That would have Canada taking in 350,000 middle east refugees. Given most speak no English/French and have no modern job skills or equivalent education they would all have to be supported on welfare for years. That's at least $6 billion per year not counting costs of health care, education, etc. Few would ever be entirely self-supporting, which means earning enough to get above the low income cutoff for Canadian income tax, which means they would never be able to contribute to the tax base which pays for their health care and other services.
In addition, of course, there is the cultural factor. Most refugees are Muslims. The culture of third world Muslim countries, particularly from the middle east and north africa is extremely hostile to gays and lesbians, to gender equality, and to the values, morals and beliefs of non Muslims. Let's put it this way, you wouldn't want to be a young woman who likes to dress lightly and go out at night alone in the midst of that kind of influx. You wouldn't want to be a Jew either.