POTUS (Donald) many legal issues cornering him


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
You would have to be completely brain dead to trust a pollsters info if that pollster is the type that would leak the faked info illegally to disparage you.
Oh, high Hoid!

...not seen in some spots in a century...
Let's see, as a fraction of 4.5 billion years...
that's one over 45o,ooo,ooo.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You continue to impress with the depth of your ignorance

B.C. drought fears surge as rivers dry up across the province


Extreme hot dry weather has left streams and rivers across the province running low and that's creating drought conditions more commonly seen in late July.

On June 12, temperature records for many places in B.C. were broken — with highs not seen in some spots in a century. Provincial drought monitors say this kind of weather is leaving many waterways at record-low flows, fuelling fears over everything from fire risks to salmon survival.

Wildfire in Port Alberni

24 new fires in Southern interior

Yep, over 30 records were broken that day, but just for the date of June 12, nothing extraordinary as far seasonal records are concerned. I don't quite understand your comment about the "depth of his ignorance". Certainly no deeper than yours and besides the bad fires were mainly up north for a week so perhaps he didn't see them. If you want to see extreme temps. check Lillooet and Lytton for July 18, 1941. Now that was hot.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
You continue to impress with the depth of your ignorance

B.C. drought fears surge as rivers dry up across the province


Extreme hot dry weather has left streams and rivers across the province running low and that's creating drought conditions more commonly seen in late July.

On June 12, temperature records for many places in B.C. were broken — with highs not seen in some spots in a century. Provincial drought monitors say this kind of weather is leaving many waterways at record-low flows, fuelling fears over everything from fire risks to salmon survival.

Wildfire in Port Alberni

24 new fires in Southern interior
Yes as I said we are having a light fire season . The report on the stream levels was the B.S. I was talking about . In extreme conditions we have major fires all over the province by the start of summer . One week away . Time will tell but so far things look good to me . Took a long drive up highway three the other day and that was my observation , o fires seen .


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Fcuking sick, man!

Ignoring idiots like Cliffy...............................................

is like ignoring CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These people are poisoning the minds of an entire generation of Cdns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While encouraging LIE-berals to run up debts that it will take CENTURIES of effort.................................

from MULTIPLE GENERATIONS...................................

to pay back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating the consequences of allowing LIE-berals to suck up to Radical Muslims!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Al Quds Day march an embarrassment to Toronto

By Michael Mostyn

Published: May 28, 2019. Updated: May 28, 2019 10:59 AM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


LILLEY: Trudeau looks for more ways to pick your pocket
GOLDSTEIN: McKenna commits classic political gaffe

Toronto Police keep Al-Quds Day participants and Israeli supporters separate at Queen's Park on July 26, 2014.

(It seems only logical that cops would want to keep separate such a hostile crew! But WHY are cops being reined in and prevented from stopping illegal hate speech by radical Muslim rabble rousers who are blocking roads and taking over public spaces? If white people behaved in such a fashion - cops would shut US DOWN quickly enough - ON LIE-beral orders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Imagine, for a moment, that a 1,000-strong rally took place each year on city property in downtown Toronto.

Imagine that speakers at this rally described people of African descent as “inhuman,” praised the KKK and its leaders, alleged that Canada is “basically owned” by Africans, and called for Africans in formerly white-ruled South Africa to be “shot” if they insisted on remaining in their homeland.

(Yes! The LIE-beral/ Muslim HYPOCRISY IS STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Imagine that, in a show of force, participants in this rally marched up University Ave., disrupting traffic on one of the city’s busiest arteries.

The City of Toronto, you would understandably assume, would take every step possible to prevent this sort of hate rally from continuing.

In reality, a rally just like this – the Al Quds Day march – does take place each year in Toronto. The only difference is that, instead of targeting Africans, it targets Jews and Israelis.

(The disgraceful Al Quds parade takes place every year while LIE-berals led by Jackass John Tory wring their hands at the loss of votes that they THINK HONEST ACTION would cost them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The city’s failure to stop this outrage – and its instance on subsidizing this hate rally at taxpayers’ expense – is an unmitigated municipal embarrassment.

