Should Military be used to keep Quebec in confederation


New Member
Apr 3, 2006
Re: RE: Should Military be used to keep Quebec in confederat

Canadian with a hyphen said:
What i was trying to say is that the US will be waiting for this day to happen to pick up what is left of Canada and i do NOT want this to happen.
-Nationalism does strange things to some people,especially when extreme manifestations of nationalism are encouraged by great powers nearby-

But why in the world would Quebec agree to join w/the US? The last thing they'd want is to get entangled w/another Anglo country as that's exactly what they're trying to get away from. And I wouldn't see the US being as accomodating as Canada has been


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
All this talk of military is bulcrap.

It is not such a big problem. The vaste majority of Canadians do not care less if Quebec stays or leaves.

There will be no blood shead nor any tears dropped over it.

These are things Quebecers say to bring attention to themselves that makes them think they are important.

Quebec is nothing but Canada's most whinning province that gets Welfare from the rest of Canada.

I would be hapy to see it go, if for nothing more than to see less government signs no one can read cluttering up the sceenery everywhere in Canada.


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
cortezzz said:
zoofer said:
I do not know if he said it or not. But trying to refute facts by alluding to quotes from Hitler hardly holds water.
The States are getting concerned about Spanish. Belgium is in a pickle with the Flemish and Walloons.

dont you mean the english speaking people of in the states are getting concerned about spanish-

but seriously whos gives a toot what their concerns are

if they dont like mexican-spanish
they can go back to britain

The same logic can be used for Quebec. If they do not like English they can go back to France.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Re: RE: Should Military be used to keep Quebec in confederat

Canadian with a hyphen said:
No jersay... i am more canadian than some canadians...but you must make plain that Quebec never had the sovereign right to yield sovereignty to a larger entity and never consented to the federal arrangements made in its name.
What i was trying to say is that the US will be waiting for this day to happen to pick up what is left of Canada and i do NOT want this to happen.
-Nationalism does strange things to some people,especially when extreme manifestations of nationalism are encouraged by great powers nearby-


You may be more Canadian than some Canadians but your posts make me believe that you are less Canadian than most Canadians.


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
Jersay said:
Well Latin people are just recolonizing territory that was taken from them by US expansion. So don't be too afraid.

Now with Quebec, it is distinct, but I think support for seperatism has declined if Conservatives or other federal parties play it right.

Do the Belgians have an extremely huge problem with their Flemish and Wallon populations.

Not in Belgium, it seems, where the Flemish and the Walloons are barely on speaking terms on the rare occasions when they can understand each other. The two regions, whose divisions date back to the 3rd century when the Germanic Franks colonised the north and the Romanised Celts (or Wala) took the lands to the south, seem to be on the permanent brink of divorce. Way back in 1912 the Socialist MP for the Francophone city of Charleroi, Jules Destree, summed up the mood when he declared: "In Belgium there are Walloons and Flems. There aren't any Belgians."

Nearly a century later, as the Kingdom of Belgium marks the 175th anniversary of its foundation in 1831, matters have worsened. Barely 1% of all Belgian marriages take place between members of the two communities.,,1714921,00.html

Separation anxieties
Flanders' demands for independence from the rest of Belgium are becoming louder and increasingly hard to ignore, writes Andrew Osborn
Monday July 15, 2002
Its impending disintegration as a nation state has been regularly forecast for the past 172 years, but Belgium has defied the doomsayers and held together - until now. However, if events of the past week are anything to go by, Belgium's days as a federal state are numbered and its fate is to be slowly dismantled until it exists in name only.,,755641,00.html

A quick Google.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
In Relation to Québécois Sovereignty

Au sujet de la souveraineté de la province du Québec, je crois que les québecoises et québecois devraient essayer de s'exprimer à la Chambre des communes, comme tous les autres canadiennes et canadiens. Tous les jours dans la Chambre, Gilles Duceppe, M.P., le député de Laurier—Sainte-Marie et le chef du Bloc Québécois, dit que le Québec a une culture unique — cependant, à mon avis, c'est la même chose pour tous les provinces du Canada! Nous sommes tous uniques.

In terms of the recruitment of the Canadian Forces to ensure that Québec does not succeed in any attempt to separate in violation of rulings made by the Supreme Court of Canada, I would be in favour of any such action. As per the Constitution Act, 1982, citizens have the right to move from one province to another, with freedom and safety — anyone in Canada has just as much a right to claim another province as their own, such as Québec, as the one they reside in. Therefore, if the National Assembly of Québec were to attempt to separate without respecting the Constitution to which they are a party (notwithstanding the fact that they had not signed onto the agreement, the fact remains that they are bound by its provisions), I would be in favour of whatever action would be necessary to ensure that a part of our home wasn't torn away without the consent of the citizens of Canada.

Canadian with a hyphen

Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2006
On this specific issue, I THINK...the alternative is quite simple and it boils down to one word. The alternative is Canada.
It is 128 yrs of collective experience under this political system.It's 155 yrs of a political union between the provinces of Ontario and Quebec .It's almost 400 yrs of experience in North America together, building what is today a great country.

so whatever you do, DO NOT accuse me of being less canadian .


Canadian with a hyphen

Electoral Member
Apr 9, 2006
all i tried to say is sometimes i understand quebecers point view , they were never part of this constitution.
How can we make them wanna stay and be part of this country ?



Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
Forgive me Canadian with a hyphen but I have a confession to make.

I continually misread hyphen with hymen. :oops: Part of the problem is I have only two functioning brain cells left.
Does anyone know if there is any kind of a drill I can use to overcome this disconnect?


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Hello Zoofer, Sassy the power tool lady is always willing to lend a hand. Then again it might be your hand I end up drilling in to, so be forwarned.


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
You can't cuz I am under the bed. In hiding. Advice fromm 911 Operator.

God of marriage!
Are you married Canadian?
Do you golf?
Wanna take free lessons?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
#juan said:
It seems to me,

the fight wouldn't be about keeping Quebec in Canada, but making sure those who don't want to separate have a voice. The First Nations have voiced that they don't want to separate. Montreal would likely vote to stay. I don't think there has to be civil war but If ever Canada had to be strong for the sake of the people, this would be the time.

Well said, Juan.


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
Hah a golfing newbie. Nothing like starting at the bottom. Yep books have been written about the use of the hands in Golf. One good one by a guy who wrote as Mr X.
Starting at scratch is good as there are no bad habits to get rid of.
Not married huh? Better not tell Toro and Jay. They do not have my gentility, couth and civility! :D


Council Member
Dec 31, 2005
Re: RE: Should Military be used to keep Quebec in confederat

Canadian with a hyphen said:
i think when one gets married he/she become like Canada and Quebec , they will start talking about seperation ... so why bother ... what do ya think?


Yeah. I never put much thought into the living in sin thingy but then ....

I can feel Sassy peering over my shoulder, a frown on her pretty face. Borderline disapproval.
OK Sassy, free golf lessons for you too!


Electoral Member
Nov 30, 2005
St. John's
Jersay said:
Zoofer that is what Hitler said.

I think it is "Godwins Law" that states that the longer an argument/discussion goes on, the higher the chance someone will bring Hitler and Naziism into it. Congrats Jersay, you get the Nazi Alarm award.

If Quebec votes to seperate, let them go. (With no financial assistance from Canada). The army should not be called in unless there are huge riots endangering the people.