Should Trudeau Be More Aggressive with Albertchewan?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
what success?

look at all those completed pipelines!

Clearly Harper was working full time for the oil industry.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
what success?

look at all those completed pipelines!

Clearly Harper was working full time for the oil industry.

Unfortunately, the pipelines completed went South to the US. Having a single large buyer of Canadian crude, particularly heavy crude, reduces Alberta's ability to compete for higher prices.

The ability to get the crude to a wider market has been completely hobbled by Trudeau's bumbling or outright mothballing of projects intended to get it to other markets. The only thing Trudeau's anti pipeline laws and motives has succeeded in doing is create an increased reliance on rail and decreased safety to the environment and people. Trudeau's claimed concern for the environment is as fake as his transparently hollow concern for national unity.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
No, he only completed Kinder Morgan Anchor Loop Pipeline, TC Keystone Pipeline, Enbridge Alberta Clipper Pipeline, and Enbridge Line 9 Pipeline.
I suspect he would have knocked out TMX in similar fashion, without completely screwing the deal up and having to buy the friggin thing like tater did, had he been given another mandate.
I was referring to this


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Harper was in no way good for Canada and canada never had the #1 world economy at any time.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yep, I'd also accept "someplace else."

How's things, beer?

Beer is good as usual.............................................

I make my own..............saves on all those CDN govt sin taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the fight against IDIOT LIE-berals GOES ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider this piece of LIE-beral INSANITY::::::

Here is an article illustrating the level of commitment Cdn teacher HOGS devote to supporting Soviet Socialist values!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Alberta professors cite free expression in defending lecturer who called Holodomor a hoax

University of Alberta students protest after an assistant lecturer posted Facebook comments denying the Holodomor was an act of genocide, in Edmonton, Dec. 2, 2019.

By Tyler Dawson, Post Media

Published December 6, 2019, 7:09 PM EST

Filed under: News

EDMONTON — A coalition of academics at the University of Alberta is coming to the defence of a lecturer who declared in a Facebook post that the Holodomor famine was a hoax spread by fascists, which led to widespread condemnation and calls for his resignation from the students’ union and other groups.

(That an educated man would make such a shameless LIE about Soviet history is hugely disturbing!! The details of the Holodomor are well documented!! And the Soviet actions in starving nearly 8 million Ukranians to death for purely political reasons is in line with the later Soviet execution of 30,000 Poles in the Katyn Forest - which Soviet supporters ALSO BLAMED ON NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“The learning environment is not … made ‘safe’ when any individual or group attempts to prevent another’s exercise of freedom of expression,” the letter says. “It is fundamentally undermined, as the ability to examine, analyze, and critique all ideas is the lifeblood of the university.”
Dougal MacDonald ran for the Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada in the recent federal election. Kevan Hunter

(So the Prof has a history of being COMMITTED to supporting the Soviet line of Propaganda!! It sounds to me as if the twit is UNFIT to teach at a public institution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The signatories of the letter, released earlier this week, were responding to a statement made Nov. 28 by Akanksha Bhatnagar, the student union president that called upon Dougal MacDonald to take back his Holodomor remarks “or resign,” and requested the university condemn his comments.

Akanksha Bhatnagar, the president of the Students’ Union, told the Post she stands entirely behind the statement they’ve made, and won’t be changing it. “This is the right thing to do,” she said. “At some point you have to be able to define truth and this is an undeniable fact.”

(There would be nothing to discuss if there was a boycott of the Prof`s classes - no students in class means nobody to teach and thus NO JOB for Prof !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Dec. 2 letter from the 43 academics across the university’s faculties and departments says MacDonald’s comments are protected by university principles of free expression.

(So what that means is that 43 civil service union HOGS are defending the right of a Soviet apologist to SPREAD LIES!! How is it that LIE-berals can be so HYPOCRITICAL that they DEPORTED Ernst Zundel for stating the Jewish Holocaust was a lie - yet this Prof is BEING DEFENDED for his Holodomor LIE!
LIE-berals hate Nazis and love Soviet Socialist Butchers??????????????)

(Such a defence might not be quite so odious if our teacher HOGS were not neck deep in a GROSS Conflict of Interest - as they SELL their votes to LIE-berals in exchange for MORE GRAVY!! It is the usual LIE-beral style crap - “Do as we say - not as we do”!! LIE-berals reserve the right to tell us what to believe - FOR THEIR OWN GOOD - just like the dictator Soviets they so admire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The academics were joined, as well, in a separate statement from Kevin Kane, the president of the Association of Academic Staff, on Dec. 1, which said Bhatnagar’s statement “can be seen as pressure for retroactive self-censorship.”

“This is inconsistent with principles of freedom of expression.”

(Being caught out telling GROSS LIES -and being forced to retract them is not censorship - as LIE-berals have already taught us in the Ernst Zundel affair!! LIE-beral hypocrisy is a shameless and irresponsible poison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Kane did not respond to a request for comment.

The controversy began in November, when Dougal MacDonald, a lecturer in the faculty of education and former candidate for the Marxist-Leninist Party, called Holodomor a myth, and wrote that “in Canada, former Nazi collaborators and their spawn have long led the phony (sic) Holodomor campaign.”

Jason Kenney denounces 'useful idiots' amid uproar over university lecturer's Holodomor denial
Remembering the man who told the truth of Stalin's assault on Ukraine
Robert Fulford: How an atrocity that killed millions remained a secret for decades

The post was first reported by The Gateway, and that led to condemnation from the Ukrainian Students’ Society, which implored in a Facebook statement that people contact the university to ensure “Dougal MacDonald is no longer allowed to share such messages.” The Ukrainian Canadian Congress is also calling for the “immediate censure and termination” of MacDonald for his statements and the Jewish Federation of Edmonton condemned it, too.

