Pagan Culture


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
You started a great thread, Self-Activated!
And thank you for the video - it was a treat watching it. The branch of Paganism that I belong to is Slavonic Paganism, and it is very close to Norse Paganism. We share a lot of symbols, and our Gods are very much alike in their functions, so it was really great to see all those symbols shown in the video. Nowadays in Russia most of Pagan symbols are treated like some kind of fascist signs, mainly because Hitler had used Svastika (or Kolovrat, as it is called in my religion) as his emblem. So a lot of people don't care to know that the Kolovrat had existed thousands of years before Hitler, and to know what it signifies, so they just hate it.
And we also have some problems with terms. The name of our Religion, that was used to denote it before Christianity came, is know used by the Russian Orthodox Church to name itself. So even the Name was taken away from us, and its meaning was changed.
And since this thread is devoted to Pagan Culture, I would like to post some of our rules that we follow. I posted them already in some other thread, but here they are once again^

1. Honor Rod the Almighty (the God who was the first to exist. The Great Spirit who gave birth to Lada - the Goddess of Love, and who created the rest of the Universe together with Her) and all the Pagan Gods.

2. Live a free life, you are the likeness of your Gods.

3.Remember your ancestors, who have preserved our culture.

4.Be a Warrior and do not kill without necessity.

5.Respect and obey your Parents.

6.Take full responsibility for what you do.

7.Treat Old people and children with understanding.

8.Don’t lie to, don’t humiliate and don’t offend those of your Religion.

9.Remember the Law of hospitality and don’t break it without necessity.

10.Love, understand and respect your Wife, Husband and children.

11.Live in harmony with Nature, remember, that it is alive.

12.Live a worthy Life and leave it with dignity.
Your belief is no different than any other.

Pure insane rubbish.

"My Gods are"... indeed!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Gilgamesh, one can trace all these "GOds" back to one line of neanderthal/denisovan/human kings.
Ironically, the original Gilgamesh was one of that line.

The queen, Elizabeth the second, actually monitors IRY Hors' ancestral web page, he was the notable scion of that line.

Iry-hor (1º King of Thinis) 3150 BC

MyHeritage Family Trees
Familia Real Brasileira Site in Windsor (Queen of United Kingdom), managed by Elizabeth II Windsor (Queen of United Kingdom)
Parents: Names of both parents
Siblings: Khaau (King Of Lower Egypt) and name of one more brother

Really, if you only knew what you are laughing at, you might just stop for a moment, and consider what it is that you are laughing about thoughtfully.

Have a nice day!


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
The Goddess of Love Lada gave birth to a multitude of lousy Russian Automobiles.

Our family are Oufrophaphamalists. We worship the sacred belly button lint that the Gods deposit unto our sacred belly buttons.

Our most sacred sign is the crossed condom and hammer which stands for "If you cannot fix it, then f*ck it".

And it was so. Sufficient unto the days of the evil thereof and the word of the Lord that we should ripen into iniquity.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Did you know that the first pharaoh of egypt Manis, a descendant of Iry Hor, was also known as Manistusu in India, and MANITOU ( a god or great spirit) here in Canada?
That's how this god thing works bud.

Like I said, You have a nice day.
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Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
There is nothing ironic about being Gilgamesh.

I am so old that I taught Abraham how to j*rk off. I am so old that I watched the construction of the Canadian Shield.

I am also so very tired of carrying the burden of peoplekinds sins and sorrows.

The ancient gods are like the old gods are like our contemporary gods.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
It's not that they were non existent..its the fakenews about them that is.
but regardless, the remnants of that line rule you like gods NOW, so it really doesn't matter what you think of them, other than that your viewpoint helps them do that.

WE could discuss one of the GIANT pre flood sumerian kings ( Kichiwana) that show up here in Canada too sometime as a giant god of the algonquin people. But I suspect your close mindedness to proper citations would indicate I would probably be wasting my time.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
It's not that they were non existent..its the fakenews about them that is.
but regardless the remnants of that line rule you like gods so it really doesn't matter what you think other than that your viewpoint helps them do that.

I was sort of quoting an eyewitness account by Tacitus, just before they slaughtered my Welsh kinsmen on Anglesey.

Shades of Christian Island, eh?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
"How would you look inside a wicker effigy?" sez the forum Celt.

Funny eh, the first egyptian king known, king Ka's name is the phonetic root of the word Celt.
He was the one with all the "water into wine" paraphernalia in his tomb. The god that turned water into wine, eh?

Also like the way that zargon the great ( not the much later hebrew version SARGON), another king in this line, was the king who's cartuch or name, had the symbols for reeds and water, because he was the REAL baby abandoned in the rushes to later become king.

Now we have moses and christ from that ...go figure eh?

Talk about the roots of fake gods: there is a prime example of what I am saying happens through tale tales over time and distance.
Lots of people use these fake news gods to justify their horrendous genocides. It's happening as we speak...and its being paid for with your taxes and credit card interest.