LEVY: Mayor puts Al Quds organizers on notice
LEVY: City drops the ball — yet again — in Al Quds report
LEVY: City Hall turns blind eye to hateful Al Quds Day rally

The irony is that the politicians aren’t to blame for this one. Recently, after a year of dithering, city council finally endorsed proposals by Mayor John Tory and Councillor James Pasternak to impose financial penalties on organizers of hate activities on city property.

(TALK is ALL LIE-berals have to offer!! They have displayed their “firm talk” and SPINELESS lack of action on many occassions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

B’nai Brith Canada, as the grassroots voice of Canadian Jewry, followed up twice with city staff to reveal what the city is doing to implement council’s instructions in advance of the 2019 Al Quds Day rally June 1.

The answer: Apparently nothing.

Judging by the lack of substantive response from city staff, it appears that the Al Quds organizers won’t need to pay for occupying University Ave. without a permit. They won’t need to pay for using sound amplification equipment, again without a permit. They won’t need to pay for the dozens of police officers, at least, who will be required to secure the rally and prevent clashes with counter- protesters.

(And aint it GRAND! LIE-berals have just ordered the ARREST of a fundamentalist preacher raging against homosexuality in the Village district of Toronto!! LIE-berals CAN ACT SWIFTLY against those THEY DON LIKE!!!)

Instead, taxpayers – including Jewish and Israeli residents of Toronto – will be forced to pay for this outpouring of hate. Organizers of peaceful, lawful public events – such as Ribfest, the Walk with Israel, and the Roncesvalles Polish Festival – all pay their own fees. But hatemongers seemingly get a free pass from the city.

(If I was Jewish or female - I would be HUGELY uncomfortable with the cozy relationship between LIE-berals with their demonstrated CONTEMPT for free speech and democracy- in alliance with Radical Islam with its HEREDITARY HATE of all Jews and that NASTY civil rights ripping Sharia Law that would deprive women of SO MANY RIGHTS if it were implemented HERE! As Muslims have made CLEAR IS THEIR INTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Many, if not most, Al Quds attendees aren’t even residents of Toronto. Last year, organizers hired eight buses to bring participants downtown, mostly coming from mosques in cities such as Brampton, Richmond Hill and Pickering. Only one Toronto pick-up location is listed.

In other words, extremists from across Southern Ontario will gather to spew hate in Toronto – and leave Torontonians footing the bill.

(It does not matter where the poison comes from - it is STILL DANGEROUS!!!!!)

I call on the City of Toronto to put an end to this madness. I call on city staffers to simply do their jobs, and enforce the city’s Hate Activity Policy, which they have inexplicably failed to do for years.

(SADLY - Toronto Silly Hall is NOW SO TOXIC to ordinary Cdns that its denizens THINK THEY ARE doing their jobs by supporting HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

At the end of the day, what I really call for is an end to the hypocrisy. We all know that if any other religious or national group were targeted in this way, the city would have taken decisive action long ago.

– Michael Mostyn is the chief executive officer of B’nai Brith Canada

(The LIE-beral hand writing is on the wall!! Bring in all manner of third worlder`s to supplant and out vote the ordinary people!! Then “defeat” the Jews!! Then attack all those who “benefit” from white privilege!! After that our Soviet LIE-beral overlords will hand us over to Red China !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Don't you have some vacuuming or dusting you should be doing, or dishes to wash?
off topic. ( but NONE O:F YOUR BUSINESS.......
(ask yourself the same question)......but keep it off the forum.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That comes next November , sure am curious who he will have to beat and what his/her Knick name will be .

Barring any unforeseen total disaster Trump will be in an enviable position by then! The financial figures, the employment figures and the stock market should all bode well for him so he should just sit back and keep his mouth shut while his opponent tells lies and makes false promises. (Probably WON'T be "crooked Hillary") :) :)
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