Saudi Arabia expelling Canadian ambassador, suspending new trade


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The Saudis own your sorry asses, Yank.


In your dreams. The Saudis put Trudeau right in his place and showed him that he doesn't have the muscle to push anyone around. From coast to coast Canadians were screaming for Justin to unscrew what he did. It was a panic. Trudeau buckled quick.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
In your dreams. The Saudis put Trudeau right in his place and showed him that he doesn't have the muscle to push anyone around. From coast to coast Canadians were screaming for Justin to unscrew what he did. It was a panic. Trudeau buckled quick.
It was a panic?

It was a DELUGE!!!!!

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

After Khashoggi's killing, Trump sent a clear signal: With enough money, you can get away with murder, The Post's publisher writes

In a statement this week, President Trump whitewashed the Saudi government��s brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and proclaimed that his commercial relationship with Saudi Arabia was too important to risk.

Throughout this crisis, the president has maintained that he��s looking after our ��national interests.�� But Trump��s response doesn��t advance America��s interests; it places the dollar values of commercial deals above the long-cherished American values of respecting liberty and human rights. And Trump has determined that the United States no longer requires honesty and shared values from its global partners.

Indeed..stating the obvious.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
In your dreams. The Saudis put Trudeau right in his place and showed him that he doesn't have the muscle to push anyone around. From coast to coast Canadians were screaming for Justin to unscrew what he did. It was a panic. Trudeau buckled quick.
Seems to be a pattern, buy weapons from us and you can kill your own or others and the weapons will keep coming. Our high moral standards allow us to do that and have a clear conscience at the end of the event.

Sometimes progress is in the wrong direction and of you don't back-track it will get worse, a lot worse and then the same changes are implemented. At least we don't make them put that part into the news reports on how good the bombs work like is done with the US and Israel.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Trudeau should just scuttle the arms deal and take the criticism.

I think Canadians would be okay with eating the costs.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Like NATO would support us over the KSA. This is good in that it shows Canadians just what position we have on the world stage, very bottom of the pile, any smart people move away as soon as they can. That should speak volumes about what the future of the place will be. New Orleans of the north.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Like NATO would support us over the KSA. This is good in that it shows Canadians just what position we have on the world stage, very bottom of the pile, any smart people move away as soon as they can. That should speak volumes about what the future of the place will be. New Orleans of the north.
So what would you suggest CDA do in order to elevate its position in your eyes??


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
We are as high in NATO as we will ever be going. We can take our marching orders from the Queen or DC. We won't be breaking tanks either unless you want to see us become 'Cuba II'. Couple of major crop failures or sudden lack of spare parts would see us become 'Venezuela III'.

Don't expect the KSA to be coming to our rescue either.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
She asked what you would do Mhz, but I guess you answered it alright the best you could by not understanding the question and just went on to blather about NATO

HEY did you or Torchlight or Selfsame participate in this auction

Child bride auction in South Sudan goes viral, sparks anger

Juba, South Sudan - Five hundred cows, two luxury cars, $10,000, two bikes, a boat and a few cellphones made up the final price in a heated bidding war for a child bride in South Sudan that went viral after the auction was pointed out on Facebook. It is the largest dowry ever paid in the civil war-torn country, the government said.

The highest bidder was a man three times the 17-year-old's age. At least four other men in Eastern Lakes state competed, said Philips Anyang Ngong, a human rights lawyer who tried to stop the bidding last month. Among the bidders was the state's deputy governor.
"She has been reduced to a mere commodity," Ngong told The Associated Press, calling it "the biggest test of child abuse, trafficking and auctioning of a human being." Everyone involved should be held accountable, he said.
Earlier this month, Nyalong became the man's ninth wife. Photos posted on Facebook show her sitting beside the groom, wearing a lavish dress and staring despondently at the floor. The AP is using only her first name to protect her identity. The groom did not respond to requests for comment.
South Sudan has a deeply rooted cultural practice of paying dowries for brides, usually in the form of cows. It also has a long history of child marriage. Even though that practice is now illegal, 40 per cent of girls still marry before age 18, according to the United Nations Population Fund. The practice "threatens girls' lives" and limits prospects for their future, said Dr. Mary Otieno, the agency's country representative.
The bidding war has caused local and international outrage. It took several days for Facebook to remove the post that first pointed out the auction, and after it was taken down other posts "glorifying" the situation remained, George Otim, country director for Plan International South Sudan, told the AP.
"This barbaric use of technology is reminiscent of latter-day slave markets. That a girl could be sold for marriage on the world's biggest social networking site in this day and age is beyond belief," he said. The auction was discussed, not carried out, on the site.
While South Sudan's government condemns the practice of child marriage it says it can't regulate communities' cultural norms, especially in remote areas.
"You can't call it bidding as if it was an auction. It's not bidding. If you see it with European eyes you'll call it an auction," government spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny told the AP. "You have to see it with an African eye, as it's a tradition that goes back thousands of years. There's no word for it in English."
Some local lawmakers and activists disagree. In a statement released this week, the National Alliance for Women Lawyers in South Sudan called upon officials to comply with the government's plan to end child marriage by 2030. Ending the practice includes putting a stop to the auctioning of girls.
South Sudan's anti-human trafficking chief called the case reminiscent of others he has seen across the country, in which girls are forced or tricked into marriage after being told they are going to live with relatives and go to school instead.
"It is clear that some human trafficking practices are hidden in our culture," John Mading said.
In other cases, some girls who grow up in the South Sudanese diaspora are brought back to the country and forced to marry. The AP spoke with several people who know girls who arrived for what they thought was a vacation, only to have their passports taken away and forced into marriage by their families.
"Some families want children to marry in their countries and in their ethnic communities, but most do it if the kids are misbehaving," said Esther Ikere Eluzai, undersecretary for South Sudan's ministry of gender.

