I see feminism as redundant because a woman and a man can never be equal, a woman thinks differently to a man and vice versa, woman has a different anatomy to a man etc. This is not to say they are inferior or be kept in the house like most femists think it is a males goal (Well I guess most males are animals anyway). It is only right that women have an equal footing in society as men, but there are things that women are naturally qualified for such as maternal instinct (Which I'm afraid this is where the gays raising children becomes redundant

- no matter how many gays having children tv shows the goverment airs or how many goverment websites it does not change this ). I think women in the infantry for the army is lunacy, we men are the warmongers

Not sure if you are going to come back, but I will continue for the sake of the thread. I see feminism as a self evident truth. Although anatomically a male and a female may be different (ignoring for now the case of the trans-gendered), the evidence shows that the differences in abilities and natural tendencies between men and woman is miniscule compared to the standard deviations within the skills of men and women. It is also possible to make a case for the cause of this to be environmental.
Subsequently, the statistics have failed to disprove the null hypothesis, subsequently, in general there is no reason to believe that a man can't do whatever a woman can and vice versa. You asked about studies being done, and who did them. The null hypothesis states that: There is no difference between the abilities of a man and a woman. You do not form experiments to test the null hypothesis, you set up experiments to disprove it. So most of the statistics are produced by statisticians working for religious lobby groups or just some psychologist out of interest. I have failed to find a paper which accurately discounts the null hypothesis.
For the subject at hand, statistics have also failed to show that prostitutes make unfit parents. Of course as I stated, the burden of proof does not lay with believing they are fine parents. The burden of proof lies with those who would say otherwise.
As soon as prostitution and soliciting for the purposes of prostitution are completely legal, that opens the door for government regulation. Prostitution should be government regulated. Prostitutes should have to be a minimum age, be required to tested for communicable diseases, not allowed to work while they are infectious, pay into a pension fund, belong to a union...
No I would not want anyone to work as a prostitute, but in a free country consenting adults should be free to whatever they want as long as they don't harm others or burden society. My morals or any else's morals are beside the point. What important is that harm to the individual and to society is minimized. The current system involves minors, contributes to the spread of disease and in general has very poor and dangerous working conditions.
I used to feel the same way about them being forced to test for STD's, but then I was reading something written by a prostitute's lobby group that changed my mind. The uncertainty that a customer has about the cleanliness of the prostitute protects them. If a prostitute is forced to produce a "meat certificate" to show their cleanliness, than the client may not worry any more and pressure the prostitute into unsafe sex. Without that certificate most people will wear a condom, as they should, and in that way the prostitute is better protected, and the client knows what they are getting into anyways.
Apparently, the number of people who go into prostitution for a short time to make a lot of money is the largest majority of them. It is not true that the majority are drug addicts or degenerates, which is a good thing. Of course some of them are, and these people need help. Child prostitution is a terrible thing, but our public communications laws makes everything happen behind closed doors where it is hard to patrol, the only way to "help" a minor trapped in prostitution at the moment in Canada is to have them arrested. The horrible "living off the avails" law, which is supposed to protect against pimps has the terrible effect that a prostitute can't even take a friend out to dinner, let alone support a family. The government has been aware of how terrible these laws are for two decades and has done nothing, they just don't want to get their hands dirty.