Rapporteur David Johnson, Eminent Canadian

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The minority Liberal government will not make a Conservative motion calling on the prime minister’s chief of staff to testify on foreign election interference a matter of confidence, Justin Trudeau says.

For weeks, Conservatives have tried to get Katie Telford to appear as a witness at a parliamentary committee investigating foreign election interference. After failing to reach a vote on their motion, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre tabled a motion in the House of Commons on Monday that calls on Telford and several other officials to appear as a witness at a different committee studying the same subject.

A vote on the motion in the House of Commons is expected after question period on Tuesday afternoon.
“No, it’s not going to be a confidence motion. Obviously, it goes to how important the issue of foreign interference is, and I’m actually pleased to contrast the approach that we’ve taken,” Trudeau said?

He added that the terms of reference for the special rapporteur position the government announced last week would be coming out on Tuesday. Coincidence?

Poilievre and other Conservative MPs on Monday challenged NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh on whether he will support their motion or continue to help the Liberals with their “cover-up.”
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

Trudeau's chief of staff Telford will testify about foreign interference: PMO​

After weeks of resistance, and ahead of a vote that could have compelled it to happen, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office has announced that his chief of staff Katie Telford will testify about foreign interference, before a committee that has been studying the issue for months.
“While there are serious constraints on what can be said in public about sensitive intelligence matters, in an effort to make Parliament work, Ms. Telford has agreed to appear at the Procedure and House Affairs Committee as part of their study,” Trudeau’s office said in a statement.

This move is an effort to find a compromise with the NDP, who had threatened to help the Conservatives pass a motion that would see Telford and numerous other federal officials testify as part of an entirely new committee study.

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh told reporters Tuesday that his party was prepared to vote in favour of the motion, unless the Liberals stopped their filibuster at the Procedure and House Affairs Committee (PROC). Shortly after Telford's agreement to testify was reported, the nearly 24 hours of impasse at PROC began to break.

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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

…..This move is an effort to find a compromise with the NDP, who had threatened to help the Conservatives pass a motion that would see Telford and numerous other federal officials testify as part of an entirely new committee study.​

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh told reporters Tuesday that his party was prepared to vote in favour of the motion, unless the Liberals stopped their filibuster at the Procedure and House Affairs Committee (PROC). Shortly after Telford's agreement to testify was reported, the nearly 24 hours of impasse at PROC began to break.
So…Justin is throwing Jagmeet a bone? Letting Mr Singh save face? OK, as long as there’s a PUBLIC Inquiry to come out of this, so we as the Public get to know what the hells going on eventually in the light of day.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office says his chief of staff, Katie Telford, will testify before a Parliamentary committee on foreign interference, putting an end to dozens of hours of Liberal filibustering and a political deadlock on the issue.
So now it’ll just be Katie claiming national security concerns, parliamentary privilege, confidentialities issues, and pulling a Bardish Chagger (Trudeau’s former Minister of Excuses) of non-answers? I’m still curious to hear what she has to say or what she avoids saying and why…

(between text to talk, predictive text, auto spellcheck, etc…it kept changing “Chagger” above to “Chigger” & to see what it was trying to do, so I googled “Chigger” & maybe my phone has its own artificial intelligence 😉)
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office says his chief of staff, Katie Telford, will testify before a Parliamentary committee on foreign interference, putting an end to dozens of hours of Liberal filibustering and a political deadlock on the issue.
So now it’ll just be Katie claiming national security concerns, parliamentary privilege, confidentialities issues, and pulling a Bardish Chagger (Trudeau’s former Minister of Excuses) of non-answers? I’m still curious to hear what she has to say or what she avoid saying and why…

(between text to talk, predictive text, auto spellcheck, etc…it kept changing “Chagger” above to “Chigger” & to see what it was trying to do, so I googled “Chigger” & maybe my phone has its own artificial intelligence 😉)
I keep hearing "it didnt impact the outcome" from CTV and Global even though its all about knowledge of it happening and not doing anything aboot it.
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Council Member
Apr 11, 2020
China’s Influence in Canada Worse Than Expected
A protester holds a sign that reads "No CCP interference in Canada" at a rally outside of the Wenzhou Friendship Society in Richmond, B.C., on Feb. 25, 2023. (Vivian Yu/NTD)

By Anders Corr
March 21, 2023


Canada is in an uproar. On Saturday, the New York Times called Canadian concerns about China’s election interference a “political firestorm.”

The storm is from intelligence leaked to multiple Canadian reporters and authors over the past few years from Canadian security sources. The intelligence indicates that China allegedly sought to keep Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party in power over the last two elections, albeit in a weak position as a “minority government” dependent on a third party’s support.

Apparently, China’s communists see Trudeau as soft on the party, but they don’t trust him further than they can throw him.