I forgot to mention also the math and science they had is still encoded in those stories, and in certain religious architectures around the world, but you would miss all that if you had a close minded attitude.

Of course, that's what the fake gawdsters want though, that's the prison that binds the best...
The one you can't even see.

I was sort of quoting an eyewitness account by Tacitus, just before they slaughtered my Welsh kinsmen on Anglesey.

Shades of Christian Island, eh?

It's good to label quotes as such, so we know who to give credit to.

The romans were the chosen tool of conquest of the day, like the british were in theirs.
Balkanization is still their rhodes way.

Did you know mandan and welsh have roots in common?
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Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
It's not that they were non existent..its the fakenews about them that is.
but regardless, the remnants of that line rule you like gods NOW, so it really doesn't matter what you think of them, other than that your viewpoint helps them do that.

WE could discuss one of the GIANT pre flood sumerian kings ( Kichiwana) that show up here in Canada too sometime as a giant god of the algonquin people. But I suspect your close mindedness to proper citations would indicate I would probably be wasting my time.

They are nonexistent.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
No you are.
What you just said tacitly, is that YOU are a narcissist racist who has no idea WTF he is talking about.
Congratulations on your ignorance. I see you worked very hard on that.

..and judging by that non answer, your reading skills appear to be weak as well.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Funny eh, the first egyptian king known, king Ka's name is the phonetic root of the word Celt.
He was the one with all the "water into wine" paraphernalia in his tomb. The god that turned water into wine, eh?

Also like the way that zargon the great ( not the much later hebrew version SARGON), another king in this line, was the king who's cartuch or name, had the symbols for reeds and water, because he was the REAL baby abandoned in the rushes to later become king.

Now we have moses and christ from that ...go figure eh?

Talk about the roots of fake gods: there is a prime example of what I am saying happens through tale tales over time and distance.
Lots of people use these fake news gods to justify their horrendous genocides. It's happening as we speak...and its being paid for with your taxes and credit card interest.


I forgot to mention also the math and science they had is still encoded in those stories, and in certain religious architectures around the world, but you would miss all that if you had a close minded attitude.

Of course, that's what the fake gawdsters want though, that's the prison that binds the best...
The one you can't even see.

It's good to label quotes as such, so we know who to give credit to.

The romans were the chosen tool of conquest of the day, like the british were in theirs.
Balkanization is still their rhodes way.

Did you know mandan and welsh have roots in common?

I know that everyone who walks ths Earth has roots in common.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
It goes from humans share 50% of the same DNA as a banana, to we have about 2.5 % different DNA than a chimpanzee..

But people are white because of interbreeding with neanderthals in the mideast ( a proven fact) and that explains the giants and all the other preflood things that are actually true, ( as opposed to the myths that are actually not) those areas of DNA of extinct variations are NOT present any more in modern DNA for that reason.

The long skull hybrids found in south america have just been found to have DNA that matches the long skulls from the Caucasians...and they have neanderthal and denisovan and human DNA.

Interbreeding With Neanderthals
Telltale evidence of ancient liaisons with Neanderthals and other extinct human relatives can be found in the DNA of billions of people.

That’s putting it mildly. Over the past 15 years, Reich has developed a toolbox of sophisticated statistical methods to extract history out of our DNA. And with those methods he has revealed scandalous liaisons dating back tens of thousands of years.

Some 200,000 years ago, our ancestors evolved in East Africa. They spread throughout the rest of the continent and then moved out into Asia and Europe. As they journeyed along coastlines and over mountains, they encountered Neanderthals and other human relatives. And at least once in a while, they had sex.

BTW, that's the same time frame as the sumerian preflood king list - the one with the giants that ruled for reignes that lasted up to 48,000 years in some cases.

The Paiute indians ( in a vid I just posted on Dark Beaver's thread ) tell of these people and how, while they were in contact with the long skulls, they went from phoenician style rowing ships, to powered flight, to possibly even space travel.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Yeah well, that's what the corporate banker funded (the ones who funded HITLERY!!!) universities, who are all COMPLETELY trumphating, freakin LEFT KOOKOO commie, have turned out.

See how I talked that in my own words cliffie, instead of dittoing someone else's reconstituted brainwashing?

There is nothing ironic about being Gilgamesh.

I am so old that I taught Abraham how to j*rk off. I am so old that I watched the construction of the Canadian Shield.

I am also so very tired of carrying the burden of peoplekinds sins and sorrows.

The ancient gods are like the old gods are like our contemporary gods.


Hey AVRO! still whacked on butt crack I see. Your writing is very disjointed. Maybe try some different joints. The kind plumbers with butt crack hanging out everywhere might make with their pipes should do.

You look HIGHlarious whistling past the graveyard an' all...LOL, named after Gilgamesh...the failed hybrid half assed, not quite god, that didn't have enough non human genes to be immortal...
KNOWN and laughed at by all his ancestor "Gawds" as the diluted "FAILURE". Like one of Immortan Joe's gibbled mutant offspring in the latest mad max movie.

WARNING: choking hazard!
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