I was asked yesterday, 'If Canada was being bombed wouldn't you be looking for a safe place to do?"
Well, No! I would fight for my country by whatever means I could find. Who would just vacate and make it easy for the enemy to take over the country and deprive you of your lifestyle and your freedom?
The hundred of thousands of refugees who have fled their countries could made up a formidable army to defend their territories if they had the courage and the love of their country. Instead they fled like rats from a sinking ship.
Well said.
You stand out there with your rifle, if you have one, and ignore the bombs being dropped all around you from planes you can't even see.
And make sure you are a good shot when you hear machine guns firing and the bullets whizzing past you because you will only get one chance to fire back.
And you may have a problem trying to figure out who's who and exactly which of the multitude of group's is supposed to be on your side when you start shooting back. Also be sure to not be taken alive because it will be worse than death itself.
Of course make sure you have a 3 months supply of water and food at a minimum because you won't know how long the attack will last.
And in-between the dropping of bombs on you from American, Russian, Saudi Arabian. Turkish and yes, even your own country, you may have time to ponder Why is there a war in Syria?
Why is there a war in Syria? - BBC News
After USA/Saudi-backed Syrian rebels balked at peace talks and the Russian-backed Syrian army cut off Turkish supply lines to jihadists and other Syrian rebels, the U.S. and its Mideast Sunni “allies”� appear poised to invade Syria and force “regime change” even at the risk of fighting Russia. Turkey, which has restarted its war against Kurdish PKK guerillas inside Turkey, is determined to crush the emergence of an independent Kurdish state inside Syria as well.
A UN commission of inquiry has evidence that all parties to the conflict have committed war crimes - including murder, torture, rape and enforced disappearances. They have also been accused of using civilian suffering - such as blocking access to food, water and health services through sieges - as a method of war.
Syria: The story of the conflict - BBC News