Perhaps There Never Was Any Warming


Electoral Member
Feb 17, 2017
I have been studying the historic values that have been presented by NOAA and NASA and am getting very disturbed. These are supposed to be the best of the best in science but there are some substantial gaps that are telling us a completely different story from what has been publicly stated.

We all know the global warming record:

The highest rate of warming occurs from about 1979 to present with over 0.8 degrees C. or 1.44 degrees F.

A record like this certainly is disturbing despite the fact that the AGW people had predicted 10 degrees C. and not less than one.

But in fact since 1979 we have had satellite temperature data that totally disagrees with this data:

While this record appears to have heated slightly this is only the USUAL chaotic weather patterns. The average change in this 38 year period is zero.

Now exactly HOW could NOAA's and the Satellite data differ so wildly?

The weather stations that were placed by the government 150 years ago were of course very near or inside of city limits. Over this period of time these cities have grown in a spectacular manner: Illustration

Now if you compare the urban growth curve to the global warming curve you can see that they are VERY similar. Now add the effect that after WW II the urban growth changed dramatically. From brick and mortar we saw and almost complete conversion to concrete highways, freeways and skyscrapers. Inner cities changed to concrete jungles.

What has happened is that if you use the ground temperature measurements in the urban areas you have what is known as the "Urban Heat Island Effect". This urbanization is pretty much similar from everywhere in the world. And so you can expect to see pretty much the same temperature growth that isn't connected to any sort of reality.

What we are observing is that there probably hasn't been ANY heating whatsoever beyond the normal chaotic weather variability. That the Environmentalists have in fact been able to use false/uncorrected or improperly corrected temperature records. With more and more politicians seeking power teaming up with the environmentalists who are crying "WOLF" the people of the world have been fed a line of Marxist striving for power.

Well, the ice has been melting hasn't it? But what in fact has been happening is that the world has done nothing more than been recovering from the Maunder Minimum followed rather soon by the Dalton Minimum the pair of which were the Little Ice Age.

We have NO idea of what the true extent of ice was in the Arctic region before satellite surveillance which started in about 1979. We DO know that in 1955 the US nuclear submarine USS Skate surfaced at the North Pole in open water. And the following year the USS Nautilus broke through a very thin ice layer in the same spot.

We don't know what the original extent of ice was before 1,000 AD. And we know that Greenland and Iceland were strongly effected by the Little Ice Age and neither has fully recovered yet.

So are these cry wolf effects nothing more than the world returning to normal?

CO2 has been rising. But by this time we know that there isn't any serious side effects from increasing a trace gas by 30%.

And most of the effects we do know about CO2 are entirely positive. ALL of nature is improved with the increase in CO2. From the growth of the smallest organism in the oceans and land to the world's largest mammal - the Blue Whales.

I don't know about you but I'm tired of a hoax that has been used to do two things - give politicians yet more undeserved power and to take some of the worst scientists on Earth and hand them high value research grants.

And there is some even more disturbing quotes that we should note:

Now I attended a lecture by Prof. Paul Erhlich so I absolutely KNOW that his belief was that man was the disease of the Earth and the only thing to do was to wipe it off the face of the Earth. So we have been staring into the faces of the Environmentalists, the Environmentalist Wackoes, the scientists looking for fat grants and politicians seeking power.

If you believe that AGW is real just think what these people want to do with you.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
You should let your kids write for you more often...they seem to be getting the science thing.
Apparently a box of cracker jax...oops, I mean a liebarrel arts education, just can't provide that sort of insight


Electoral Member
Feb 17, 2017
Let's see - "margin of error" on a direct measurement. Now to a sane individual they would know that you don't ask for "margin of error" except in the instruments. And since these instruments are from satellites with the highest technology we have the margins are in small percentages of one degree. But don't let that bother you since you are one of those who know nothing but speak a lot.