The goal of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with respect to Canada, according to experts interviewed by the National Post, a Canadian paper, is “trying to keep Canada quiet about China’s human rights abuses, disrupting Canada’s relationships with its intelligence partners and finding ways to steal technology and trade secrets.”

Information from the sources is evidence that Chinese consulates in Canada, or those linked to the regime in Beijing, have allegedly invested in tech companies with sensitive technology, donated a million dollars to Trudeau’s family foundation, made illegal cash transfers to Liberal Party campaigns, and volunteered Chinese nationals to work illegally for campaigns. The CCP has used gangs to intimidate Chinese dissidents, launder money, and traffic in illegal drugs, according to the sources, which include documentary evidence.

All of that—as shocking as it still is—was known previously.
US Intelligence Probed Canada

New reporting from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) indicates that U.S. intelligence agencies have long been worried about China’s influence in Canada, to the point of conducting a “secret probe” up North of the border as far back as the 1990s.

The probe, called Operation Dragon Lord, is covered in a new book by former Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) intelligence official Scott McGregor and film-maker Ina Mitchell. (Full disclosure: the publisher of the book, Optimum Publishing International, published one of mine as well.)

From 2014 to 2018, McGregor served in the RCMP as an intelligence adviser whose duties included combating organized crime. Previously, he spent 22 years in military intelligence.

CBC reporter Alexander Panetta found sources to corroborate key information in the book, titled “The Mosaic Effect: How the Chinese Communist Party Started a Hybrid War in America’s Backyard.”
National Broadcaster Confirms Allegations

The book and CBC cite a 1998 U.S. Department of Justice memo completed in coordination with other U.S. intelligence agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.

While CBC did not fully authenticate the memo, it corroborated concerns in it with both Canadian and U.S. intelligence officials from the time. The memo was broadly concerned with an alleged alliance between the CCP and Chinese gangs called triads. CCP-supported gang activity, according to the report, principally emanated from Canada.

“Canada was aware of these threats for 25 years and has allowed them to manifest,” McGregor told the CBC.

The CBC interviewed a former Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS) Asia-Pacific Bureau chief, Michel Juneau-Katsuya, who supports the key findings of the book authors. Juneau-Katsuya said that since the 1980s, each Canadian government would be implicated by a full public inquiry of connections between Canadian officials and China’s United Front Work Department.

Juneau-Katsuya declined to provide further evidence as to the claim during a CBC Newsroom interview on Sunday, but doubled down by saying that every prime minister was compromised by China since Brian Mulroney, who served from 1984 to 1993.

“Every prime minister has been compromised at one point or another by those agents of influence,” Juneau-Katsuya told a CBC news anchor. “It is a phenomenal security risk because basically you can ask yourself the question, who is really running the country? Is it a foreign entity, or is it our government?”

Juneau-Katsuya said that evidence about the prime ministers existed. He believes it should be made available to an independent public inquiry, not to find guilt in the past, but to develop better procedures to protect Canada so that “future governments will not fall into the same groove.”

Juneau-Katsuya was the lead author of Canada’s 1997 Sidewinder Report, which made many of the same conclusions as the 1998 U.S. memo. A leaked draft of Sidewinder alleged far-reaching spying and criminality by an alliance of China’s regime and triad gangs. The Canadian government reportedly sanitized much of the draft report.

Juneau-Katsuya will serve as a witness before a Canadian parliamentary committee on the country’s China relations in the coming days, according to the CBC.
US Frustrated in 2015

I’m not surprised by news of the probe. In about 2015, I heard from a knowledgeable source that U.S. intelligence was upset that China used permissive conditions in Canada to infiltrate spies into the United States. When U.S. intelligence complained, Canada did little, according to the source.

While living in New York at the time, I befriended a relatively powerful Chinese-Canadian who worked at an important institution. U.S. authorities warned me off of him, saying he was “dangerous” and implying that he actually worked for China. They couldn’t do anything about him, they lamented, because he was a Canadian citizen.

Clearly, the U.S.–Canada alliance was failing in that moment, failed before, and failed after, when it came to something as important as China’s election interference, spying, and I might add, industrial espionage and intellectual property theft of as much as $600 billion annually in the United States alone.

The United States and Canada desperately need a national discussion and legal reforms to protect against obvious issues of CCP attempts to interfere in our elections and influence our leading politicians.

One of the national security officials who leaked intelligence about China’s election interference wrote an anonymous opinion article published on Friday. In it can be found a piece of profound wisdom.

The author wrote of hoping his or her leak would “launch a conversation about how to improve transparency, how to enhance accountability, how to protect all members of our society against external threats, and ultimately, about how we continue to pursue a system of governance that best serves all of its citizens.”

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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I keep hearing "it didnt impact the outcome" from CTV and Global even though its all about knowledge of it happening and not doing anything aboot it.
I keep hearing the same thing, like that’s the lifeline-soundbite the media’s needle is skipping in the groove to.

