Our cooling world


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I have one last message to convey on this stupid thread. I've got no idea whether we're into global warming or global cooling but the reason it's a stupid thread is because the world is +/- 2 billion years old and in that span 1000 years could hardly be considered a trend let alone 10 or 20 years. All I know for sure is parts of the world are warming and parts are cooling which I would interpret as being normal and that's all I have to say about that. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I've got no idea whether we're into global warming or global cooling but the reason it's a stupid thread is because the world is +/- 2 billion years old and in that span 1000 years could hardly be considered a trend let alone 10 or 20 years.

The Jurassic had average global temperatures of 25°C, while we're closer to 14°C. That is, they're not relatable. We have cycles of ice ages that the Jurassic did not. The planet doesn't even look the same, the continents are arranged differently. That is to say that the two periods of time are unrelated.

In the same way, I doubt that you would say our current economic trends are irrelevant because we aren't considering all the time between the Feudal economy and Market capitalism.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
You don't mean sticking to the topic as per your fine example of discussing the finer points on labeling those with alternate opinions than yourself, do you? Besides, I thought that as you are a youtube junkie that you would see the factual merits in my offering.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
You probably just earned the title of "denier"

Way to go JLM

Still a question you won't touch.

Has the planetary trend been one of cooling or warming in the last 100 years?

Why is this so difficult for you to answer?

Here's another one.

What causes the extreme temperatures on Venus?
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captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Still a question you won't touch.

Has the planetary trend been one of cooling or warming in the last 100 years?

Too bad that you depend on a skewed and uni-dimensional question to deal with the issue. What is the trend? I couldn't really tell you for certain, but if the records are suggesting it's warming, then it is. If the records suggest it is cooling, then it is.

You see Avro, I don't have a problem with the concept of global warming/cooling, I really don't. In the end, I believe that the variation(s) are an expression of the natural mechanisms of the system. At the heart of this issue is the question of what is causing the aforementioned changes.

Joe-greenie is convinced that anthro CO2 is the culprit.

I disagree.

Joe-greenie points to a few years, perhaps 30 (approx) years of satellite data and annual (sometimes monthly) trends as the evidence-du-jour.

I point to millenia of massive climatic variation(s).

Joe-greenie says they understand the "system".

I say it is far to complex for us to have that understanding.

Joe-greenie says they have the answers.

I call bullsh*t on that.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Too bad that you depend on a skewed and uni-dimensional question to deal with the issue. What is the trend? I couldn't really tell you for certain, but if the records are suggesting it's warming, then it is. If the records suggest it is cooling, then it is.

You see Avro, I don't have a problem with the concept of global warming/cooling, I really don't. In the end, I believe that the variation(s) are an expression of the natural mechanisms of the system. At the heart of this issue is the question of what is causing the aforementioned changes.

Joe-greenie is convinced that anthro CO2 is the culprit.

I disagree.

Joe-greenie points to a few years, perhaps 30 (approx) years of satellite data and annual (sometimes monthly) trends as the evidence-du-jour.

I point to millenia of massive climatic variation(s).

Joe-greenie says they understand the "system".

I say it is far to complex for us to have that understanding.

Joe-greenie says they have the answers.

I call bullsh*t on that.

This is not a question about the cause.

Is the trend of warming or cooling?

Yes or no?

I'd like the answer to my question about Venus as well.


captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
No reason to get upset.

You're right. Accept my apology

It's a simple answer.

If you say it's warming (or cooling) then I believe you Avro. In the end, the eco-position covers all possibilities.: GW for a warming trend and climate change for a cooling trend. From your perspective it doesn't matter what the trend is. From my perspective, it doesn't matter because I believe that it is part of the natural cycle.

So, in answering your question, I don't know if the last 100 years is warming/cooling as it is not incumbent on defending my position that anthro CO2 is not the causation behind any change.

...Which brings us to an important juncture. Clearly, you are seeking to develop a perspective and provide substantiation via activities of humanity, industry, emissions, etc.. You will point to correlations between the aforementioned and climate fluctuations and identify anthro CO2 as the most logical culprit.

It appears that you are employing a trend (style) analysis. If so, that position strongly suggests (if not demands) that there is a (degree) of stasis or expected range of climatic conditions that is baseline. As such, variations outside this 'range' are abnormal and therefore indicative of outside influence. This is uncharted territory Avro, that is entirely based on relative measures.
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Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
You're right. Accept my apology

If you say it's warming (or cooling) then I believe you Avro. In the end, the eco-position covers all possibilities.: GW for a warming trend and climate change for a cooling trend. From your perspective it doesn't matter what the trend is. From my perspective, it doesn't matter because I believe that it is part of the natural cycle.

So, in answering your question, I don't know if the last 100 years is warming/cooling as it is not incumbent on defending my position that anthro CO2 is not the causation behind any change.

...Which brings us to an important juncture. Clearly, you are seeking to develop a perspective and provide substantiation via activities of humanity, industry, emissions, etc.. You will point to correlations between the aforementioned and climate fluctuations as the most logical culprit.

It appears that you are employing a trend (style) analysis. If so, that position strongly suggests (if not demands) that there is a (degree) of stasis or expected range of climatic conditions that is baseline. As such, variations outside this 'range' are abnormal and therefore indicative of outside influence. This is uncharted territory Avro, that is entirely based on relative measures.


Simple question demanding a simple answer, no long winded amateur scientific responsive excuses.

You keep harping on causes as well, nothing to do with the question I asked.

Is it warming or not?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007

Simple question demanding a simple answer, no long winded amateur scientific responsive excuses.

You keep harping on causes as well, nothing to do with the question I asked.

Is it warming or not?

I guess that you can't read afterall.

Good luck to you[/QUOTE]

I guess you can't answer a basic question afterall.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I thought that answered the question:lol:

If you focus on the bold, perhaps it did.

The rest is gibberish.

Also I see no posts from the dear Captain contrary to global cooling.

No ridicule of what Walt has posted.

Just denial of the contrary.

Perhaps if he dosen't he should explain why he dosen't believe it is cooling as fervently as he denies warming.
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