And the Pretendian is crying because his dream of blaming everyone else but himself for the world around him is breaking apart before his very eyes. Well, he'll get in his SUV with three spark plugs out and the exhaust that smells of raw gasoline and drive around town all day long telling everyone they are the cause of the non-existent global warming.

The entire world is falling apart for the environmentalists, the power hungry politicians and the little fools that love the idea of a dying world they can blame on adults.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
You best run and tell NOAA and NASA that you've found an error in their formula.

and that you are better then the best of the best they have.

Maybe just send your resume to Steven Hawking directly.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
This is an excellent site for information. He promotes sunspots as being the main driving force, I am more inclined to go with the 40,000 miles of oceanic rifting as being the source of the heating. ( a long er post would be needed)
The Siberian traps expelled lava for about 1M years and that is the best example og forced global warming there is. Extreme weather changes only means the population has to move go go where the rain is falling and that is where food can be grown. We have the technology to know where people should go so they thrive. Globalists might want a few billion to starve by giving them inaccurate information.


You best run and tell NOAA and NASA that you've found an error in their formula.

and that you are better then the best of the best they have.

Maybe just send your resume to Steven Hawking directly.
Somebody pointed that out to them already. They are too busy listening for aliens.

In the link I posted one vid was about the southern ocean data just not even included so the global warming story sounded plausible. Try sode 383 in that link.

The Plight of Junk Science in All Fields – InvestmentWatch
Junk Science is the real crisis we face as so many people think that Global Warming is caused by man and Co2. Of course, those who really believe this is the problem that will destroy the world perhaps should just commit suicide and take the dog with them. Since we exhale Co2 that would reduce the problem in their mind and save the world by setting a good example.
Junk Science plagues us in every field of science be it economics to health. For 25 years we were told that eggs are bad. How many people ordered egg whites only. Then the Junk Science was revised, but after 25 years, nobody noticed. When scientists learned that high blood cholesterol was associated with heart disease, they immediately black-listed all foods with high cholesterol content. It took 25 years of study to figure out – oops, we were wrong!
You just didn’t really hear the “oops we were wrong” but instead you heard of another great danger – saturated fat! It became evident that cholesterol in food by itself was not the culprit after all — the real great evil was saturated fat. This is what had a much bigger effect on blood cholesterol when it was discovered that full-fat dairy products and fatty meats are loaded with saturated fat and that triggers the body to produce cholesterol.
This is the problem with analysis. They can conclude that everyone who has eaten a carrot eventually dies. That is an absolutely correct statement. They study one component and draw a correlation and thus produce the definitive relationship. They did that with interest rates. Higher rates means the stock market will decline. Oops. The Fed just raised rates and the Dow made a new high. Interesting! See it is the carrot paradox. Focusing on just one relationship blinds you to the complexity of the whole. Global Warming is the same as the carrot paradox.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
SO why nis it that of all the millions of people that think the world is over populated none of them are jumping off cliffs?
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
give it time...give it time
the lead lemming is a bit dumb, but his is bound to figure it out sooner or later.


Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
This is an excellent site for information. He promotes sunspots as being the main driving force, I am more inclined to go with the 40,000 miles of oceanic rifting as being the source of the heating. ( a long er post would be needed)
The Siberian traps expelled lava for about 1M years and that is the best example og forced global warming there is. Extreme weather changes only means the population has to move go go where the rain is falling and that is where food can be grown. We have the technology to know where people should go so they thrive. Globalists might want a few billion to starve by giving them inaccurate information.


Except it is not happening.

Sun's Current Solar Activity Cycle Is Weakest in a Century


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
and am getting very disturbed.

Stupid Yank tricks.
Good thing this is the only thing they have ever lied about eh?

SO why nis it that of all the millions of people that think the world is over populated none of them are jumping off cliffs?
You got a mistranslated memo. The correct version says the elite will kill everybody under them so there are only a few million left. Sorry to burst your bubble.

How about the 25,000 children that starve themselves to death each day? You should be giving them credit shouldn't you??


Electoral Member
Feb 17, 2017
You best run and tell NOAA and NASA that you've found an error in their formula.

and that you are better then the best of the best they have.