If the influence of China’s interference altered the seat count in Parliament, it altered the dynamic in Parliament.

If MP’s and their staff were complicit in this, then they need to go, ‘cuz their loyalty should be to the Canadian People instead of the Chinese Government for putting their arses in chairs in Ottawa, without any question about it instead of this….mess….that should be exposed to the full light of day and a full spectrum high-powered spotlight to publicly forensically dissect this so that it’s outside influence is completely removed and it never happens again.

No more of this cutesy pussyfooting filibustering Liberal Bullshit, and the 11 MP’s that we have been baited with the knowledge of their existence without naming their names exposed PUBLICLY, and let the chips fall where they may. Then a big freak’n mop & some bleach to clean those MP’s out (since it didn’t affect the outcome anyway!!) with immediate by-elections for those ridings.

After the Conservatives, Bloc Québécois and NDP members of the committee all backed a motion to have Telford testify over the issue of electoral interference, it was met immediately with a non-stop Liberal filibuster by this MINORITY Liberal Government for more than two weeks, any time the committee convened Liberal MPs made sure to run out the clock with lengthy speeches before a vote could be called. Why? Upon who’s urging? The PM? The Chinese Communist Government? Some combination of the two or somebody else? Wow…what else is in the mix? We, as Canadians, should know.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office says his chief of staff, Katie Telford, will testify before a Parliamentary committee on foreign interference, putting an end to dozens of hours of Liberal filibustering and a political deadlock on the issue.
So now it’ll just be Katie claiming national security concerns, parliamentary privilege, confidentialities issues, and pulling a Bardish Chagger (Trudeau’s former Minister of Excuses) of non-answers? I’m still curious to hear what she has to say or what she avoids saying and why…

(between text to talk, predictive text, auto spellcheck, etc…it kept changing “Chagger” above to “Chigger” & to see what it was trying to do, so I googled “Chigger” & maybe my phone has its own artificial intelligence 😉)
Exactly what is going to happen & we'll not be any further ahead. They did this at the Convoy Commission - used parliamentary privilege - to do the same thing. Documents were severely redacted so that one couldn't even begin to see what the "memo" or "document" was all about. I'm not sure what could be done about it since we don't have an avenue to "recall" or do anything else to politicians who simply decide what is best for us without any consultation. Our whole system isn't set up to allow us "second thoughts" for lack of a better term to get rid of said politicians before the next election. We must wait & that could be dangerous depending on the policies that the Leftists in particular want to implement.

We must be better citizens and do our due diligence or we will lose the country. It is our responsibility & duty as citizens to become involved in local, provincial & federal politics since every policy implemented, good or bad, affects all of us.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Exactly what is going to happen & we'll not be any further ahead. They did this at the Convoy Commission - used parliamentary privilege - to do the same thing. Documents were severely redacted so that one couldn't even begin to see what the "memo" or "document" was all about. I'm not sure what could be done about it since we don't have an avenue to "recall" or do anything else to politicians who simply decide what is best for us without any consultation. Our whole system isn't set up to allow us "second thoughts" for lack of a better term to get rid of said politicians before the next election. We must wait & that could be dangerous depending on the policies that the Leftists in particular want to implement.

We must be better citizens and do our due diligence or we will lose the country. It is our responsibility & duty as citizens to become involved in local, provincial & federal politics since every policy implemented, good or bad, affects all of us.
In theory the Senate are chamber of sober second thought is the senate, that…. Going back to the whole trucker convoy goat rodeo thing, would have stepped on the emergencies act on the afternoon of February 21, 2022 and Justin absolutely knew it!! that’s why he cancelled it the morning of February 21, 2022.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Shocking news! A new force has been identified as interfering in Canadian elections. . . Canadians!
We were giving the CCP the day off.

Believe as much as you like that there is nothing untoward about Johnston’s appointment. And to be fair, he did a wonderful job as Governor-General. A Governor General’s job is to make Canadians feel good about themselves, despite everything, and to make a convincing case that no matter how bad things look, everything’s okay.

And that is the job he’s been asked to do for Justin Trudeau in the matter of Beijing’s long and sinister reach into Canada’s democratic political institutions, and it should not be surprising if he does the job well.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office says his chief of staff, Katie Telford, will testify before a Parliamentary committee on foreign interference, putting an end to dozens of hours of Liberal filibustering and a political deadlock on the issue.
So now it’ll just be Katie claiming national security concerns, parliamentary privilege, confidentialities issues, and pulling a Bardish Chagger (Trudeau’s former Minister of Excuses) of non-answers? I’m still curious to hear what she has to say or what she avoids saying and why…

(between text to talk, predictive text, auto spellcheck, etc…it kept changing “Chagger” above to “Chigger” & to see what it was trying to do, so I googled “Chigger” & maybe my phone has its own artificial intelligence 😉)