of subjugating our nation with this treaty.
Charles Payne recently interviewed the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Chris Horner who said this
So they’re trying to brazen this out, Charles, and the president, as you indicated, I believe, is doubling down. They’re panicked. They’re going to politically commit the U.S. in three weeks to a treaty now in violation of their own express policy of waiting for Congress to tell them what they’re able to do because they really do believe they must act now.
It would seem, then, that Obama and his fellow global warming alarmists realize the gig is nearly up and they have to grab whatever power they can for world government under the auspices of global warming disaster while they can. After all, the number of people who are buying this silly theory has been dropping for some time, and with the duplicity of the apostles of global warming now exposed, expect those numbers of believers to become anemic.
Newsbusters lays out a compelling case here.
If Obama and his fellow socialists don’t act now, they may miss their last chance to bring America under the heel of socialist government (at least under the excuse of global warming apocalypse).
But there’s one key truth that Obama and other socialists fail to properly appreciate: Americans aren’t compliant European sheep.
We’ll stand against this, and undo it if we have to.



Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Panic everyone! Get hysterical now! The big, bad Yanks are making a stab for world domination. lmao


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Socialists in a Panic Over ClimateGate…to Pass UN Climate Treaty

By Bob Ellis on November 27th, 2009
In October we learned about the upcoming UN Climate Treaty gathering in Copenhagen and how President Barack Obama was expected to sign this thing, making the U.S. Constitution subservient to UN climate law designed to fight a problem that doesn’t even exist. We have Lord Christopher Monckton of Great Britain to thank for exposing this threat.
Then we heard a few weeks later from the New York Times that the deal was falling apart and that we shouldn’t expect any agreement to come together in Copenhagen in December.
But that was before the ClimateGate release of emails from a key global warming group in Britain which showed global warming fanatics talking to one another about how to manipulate the scientific data so that it appeared to back up their outrageous claims about anthropogenic global warming.
Now that the cat is out of the bag (while the American “mainstream” media is still desperately trying to keep it hush-hush), we learn President Obama is wearing some of the emperor’s new clothes and headed to Copenhagen with the intention of subjugating our nation with this treaty.
Charles Payne recently interviewed the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Chris Horner who said this
So they’re trying to brazen this out, Charles, and the president, as you indicated, I believe, is doubling down. They’re panicked. They’re going to politically commit the U.S. in three weeks to a treaty now in violation of their own express policy of waiting for Congress to tell them what they’re able to do because they really do believe they must act now.

It would seem, then, that Obama and his fellow global warming alarmists realize the gig is nearly up and they have to grab whatever power they can for world government under the auspices of global warming disaster while they can. After all, the number of people who are buying this silly theory has been dropping for some time, and with the duplicity of the apostles of global warming now exposed, expect those numbers of believers to become anemic.
Newsbusters lays out a compelling case here.
If Obama and his fellow socialists don’t act now, they may miss their last chance to bring America under the heel of socialist government (at least under the excuse of global warming apocalypse).
But there’s one key truth that Obama and other socialists fail to properly appreciate: Americans aren’t compliant European sheep.
We’ll stand against this, and undo it if we have to.

I am beginning to wonder what Canada is going to say in Copenhagen now that our Stephen Harper has changed his mind and will be attending the conference. We are receiving more than a few black-eyes in the media over the state of the Tar Sands.

Had the government of Ralph Klein only shown some vision and care for the environment, the Tar Sands could have been a shining example of Canadian oil extraction. Instead, it is an environmental disaster that wil cost millions to clean-up properly.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There is very little the leaders can do to solve the G.W. conundrum. But if every citizen makes a few minor changes like turning off unnecessary lights, reducing the thermostat by a degree or two, travelling the short distances on foot and hanging the drying on the outside clothes line, that is the way the problem will be solved. But EVERY citizen has to pitch in.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
There is very little the leaders can do to solve the G.W. conundrum. But if every citizen makes a few minor changes like turning off unnecessary lights, reducing the thermostat by a degree or two, travelling the short distances on foot and hanging the drying on the outside clothes line, that is the way the problem will be solved. But EVERY citizen has to pitch in.
Piffle and drivel; have you not heard about the scam revealed by the emails of the gurus of AGW?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Quoting Bob Ellis:
...making the U.S. Constitution subservient to UN climate law...
...subjugating our nation with this treaty...

... they have to grab whatever power they can for world government...
...Obama and his fellow socialists...
...last chance to bring America under the heel of socialist government...
...Obama and other socialists...

Standard conspiracy theory crap from the ignorant paranoid elements of the American Christian far right.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I get a wee bit tired of hearing about climate change. It happens, has done so more than a few times over the millenia. The Earth warms up, cools, freezes and begins to warm up again. We have absolutely no control what-so-ever over what the Earth is going through right now.

Even if we stopped polluting our air, water, and land tomorrow, it would not make any difference. The Earth has its own timetable for changes and it will keep to it.

What we can and should do is to look to our oceans, lakes, and rivers for the sake of having healthy, clean water. We should work to clean our air so we can breath freely without fear of harming our lungs. The land we depend upon for our food supply needs to be revitalized and rejuvenated and we have to re-think monoculture policies.

It is our health, our life that is at stake here. The Earth will always endure, no matter what we do or don't do.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I think you're 90% right Mowich, Old Mother Nature probably isn't going to be defeated by us mere mortals, but with 6 billion inhabitants on the planet, we can do a fair amount of damage. If don't smarten up we'll just become extinct before we ever totally ruin the earth (it's already starting to happen, experts are warning us that after our generation life spans are going to decline. ) and within a generation or Mother Nature will have things tickety boo again.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Piffle and drivel; have you not heard about the scam revealed by the emails of the gurus of AGW?

