Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


Time Out
Apr 6, 2014
Wish I could take credit for it.

Now if only Frank could find a way to bring them to their untimely demise and become the next premier.
Well excellent find anyway.

I loved the show. Crammed two seasons over two weeks.
Half way through, and listening to our politicians, one really sees them through a different lens.
I think that was the point. People were really upset with the government down there. Millionaires lost billions and no one got sent up the river.
In fact, the very thieves got a bail out package still going on today.

So Hollywood took a stab at enlightening the public.

Funny that it doesn't seem to matter.

We are celebrating mediocrity (taken from Tom Petty's last DJ) , and nothing will stop the carnage on the common senses.

Like I said MF, "Great Find!"

Ta very much

I find it amazing that you see rhetoric on one party when you fail to see the same (but different) rhetoric in the other parties. Wynn is full of s-h-i-t and spews it on a daily basis and Horvath isn't any better.

Where did I say I do not see the rhetoric. You obviously see what you want, or need to see. You are a product of the modern day. lol!
They love you for it brother. You are a perfect minion.

I said the Liberals conned us. What more do you want.

Horvath has done neither con us or make such blatant political promises as Hudak.

I'm trying to be as honest to myself as I can be.

It's simple. You voted for a guy who could only rehash the Liberal fiascoes and tell the public the biggest empty pork barrel promise of all time. Not one in the media can deny that Hudak is BS'ing the public, even media that is loyal to the right wing causes. You voted and supported this BS. Now go and dig up some right wing support and say "See they do support him", but it won't be on his job plan.

I'm giving someone a chance, amongst the the most blatant BS ever produced in Ontario's history of elections.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
It’s time now for Two Minutes with Lex Murphy, published every week in your hometown Nugget newspaper. Sponsored by the Country Lard Store, where 'Fat is fine, anytime!'

Country Lard! Country Lard!
It's always soft and squishy!
It's never cold and hard!
Yee haw!

Two Minutes with Lex Murphy

Turning Government Around

It’s the eve of the Ontario election, yet no one has demonstrated what it takes to be a leader. All we’ve heard is a hoary bunch of attack ads assessing blame, with few suggestions on how to turn the Ontario economy around.

The province has a mess of problems. We have excessive hydro prices, a deteriorating educational system, a stagnant business base, too many taxes, and inadequate health care. And as much as I’d like to punch several politicians squarely in the mouth for their bungling, that won’t solve the woes of a faltering economy and a crumbling infrastructure.

Now that we’re in this mess, we have to turn things around. But how? There’s no clear direction from Queen’s Park, and that’s making things worse. The majority of Ontario voters wishes to be led, but they aren’t seeing anyone competent to do the job. No sensible solutions are being put on the table.

Taxpayers want a leader who can capably run the province. Ontario needs someone who can repair and maintain our infrastructure, attract business and get hydro and healthcare working. They have to do this responsibly and efficiently; spending our tax money to get the best bang for the buck. Sadly, the media and our politicians are a virtual wasteland of hope. It’s always bad news, negative advertising, and blaming our troubles on politicians many years out of office. I can only conclude that they're doing this because no one knows how to fix what’s broken.

The first thing we’ve got to do is stop the incessant finger pointing. It’s not helping. It’s taking valuable time away from the important job of running the province. Queen’s Park could use several skilled facilitators to get the politicians past their egos and back to governance. They should be talking about how to fix things. Analysis of the short comings of previous governments should be left to the news media and political science professors.

Politicians must spend less time talking about themselves or their party. Frankly, no one wants to hear about their party platform. Few will ever bother reading it. Sadly, the world continues to rely on sound bites and commercials to learn about politicians. Do you want to impress me? Spend your time talking to qualified agencies or individuals that can help find solutions to the ills of the province. Prioritize the problems and attack each logically. And here’s the big one: Stop making promises that you cannot keep! Most people aren’t stupid enough to believe you anyway. Hollow promises are a sure way to lose votes.

We have to find a way to stop reckless, irresponsible government spending. While significantly bigger than a household budget, the basic principle still applies. If you cannot afford it, don’t spend it! Prioritize expenditures. And most importantly, when there is a monetary crisis, discuss it with your partners in government first, not the loan company!