(And is it not ODD how often Facebook will remove modestly right wing statements if only a few LIE-berals complain - but Facebook and its LIE-beral supporters will try to maul anti Soviets and anti Socialist critics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“It is irresponsible and deeply dishonest to suggest that the Holodomor didn’t happen. This type of revisionism is dangerous, and we object to it in the strongest terms.”

(I have stated before that Our idiot Boy Justin is an aspiring Soviet Socialist dictator - and both Our idiot Boy and his assorted supporters are engaged in a LONG TERM rehabilitation of Soviet Socialist reputation in order to make it easier for them to SELL Soviet Socialist values to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(WE need only recall that in his book “Two Innocents in Red China - Pierre Trudope SPECIFICALLY PRAISED what he called “The genius of Chairman Mao in rushing 30 million Chinese to the gallows”!! Yes - our Pet Pierre was such an admirer of all things Soviet Socialist that he PRAISED THE MASS MURDER of 30 million Chinese!! And such is the LUST FOR POWER of Cdn LIE-berals that they were willing to follow our VILE PET Pierre Trudope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Holodomor refers to a period in the early 1930s in Ukraine, when agricultural collectivization under Joseph Stalin’s Communist government in the Soviet Union led to millions of deaths by starvation.

(There are photos of Pierre Trudeau leading Cdn delegates to so called ”peace conferences” in Moscow - which were nothing more than Soviet party rallies for the further indoctrination of Socialist supporters - though our VILE PM later denied it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

“Free and public debate on issues, especially controversial issues, is a healthy aspect of our society and is, in fact, necessary, if we are to make any progress toward building a better future,” wrote MacDonald in a follow-up statement. The Post could not reach MacDonald Friday.

This type of revisionism is dangerous

(Socialism has been a catastrophic failure in every country where it has been tried - thus this revisionist history must be regarded as dangerous!! At the very least promoters of these lies should NOT have access to school class rooms!!!!!)

The university was unable to offer anyone for an interview Friday, but referred the Post to a statement put online Friday morning that said while MacDonald’s got the right to free expression, “his views do not represent and are not endorsed by the University of Alberta.” The statement said the university would launch a handful of initiatives to increase “awareness and learning about Holodomor on our campus and beyond.”

(Ah yes the usual TOKEN LIE-beral response!! If the prof had stated that black people get shot by cops because so many blacks are criminally inclined - there would be riots - and immediate dismissal - as previous attacks on out spoken right wing minded prof`s HAVE PROVED!! Where LIE-berals are concerned - the truth is flexible at best and IRRELEVANT at worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Bhatnagar calls the initiatives taken by the university steps in the right direction. “The university’s in a tough spot because this is something that was on a personal Facebook page of a professor,” she said.

(And yet LIE-berals are quite willing to lay Hate Crime charges against private citizens!! Consider the Mississauga man who was arrested as a Hate Criminal for offering money to anybody who could provide documented proof of Hate Speech taking place in any Cdn Mosque - thus asking for PROOF of a crime becomes illegal in LIE-beral Canada and yet a year later Our idiot Boy revoked the charity license of an Ottawa Mosque for “promoting hate speech and offering aid to Muslim terrorist groups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals have a DANGEROUSLY FLEXIBLE and self serving concept of what constitutes a Hate Crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Denial of Holodomor received staunch criticism from Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, who condemned “Western, supposedly-progressive voices who were complicit in one of history’s great cover-ups.”

“These were the useful idiots of whom Lenin wrote. Westerners who purposefully lied about one of the great acts of mass murder in human history,” said Kenney.

(Sadly the ENTIRE Trudope clan is made up of “useful idiots” of the sort that would - in the words of Lenin “sell the Soviet Union the rope it needed to HANG the Western capitalists”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Unfortunately, the pipelines completed went South to the US. Having a single large buyer of Canadian crude, particularly heavy crude, reduces Alberta's ability to compete for higher prices.

The ability to get the crude to a wider market has been completely hobbled by Trudeau's bumbling or outright mothballing of projects intended to get it to other markets. The only thing Trudeau's anti pipeline laws and motives has succeeded in doing is create an increased reliance on rail and decreased safety to the environment and people. Trudeau's claimed concern for the environment is as fake as his transparently hollow concern for national unity.
None of that matters , oil is dead . His idol just told us we will need hydrocarbons for many years to come , but oil is dead .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
oil will survive the end of gasoline but it will diminish in importance.

the wealth that is currently expended on gasoline is moving elsewhere


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Harper was in no way good for Canada and canada never had the #1 world economy at any time.
Harper was one of the best PMs we ever had. He is missed every day.Too bad there are so many freeloaders in this country that want my grandkids to pay for their excesses today.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
what success?

look at all those completed pipelines!

Clearly Harper was working full time for the oil industry.

So hemerHOID................................

WHO DO YOU WORK FOR??????????????????

Clearly you do not support any legitimate CANADIAN INTERESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Harper was one of the best PMs we ever had. He is missed every day.Too bad there are so many freeloaders in this country that want my grandkids to pay for their excesses today.
He was a train wreck.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Gosh I thought the findings were that the deregulation that Harper spear-headed in order to facilitate oil by rail was a major factor in the crash


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Gosh I thought the findings were that the deregulation that Harper spear-headed in order to facilitate oil by rail was a major factor in the crash

And that more pipelines should be used to lesson a tragedy like this in the future.

Btw have they eliminated the deregulations yet?