Russian Train Station Bombed


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
He doesn't and they didn't. You mad?
Nope, I never get mad. I was commenting on the use of the phrase "religion of peace". Jesus is supposed to be the Prince of Peace, is he not? Therefore, his religion would also be the religion of peace, would it not? Christians who use the phrase "religion of peace" when referring to Islam are being hypocritical.

Russia could hire the American NSA to better help identify these things before they happen.
Shouldn't you have put a :p after that remark?


Electoral Member
Dec 17, 2013
beijing china
He doesn't and they didn't. You mad?

In the name of Allah?
Oh,Putin can plant the crime of bombing on tha name of Allah. Stalin did the same thing in WW2, Stalin ordered his soldiers wearing in NAZI‘ uniform to burn or kill the people of USSR. So, I believe Putin could learn from Stalin if necessary.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The Muslim bomber - named as 26-year-old Oksana Aslanova - detonated her explosives in front of a metal detector as passengers made their way to and from trains.

Deadly attack: Policeman Dmitry Makovkin (right), 29, who 'spotted the suspicious woman' was last night hailed as a hero for saving 'hundreds of lives'. The attacker was named as 26-year-old Oksana Aslanova (left)

A female suicide bomber killed six people on a bus in the same city in October

Explosion: CCTV footage capture the blast at Volgograd train station in Russia

Blast scene: Debris is scattered across the steps of the station after a blast which killed 16 people

Casualty: A man lies outside the station as emergency services attend the incident

Wounded: A man, who has sustained injuries to his head, arrives at hospital following the blast

More than 40 people were reported as injured and the death toll could rise, according to Russian officials.

The attacker was named as Aslanova, who had twice married separatist Muslim gang leaders from the troubled Caucasus region of Russia, sources said.

She had been on Russia’s wanted list for 18 months before the attack which used 16lb of TNT, the deadliest in Russia for three years.

The bomb was the equivalent to at least 10kg of TNT, said to Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin, and was stuffed with metal shrapnel.

President Vladimir Putin has reportedly instructed special flights to be laid on to airlift the injured to Moscow clinics if necessary.

Metal detectors have been mandatory in railway stations and airports throughout Russia since a suicide bomber killed 37 people at Domodedovo airport in 2011.

Read more: 'Black Widow' suicide bomber who targeted Russian Volgograd train station pictured | Mail Online
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Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Nope, I never get mad. I was commenting on the use of the phrase "religion of peace". Jesus is supposed to be the Prince of Peace, is he not? Therefore, his religion would also be the religion of peace, would it not? Christians who use the phrase "religion of peace" when referring to Islam are being hypocritical.

Isn't that how it is described?

Is it only Christians who use that phrase?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
So the question is who will get the hell pounded out of them if there is a major
raid on the games? Who will participate once and if that happens? I do hope
the religion of peace takes a strong position against such an attack and if not
they should be fair game same as the Chechens


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Probably was the Widows again.

Why Are So Many of Russia’s Suicide Bombers Women?

shahidkas - "black widows"

''Female suicide bombers are hardly an unknown phenomenon in conflicts ranging from Israel-Palestine to Sri Lanka, but the role of the “Black Widows” as they’ve been dubbed in the press, seems particularly prominent and high-profile in the long-running insurgency in the North Caucasus ... Most studies of Chechen female suicide bombers have found that they tend to be women who have experienced serious personal trauma and are then exposed to recruitment from jihadist military groups. As the term “Black Widow” would suggest, many have lost close family members over the last two decades of violence since war first broke out in Chechny."