Employment is exploitation. Please, I learned that before I knew my multiplication tables. Hire me as a labourer - you are exploiting human time and ability for gain, as am I. Hire me as a philosopher - you are exploiting human time and ability for gain, as am I.
How is a blowjob different?
Both sides know what they want, both sides are free to make a deal (or not) - in economics it would be seen as a mutually beneficial exchange.
"There are other reasons, other than personal choice. . ." for me to have been a journalist, or now a stagehand - I would much rather be riding my bicycle in New Zealand and sleeping in my multi-million dollar inherited home - sadly I am the child of civil servants and I have to work all my life.
I know drug addicts that work in film and theatre - should these industries be outlawed because of drugs?
I know I am being disingenuous - drug addiction as a way to slavery so the pimp can recruit and control his or her prostitute. Sure it happens. Why?
Because it is an illegal trade, silly! How do you do this when the trade is legal, licenses are issued, receipts are given, and medical exams are mandated?
Remember the prohibition on liquor? What happened? The producers became criminals, hoodlums made fortunes distributing it, entire police forces were corrupted. Lots of people said it was because of the evil nature of demon rum that all this was happening.
But when the prohibition ended, the gangsters had no cash flow. Police forces were no longer being bribed. Rivals were no longer being gunned down in the street.
I don't think it is possible to draw a clearer picture - the Fraser Report and almost all of John Lowman's body of work (SFU Sociology/Criminology) all say the same thing and have done so for years.
If you want prostitutes to stop getting murdered and maimed - legalize prostitution.
If you want children out of prostitution - legalize it.
If you want organized crime out of prostitution - legalize it.
If you want to slow the spread of STDs - legalize it.
The list goes on and on. . .