I thought you said there is no slavery in the faith of Islam?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Want to ask Princess Di if a dowry is normal in the EU Royals way of doing things. Think other marriages aren't also just as arranged.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
She asked what you would do Mhz, but I guess you answered it alright the best you could by not understanding the question and just went on to blather about NATO
Hopefully they got the 'there is nothing' part of the message along with the 'why' part.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I don't think it is in public auction like I asked did you bid on the child
I'm waiting to contribute to a different fund.

Who said I wouldn't prefer to be treated like Venezuela than suck up to the insane fukers trying to run the show. That would be your route rather than it being mine you gutless prick.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Like NATO would support us over the KSA. This is good in that it shows Canadians just what position we have on the world stage, very bottom of the pile, any smart people move away as soon as they can. That should speak volumes about what the future of the place will be. New Orleans of the north.
So what would you suggest CDA do in order to elevate its position in your eyes??
I'm waiting to contribute to a different fund.
Who said I wouldn't prefer to be treated like Venezuela than suck up to the insane fukers trying to run the show. That would be your route rather than it being mine you gutless prick.

So your answer is to move to Venezuela, or turn Canada into a communist country? and trust NATO over the KSA? OK good to know

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I'm waiting to contribute to a different fund.
Who said I wouldn't prefer to be treated like Venezuela than suck up to the insane fukers trying to run the show. That would be your route rather than it being mine you gutless prick.

I dunno.

Isn't Venezuela run by the Jews?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Isn't Venezuela run by the Jews?
Only if you support the ones applying the sanctions are Jews associated with the IMF as women selling their children is what they would call successful program. Looking at the body count in every place they have gone I would have to admit was quite right about what an abomination they would turn out to be. I can see why he is going for resurrection as the way to 'cleans them of their sins' as they show all the traits of being the lowest for of man that is possible. Feel free to apply all of those words to yourself as well creep.

And the LORD shall scatter you among the nations,
and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen,
whither the LORD shall lead you.
And there ye shall serve gods,
the work of men's hands,
wood and stone,
which neither see,
nor hear,
nor eat,
nor smell.

Judah is gone into captivity because of affliction,
and because of great servitude:
she dwelleth among the heathen,
she findeth no rest:
all her persecutors overtook her between the straits.

Problems in Venezuela

  • Hyperinflation. Venezuela's inflation rate, which has been over 50 percent since 2014, reached 536.2 percent in 2017 largely due to the rapid depreciation of the local currency on the black market, the opposition-controlled National Assembly said on October.
  • The International Monetary Fund estimates that inflation will reach 2,068.5 percent by 2018.
  • Economic war. The government says it is the victim of an "economic war", including speculation and hoarding, by pro-opposition businessmen. Venezuela's currency has weakened sharply on the black market.
  • Food shortages. The government controls the price of basic goods, but the black market still has a powerful influence on prices. Prices on basic goods can change in a matter of days, causing severe food shortages.
  • The often leads to food shortage which reflects in the long lines of people inside and outside supermarkets and the attempts to cross the border with Colombia to buy basic goods.
  • Oil output. Venezuela's oil production, which has been falling by about 20,000 barrels per day (bpd) since last year, is on track to fall by at least 250,000 bpd in 2017.
  • Refinancing its debt. However, the country's President Nicolas Maduro has dismissed the possibility of a default, adding that Venezuela would instead work on refinancing and restructuring its foreign debt.
  • Health assistance. The economic crisis is also hitting Venezuela's public health system the hardest. In the country's public hospitals, medicine and equipment are increasingly not available.
  • "Most of the time patients die because their families are out of the hospital looking for the treatments and they don't come at a time we can use the treatment, when they bring the treatment, the patient's already dying," Orfram Moreno, a doctor working in a public hospital in Merida told Al Jazeera.
  • Crime and poverty. Crime and violence are also widespread. In 2016, 27,479 people were killed - an all-time high - according to the independent group the Venezuelan Violence Observatory.

On 60 Minutes, Stahl interviews Albright.

Lesley Stahl (of CBS News): "We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"
Madeleine Albright: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price—we think the price is worth it.”

You know M. Albright is a proud Jew, Right? What a fuking pig she is as well as any that support her view and that would include you.

Go with a troll post, I have sever more articles to throw your way that show your corrupt underbelly just it should.
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