Wow, what a consensus huh?
It's 4%.
You mean maybe we should move the goalposts.
You've done it a lot so...
And more goalposts. Note how you said the automatic view is MOST people default to "life = human/personhood. That's because in the case of a human female, that what the life inside of her is.
Not moving goal posts, stating a reality, a fact.
And when it comes to the discussion of abortion, that IS what most people think it is about - life = personhood. Where have YOU been the last few decades?
It's not going to turn into marmoset in vitro.
I dunno, I've met some pretty sub-human and non-human trash who claim to be human, so...
Yeah, but I'm not religious and I'm not pro-"forced birth",
Yes, you are pro forced birth, if you are demanding women give birth. That is forcing them to give birth.
I'm AGAINST the taxpayer footing the bill for an ELECTIVE procedure.
Considering we don't KNOW every reason for every abortion, you nor I know whether it's "Elective" or not.
Planned B is not paid for by the taxpayer.
Beyond that, it's not my business to know what medical procedures are done. And it's not yours either. So your "it's elective!" is absolute Bullshit.
Medical necessity is a different issue altogether
Then what's your damned issue?
Uh yeah, they do. Govts in the West for YEARS have been decrying plummeting birth rates and telling us they have to keep increasing immigration to have the resources to look after our ageing population, even here in Canada. It's been the number one reason they've been pushing since '90s.
That's not the fault of abortions, that's the fault of a lot of other things, like Government, and business and society. Oh, and the BIG reason of who is at fault? Women, for choosing NOT to have kids because their lives are more than just baby making factories. And that choice doesn't always mean abortions, either.
Seriously? Fucking Seriously?!?!?
Yes, seriously, because if you wanna bitch about choices and forcing women to carry babies, why should it be all on US? Why NOT put some "responsibility" on the men, too?
What kind of half-baked, insipid argument is that?
Not half-baked or insipid.
Is it costing the taxpayer when people jack off or get their period?
Yes, because those people have OBVIOUSLY not taken the time to produce kids. So it costs tax payers in increased taxes and increased need for those "damned foreigners" to come in and take jobs otherwise could be held by "God Fearing Proper Canadians!"
If your argument is for people to have kids, then that covers EVERYONE involved who has kids, men and women alike.
Then what the ever-lovin' fuck are you on about? On top of that I had no idea that periods were voluntary.
They're not - do YOU know how the reproductive system works?
What's voluntary is the CHOICE women (and to make you even more pissed, trans men or people who can give birth) make to have kids. If they're not poppin the kids out, DAMN THEM!
Yes, that's exactly right. It's ALLLLLLLL their fault, ya friggin' moron. How stupid are you?
No more moronic than you who suggests people are baby murderers if they abort their kids.
But glad to know you DO blame those who want their kids but nature has said fuck you instead so they had to abort the kid; I mean, they aborted their kid so BABY MURDERERS... right? (Cause you will never know why someone aborts, you can only assume, remember and you'd likely never know the difference between someone who wants their kid and someone who doesn't)
Please continue to show you have no concept of personal responsibility or birth control.
Actually, I do. Personal responsibility is part of the reason why I don't have kids.
Choose birth control then.
And people do.
And sometimes it fails, sometimes people forget, sometimes when it's left up to only one person shit happens. Or it has nothing to do with birth control at all, but about someone doing horrible things to people all because they want a different kind of control.
If you're so fucking progressive one would think you'd be championing being proactive instead of reactive, which in this particular case especially, is the exact fucking opposite of "progressive".
Since I haven't said my PERSONAL stance in a while:
I am pro-life. I am against abortion as "birth control" (which isn't a thing but people like you keep pretending it is). I am for COMPLETE sex ed to students and yeah, starting early with the proper names of body parts, to eventually learning what birth control is, to how to put a condom on, to what plan B is, to what abortion is and ALL the other things that go with it because education about sex and all it is WORKS better than no education at all. I'm for ending this stupid fucking societal embarrassment of what Sex is and ending this stupid idea that "kids can't know about sex!" I am for a woman's right to CHOOSE what she does with HER body and it's not my damned business. I may not LIKE it, but I don't have the right to interfere in it. I DO think not only that women should be on birth control, but boys should have vasectomies as soon as they hit puberty while girls are put on birth control. I think society has put all the onus on women for too fucking long and it's time for the guys to nut up and be part of this. Because you are NOT going to stop people from having sex, so take the 'babies' out of the equation, since taking 'sex' out does NOT work.
So yeah, personal stance. Seems pretty fucking 'progressive' and 'proactive' to me.
Keep up the strawman arguments. It shows you're flailing as you desperately try to fight logic with emotion.
As opposed to your absolute nothing arguments based on your emotions and lack of logic?
Was not a strawman. It's a legitimate fucking question, especially since it is what IS happening right now in the US.
Oooo another strawman. Okay, I'll play along.
Not strawman, just asking a legitimate fucking question but sure, play along.
So what you're saying is, you have the RIGHT to have consequence-free unprotected sex.
So... you're NOT going to answer the question then? Okay.
(also answered this 'consequence-free' idea above)
What you are saying is you have the right to choose, except when it comes to choosing birth control methods. Apparently, that's just an annoying option that's completely off the table, right Serryah? At least feminazi up and admit that's what you want. Fuck personal responsibility, you just wanna have unprotected sex and kill the unborn inside you.
Gee, strawmanning sure is fun.
Since NONE of that answers the question, Jin (and I already 'answered' for you before this moving of goalposts though to be fair to you, you likely had no clue on my stance despite having said it before)...
Again: Are you supportive of your daughters and granddaughters being forced into being birthing machines?
Once more, birth control methods fail. Sometimes something a person does unknowingly interacts and interferes with said birth control. And sometimes mistakes fucking happen (on both sides, men and women). Or a person is raped and now is carrying a child they don't want. Are you for forcing your daughters or granddaughters to birth a child regardless of what THEY want or their circumstances in their lives?
Side question - what about the guy in all this? You're great for shoving the birth control onto women, what 'bout the men? Cause you sure as shit haven't said the MEN need to take responsibility at all in this, just keep implying women only need to be the one who handle it.
Because as I pointed out, NOTHING you've said shows that you consider women anything more than baby making factories.