Praying versus acting


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
lmao... I am going to try that... actually, it's positive energy so I think it does have a positive affect.

A warning........................I only do that in realistic situations, it probably won't work for picking the winning 6/49 numbers. -:)

if I knew what the fu ck that word was I might be able to answer.

Use your imagination.-:)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
A warning........................I only do that in realistic situations, it probably won't work for picking the winning 6/49 numbers. -:)
Hey, use it where it works. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
I agree with that.

I am into the ebb and flow of energy etc. I am a huge believer in whatever we put out there is what we pull back to ourselves. I also believe our thoughts are incredibly powerful so we have to be mindful of how we treat others (in every way) , what we speak, how we act and what we think. It all matters and all produces results in some manner.

Basically I believe we shape our reality/universe.

absolutely, I totally agree, we are in charge of ourselves, how we behave will matter to our eventual outcome,,

we might end our existance with our selfish behavior, and our treatment of others, and our earth,
but that won't bother the earth at all, we are nothing but tiny dots here, easily erased.

if other beings began our growth on this earth, from somewhere else, they are long gone, having realized the experiment
was a failure, and they know that eventually we will terminate ourselves, as we don't appreciate each
other, or our earth, and spend far too much time looking elsewhere for gods etc, when we need to spend
quality time caring for our 'house', our earth,and each other.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
weeeeeeeeeeeeell except the Christian God although is described as "loving" has a lot of conditions you have to meet or he seems to withdraw that love

Christianity is such a broad term that it could easily include Islam without wincing.
For Catholics, hell exists but is probably empty.
For Fundamentalists, hell is chock full; everyone except narrowly-defined born-againers are destined to fry. Yes, your family, friends, and neighbours.
Personally, I find it difficult to view "Christianity" as a monolith.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
........some higher power just depends upon the beliefs of the individual.

---- the believe being one's projection of what 'God" is or ought to be like .

'God' is 'What Is', not a product of thought (believe) .
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Religion was invented to deny us of our true nature.

Religion at one time long long ago was the light of nature, since then the practice has been so polluted in most that the word has virtually no meaning among thousands of meanings.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Yet it seems to even a superficial view that nothing could be more absurd and more ominous than the radical presupposition that religion can be destroyed by a fiat of government. Had there been a clear understanding of what religion basically is, such an overweening presumption could never have taken form to betray otherwise well-meaning zealots. Trimmed of all abstruse verbiage the fundamental definition of religion is just man's psychological reaction to the universe of life, in which he finds himself. By psychological is meant intellectual and emotional, sensual and spiritual, the experiences of the psyche or conscious faculty in man. The whole reaction of man, the psychic being, to life is his religion. Intellectually, what a man thinks of life is his philosophy; but when the philosophic content of his thought works over into his emotional realm and becomes suffused with the emotions of loyalty, sacrifice, devotion and high allegiance, it is then his religion. Etymologically it is that influence which "bi nds" him "back" (Latin, re, back, and ligo, to bind.) to that which is most deeply fundamental in him, his deific self; a power or disposition which, amidst the events of a world that is ever changing, links him to an order of permanent and essential being that is the abiding heart of the universe. It is well that this etymological sense of the word be clarified, for there have been definitions that have widely missed the mark of true meaning. One current rendering has it, a "binding back" to the purely conservative, a tying to traditionalism. After all, religion is what its age-long theological interpretation has represented it to be--man's spiritual relation to God, that is, to the power that links him to the orders of life. But theology has rendered this true definition practically impotent, has falsified and distorted the reference, and eventually the meaning, by localizing the God in the case in the cosmic heavens instead of in man himself. This diversion of thought and aspiration from oper able deity within to ineffable, incomprehensible and inaccessible deity without, has effected the sad miscarriage of all religion, which has been the direst catastrophe of all history. It has come close to causing the abortion of all cultural effort.
Through the decay and loss of primal relevance religion in later centuries has been emasculated to the status and character of a mere aspect of psychology. It has degenerated from robust practique to pious sen-
.. 4 ..
The Root of All Religion
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