Maybe just send your resume to Steven Hawking directly.

What do you know about science? What sort of education do you have. Or are you simply the sort who cries and shouts "But someone else said something else."

I gave direct information. Unless you have a challenge with direct references take your stupid statements elsewhere.

and am getting very disturbed.

Stupid Yank tricks.

And another Einstein signs on with the answer to the world's problems.

Good thing this is the only thing they have ever lied about eh?

You got a mistranslated memo. The correct version says the elite will kill everybody under them so there are only a few million left. Sorry to burst your bubble.

How about the 25,000 children that starve themselves to death each day? You should be giving them credit shouldn't you??

Exactly what are you doing about these starving children? Have you dedicated your life to making enough money to support them? Or are you trying only to put a guilt trip on others while you blithely ignore them yourself?

We're on to people like you. You drive large SUV's all you like. You take vacations and leave all the lights and air conditioning on in your home while you are away for a week. You do precisely the opposite of what you proclaim others should do and then scream loudly that the rest of us are doing everything wrong. Just like any coward you think it's cute to pretend you give one damn about anyone or anything else. You are the sort that kicks a stray dog.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
We're on to people like you. You drive large SUV's all you like. You take vacations and leave all the lights and air conditioning on in your home while you are away for a week. You do precisely the opposite of what you proclaim others should do and then scream loudly that the rest of us are doing everything wrong. Just like any coward you think it's cute to pretend you give one damn about anyone or anything else. You are the sort that kicks a stray dog.
So, MHz drives a large SUV because "people like him" drive large SUVs?

OK, we've seen your notions of science.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
What do you know about science? What sort of education do you have. Or are you simply the sort who cries and shouts "But someone else said something else."

I gave direct information. Unless you have a challenge with direct references take your stupid statements elsewhere.

uhm, no. I won't take what you perceive to be stupid statements elsewhere. In fact, I'll reply where and when I like, how I like, and I"ll say what the f'ck ever I like. suck it up, buttercup. There's f'all you can do about it. LOL.

And I do know a lot about science, so pttttthhhhrrp


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
...We're on to people like you. You drive large SUV's all you like. You take vacations and leave all the lights and air conditioning on in your home while you are away for a week. You do precisely the opposite of what you proclaim others should do and then scream loudly that the rest of us are doing everything wrong. Just like any coward you think it's cute to pretend you give one damn about anyone or anything else. You are the sort that kicks a stray dog.

Who is "we"? Are you the member of a subversive organization, spoiling for a fight?

You are ranting. Making unfounded accusations. Like this.

You drive large SUV's all you like. You take vacations and leave all the lights and air conditioning on in your home while you are away for a week.
Lots of pent up hate and unfocused ranting here. Nothing of substance.

Just like any coward you think it's cute to pretend you give one damn about anyone or anything else. You are the sort that kicks a stray dog.
Just so you can pick on someone, I turn my a/c on full blast and go out looking for children of wetbacks to do my laundry. I can afford to waste as much electricity as I want. When others lose their power, I have two gas generators that come on. I use diesel fuel to light tires on fire. And of course, because people like you cry, I do it on purpose, just to spite you.

I'm sure that there is a high school webboard where you can post with your friends. You can plan how to save the world and why adults are so evil.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Except it is not happening.

Sun's Current Solar Activity Cycle Is Weakest in a Century

BINf-ckingGO! The last time solar activity dropped 500 years ago it became really damn cold for 350 years. During those 350 years Arctic/Antarctic and alpine glacier hit their maximums since the start of our current interglacial period.

170 years ago which was the coldest point in 13,000 years, solar activity picked up again and we have been warming but that stopped again.

Now what do you think will happen next?
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Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
It had to be something.

In celebration of Canada's 150th birfday, we've gathered together over 800 incandescent lights, 150 flood lights and three dump trucks full of combustibles to light on fire for July 1st. We're gonna light up the night sky in style.