There is no scam Walt and no proof of it, just spin on words and real scientists calling mail order ones dumb.

I think you've had a premature ejaculation over this little "truther" incident.:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
There is no scam Walt and no proof of it, just spin on words and real scientists calling mail order ones dumb.

I think you've had a premature ejaculation over this little "truther" incident.:lol:
I quess you believe we are all going to die.
Your right probably for most of us between the age of 65 to 80.
I am sure future generations will find the same livespan or greater .
But they surely will all die just as we will.
Life is to short for me to become a chicken little and worry about falling skies,
or is that rising temperatures.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Levity aside...

We haven't the ability to stave off an asteroid of significant size, nor the ability to stop volcanic eruptions, the Titanic's inclusion is the closet to the truth. Those at the helm that say nothing is a miss are woefully ignorant. Anyone can plainly see our planet is changing.

The following is not necessarily addressed to you Nif, but more an open statement, so please don't read to much into it....

Where the argument arises is in the application of blame and how to fix it. How exatly should we address an asteroid rocketing towards earth? Or the eminent eruption of a volcano? Throw billions of dollars at it, and hope it works, while we destroy our own economy in the process?

A Vietnamese man was once asked how he felt about America's presence in his country. His reply, "If a man breaks into my home and tries to steal from me, should I destroy my home while I try to repel him?". Though a thoughtful assessment of how sometimes war is futile, it can easily be applied to this scenario. How far are we willing to go to be right about climate change? Are we willing to bankrupt millions of our fellow countrymen in the process? Are we willing to turn a blind eye to supposed third world nations with nuclear and space programs, while we place an unattainable burden of taxation and cost upon ourselves and our children's children?

How much is to much, for a theory that has seen more then its fair share of lies, half truths and misinformation?

Though oft dismissed by the consensus truther's, there is an abundance of evidence of elements beyond our control at play, effecting our climate. Is there something to worry about? Yes. Should we all jump on drastic socialist carbon schemes and ignore the wanton polluting of supposed third world nations, while we decimate our own economies? No.

I find the vocabulary and tactics of the pro AGW truther's to be suspect. Even as the spin doctors dismiss the word 'trick' as a grammatical anomaly, the meaning of the word 'hide', certainly isn't as easy to manipulate.

There seems to be some form of malice or suspect behavior in these communications that needs to be examined. It appears to be far to easy to dismiss any opposing voice as a "mail order" scientist, without so much as a shred of proof, while adhering to the word of others as gospel, again, with little or no critical examination.

With what's really at stake here, it would be most prudent to examine all aspects of the issue.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
levity aside...

We haven't the ability to stave off an asteroid of significant size, nor the ability to stop volcanic eruptions, the titanic's inclusion is the closet to the truth. Those at the helm that say nothing is a miss are woefully ignorant. Anyone can plainly see our planet is changing.

The following is not necessarily addressed to you nif, but more an open statement, so please don't read to much into it....

Where the argument arises is in the application of blame and how to fix it. How exatly should we address an asteroid rocketing towards earth? Or the eminent eruption of a volcano? Throw billions of dollars at it, and hope it works, while we destroy our own economy in the process?

A vietnamese man was once asked how he felt about america's presence in his country. His reply, "if a man breaks into my home and tries to steal from me, should i destroy my home while i try to repel him?". Though a thoughtful assessment of how sometimes war is futile, it can easily be applied to this scenario. How far are we willing to go to be right about climate change? Are we willing to bankrupt millions of our fellow countrymen in the process? Are we willing to turn a blind eye to supposed third world nations with nuclear and space programs, while we place an unattainable burden of taxation and cost upon ourselves and our children's children?

How much is to much, for a theory that has seen more then its fair share of lies, half truths and misinformation?

Though oft dismissed by the consensus truther's, there is an abundance of evidence of elements beyond our control at play, effecting our climate. Is there something to worry about? Yes. Should we all jump on drastic socialist carbon schemes and ignore the wanton polluting of supposed third world nations, while we decimate our own economies? No.

I find the vocabulary and tactics of the pro agw truther's to be suspect. Even as the spin doctors dismiss the word 'trick' as a grammatical anomaly, the meaning of the word 'hide', certainly isn't as easy to manipulate.

There seems to be some form of malice or suspect behavior in these communications that needs to be examined. It appears to be far to easy to dismiss any opposing voice as a "mail order" scientist, without so much as a shred of proof, while adhering to the word of others as gospel, again, with little or no critical examination.

With what's really at stake here, it would be most prudent to examine all aspects of the issue.

hear hear!!


Council Member
Mar 31, 2005
Prince George, BC
There is very little the leaders can do to solve the G.W. conundrum. But if every citizen makes a few minor changes like turning off unnecessary lights, reducing the thermostat by a degree or two, travelling the short distances on foot and hanging the drying on the outside clothes line, that is the way the problem will be solved. But EVERY citizen has to pitch in.
What nonsense. If the AGW scare is real, we have to get back to 17th century emission levels, which means no planes, trains or automobiles, no lights other than the meger glow of your own solar cells or hand cranked generator, no natural gas or petroleum products, no air conditioning or refridgeration. Your suggestions wouldn't even come close to meeting the Kyoto targets.