Your belief is no different than any other.You started a great thread, Self-Activated!
And thank you for the video - it was a treat watching it. The branch of Paganism that I belong to is Slavonic Paganism, and it is very close to Norse Paganism. We share a lot of symbols, and our Gods are very much alike in their functions, so it was really great to see all those symbols shown in the video. Nowadays in Russia most of Pagan symbols are treated like some kind of fascist signs, mainly because Hitler had used Svastika (or Kolovrat, as it is called in my religion) as his emblem. So a lot of people don't care to know that the Kolovrat had existed thousands of years before Hitler, and to know what it signifies, so they just hate it.
And we also have some problems with terms. The name of our Religion, that was used to denote it before Christianity came, is know used by the Russian Orthodox Church to name itself. So even the Name was taken away from us, and its meaning was changed.
And since this thread is devoted to Pagan Culture, I would like to post some of our rules that we follow. I posted them already in some other thread, but here they are once again^
1. Honor Rod the Almighty (the God who was the first to exist. The Great Spirit who gave birth to Lada - the Goddess of Love, and who created the rest of the Universe together with Her) and all the Pagan Gods.
2. Live a free life, you are the likeness of your Gods.
3.Remember your ancestors, who have preserved our culture.
4.Be a Warrior and do not kill without necessity.
5.Respect and obey your Parents.
6.Take full responsibility for what you do.
7.Treat Old people and children with understanding.
8.Don’t lie to, don’t humiliate and don’t offend those of your Religion.
9.Remember the Law of hospitality and don’t break it without necessity.
10.Love, understand and respect your Wife, Husband and children.
11.Live in harmony with Nature, remember, that it is alive.
12.Live a worthy Life and leave it with dignity.
Pure insane rubbish.
"My Gods are"... indeed!