Certainly, there are other issues that have to be addressed, but if politicians thought about people and the province first, there would be fewer problems, less animosity between citizens and government, and a happier, healthier population.


New Member
May 28, 2014
It’s time now for Two Minutes with Lex Murphy, published every week in your hometown Nugget newspaper. Sponsored by the Country Lard Store, where 'Fat is fine, anytime!'

Country Lard! Country Lard!
It's always soft and squishy!
It's never cold and hard!
Yee haw!

Two Minutes with Lex Murphy

Turning Government Around

It’s the eve of the Ontario election, yet no one has demonstrated what it takes to be a leader. All we’ve heard is a hoary bunch of attack ads assessing blame, with few suggestions on how to turn the Ontario economy around.

The province has a mess of problems. We have excessive hydro prices, a deteriorating educational system, a stagnant business base, too many taxes, and inadequate health care. And as much as I’d like to punch several politicians squarely in the mouth for their bungling, that won’t solve the woes of a faltering economy and a crumbling infrastructure.

Now that we’re in this mess, we have to turn things around. But how? There’s no clear direction from Queen’s Park, and that’s making things worse. The majority of Ontario voters wishes to be led, but they aren’t seeing anyone competent to do the job. No sensible solutions are being put on the table.

Taxpayers want a leader who can capably run the province. Ontario needs someone who can repair and maintain our infrastructure, attract business and get hydro and healthcare working. They have to do this responsibly and efficiently; spending our tax money to get the best bang for the buck. Sadly, the media and our politicians are a virtual wasteland of hope. It’s always bad news, negative advertising, and blaming our troubles on politicians many years out of office. I can only conclude that they're doing this because no one knows how to fix what’s broken.

The first thing we’ve got to do is stop the incessant finger pointing. It’s not helping. It’s taking valuable time away from the important job of running the province. Queen’s Park could use several skilled facilitators to get the politicians past their egos and back to governance. They should be talking about how to fix things. Analysis of the short comings of previous governments should be left to the news media and political science professors.

Politicians must spend less time talking about themselves or their party. Frankly, no one wants to hear about their party platform. Few will ever bother reading it. Sadly, the world continues to rely on sound bites and commercials to learn about politicians. Do you want to impress me? Spend your time talking to qualified agencies or individuals that can help find solutions to the ills of the province. Prioritize the problems and attack each logically. And here’s the big one: Stop making promises that you cannot keep! Most people aren’t stupid enough to believe you anyway. Hollow promises are a sure way to lose votes.

We have to find a way to stop reckless, irresponsible government spending. While significantly bigger than a household budget, the basic principle still applies. If you cannot afford it, don’t spend it! Prioritize expenditures. And most importantly, when there is a monetary crisis, discuss it with your partners in government first, not the loan company!

Certainly, there are other issues that have to be addressed, but if politicians thought about people and the province first, there would be fewer problems, less animosity between citizens and government, and a happier, healthier population.
I agree whole heartedly with you letter..

The unions are now sending text and e-mails to their membership telling them not to vote for Hudak. Regardless of whether you agree with Hudak or not, these unions should not be allowed to take away their member's right to vote (by intimidation) for whomever they please. I would love to see an election run based on facts not fiction or stupid predictions of the future impending doom...


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I agree whole heartedly with you letter..

The unions are now sending text and e-mails to their membership telling them not to vote for Hudak. Regardless of whether you agree with Hudak or not, these unions should not be allowed to take away their member's right to vote (by intimidation) for whomever they please. I would love to see an election run based on facts not fiction or stupid predictions of the future impending doom...

I don't see any issue with a Union looking out for its interests. I'm doubtful any card carrying union member would vote for the PC's in the first place. They swing predominantly NDP and occasionally Liberal if it helps their cause. It's a free Country, today whoever wins, the majority of Ontario will have spoken, one would hope that common sense would outweigh fear, but I think Ontario will end up with a Wynne minority.

If that happens, the PC's will need to reflect on their strategy and more so their leader. I'll save any more commentary on that after the election, because you never know. I might end up wrong.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I'm calling PC majority.

I think they targeted a certain demographic very well and they have the likely voter bonus.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Really? You're pulling my leg aren't you?

There is more than enough wiggle room for them to squeak through.

A last minute swing in momentum today could give them a 1-2 seat majority.

All they need is for people to talk and the boondoggle hate to spread.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
There is more than enough wiggle room for them to squeak through.

A last minute swing in momentum today could give them a 1-2 seat majority.

All they need is for people to talk and the boondoggle hate to spread.

Well, most folks hate boondoggle and the Libs have been boondoggling at premium.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The significance of their mistakes are exaggerated, but yes, the gas plant message is definitely resonating with a lot of voters.


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013

Ipsos Reid has been hammering my mail box all morning. They want to know how I'll vote. The problem with polls - even ones only a day or two old - is they cannot account for low voter turnout. Elections like this are unpredictable. There will be people standing in the voting booth today still undecided. They'll literally make up their minds at the last minute.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
The significance of their mistakes are exaggerated, but yes, the gas plant message is definitely resonating with a lot of voters.

Hardly exaggerated, they own everything they did.

The gas plant cover-up was just a culmination of their mis-deeds. Ontario needs to push the reset, but I'm skeptical they will.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I'm calling PC majority.

I think they targeted a certain demographic very well and they have the likely voter bonus.

The polls which as who you will vote for and only count the ones that say 'I will definatly vote' swing much stronger in the PCs favour. But polls this morning have a 3 way tie or a 36PC - 30-30 split.

My prediction is PC minority -- Wynn govt proped up by NDP.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I don't see any issue with a Union looking out for its interests. I'm doubtful any card carrying union member would vote for the PC's in the first place. They swing predominantly NDP and occasionally Liberal if it helps their cause.
You are full of crap. I voted PC, Reform, or Conservative every election while I was a "card carrying union member". Much of my local PC riding association executive are "card carrying union members".


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I've heard Union members called the samethings as Conservatives. Greedy, selfish, elitist protectionists in it for nothing but money. SK Cons have gone as far as teaming up with Trade Unions for labour training and pension investment into the very massive projects the members were contracted to build.

It is silly to think there is a Union party.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
You are full of crap. I voted PC, Reform, or Conservative every election while I was a "card carrying union member". Much of my local PC riding association executive are "card carrying union members".

What union? And I didn't say every member. Or did I?

I've heard Union members called the samethings as Conservatives. Greedy, selfish, elitist protectionists in it for nothing but money. SK Cons have gone as far as teaming up with Trade Unions for labour training and pension investment into the very massive projects the members were contracted to build.

It is silly to think there is a Union party.

Well the NDP was the working man's party until they got mixed up in the environmental hoopla.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What union? And I didn't say every member. Or did I?

Well the NDP was the working man's party until they got mixed up in the environmental hoopla.

You know the NDP has gone wonky when they don't hold a single seat in their home Province of SK. At one time they didn't need to campaign here to get seats now it is

Saskatchewan Members of Parliament
Anderson, David, Cypress Hills-Grasslands (Conservative Party)
Block, Kelly, Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar (Conservative Party)
Boughen, Ray, Palliser (Conservative Party)
Breitkreuz, Garry, Yorkton-Melville (Conservative Party)
Clarke, Rob, Desenthé-Missinippi-Churchill River (Conservative Party)
Goodale, Ralph, Wascana (Liberal)
Hoback, Randy, Prince Albert (Conservative Party)
Komarnicki, Ed, Souris-Moose Mountain (Conservative Party)
Lukiwski, Tom, Regina-Lumsden-Lake Centre (Conservative Party)
Ritz, Gerry, Battlefords-Lloydminster (Conservative Party)
Scheer, Andrew, Regina-Qu'Appelle (Conservative Party)
Trost, Bradley, Saskatoon-Humboldt (Conservative Party)
Vellacott, Maurice, Saskatoon-Wanuskewin (Conservative Party)
Yelich, Lynne, Blackstrap (Conservative Party)

And only hold 9 SK MLA seats.