Vladonald Putrump.
Putrump claims the US sent $350 billion to Ukraine since the start of the war. Oddly though, the Pentagon states they have spent around $135 billion since 2014
Putrump claims that Europe isn't pulling their weight. While the US has contributed more military aid to Ukraine, Europe has contributed twice as much total aid as the US, including military aid.
I dunno, a small part of me is still hoping that Trump is playing his cards real close to his chest and is trying to convince Bedpan that China is Russia's only real threat. Which is 100% true.
NATO, the EU nor Europe in general want to conquer Russia. They don't even wanna invade it. Not out of fear but occupying a country that size is one thing, conquering it and maintaining control is another thing altogether. But China don't care. Xi is desperate for China to have a border with the Arctic to legitimize his current pathetic claim to it, even if it's just a piece of Russia that borders China and the Arctic.
Look at China, they're double ending the war in Ukraine, supplying both Russia and Ukraine with FPV drones. The Ukrainians are just better at "customizing" them and using them. Every dead Russia soldier, every destroyed military piece of equipment will make Xi's dreams come closer to fruition.
This war has cost Russia 1% of its male population. That's why Bedpan is desperate for it to end, but on his terms. Even if he decided to continue and ordered a general conscription his conscripts would be useless except as ammo absorbers. Russia can't even provide proper uniforms and boots to the troops they have now, never mind arming them. Bedpan is even reclassifying military personnel. Sailors from the Kuznetzov (sp) being shoved into the infantry. Nuclear missile techs being assigned to infantry units as assault troops. Medics being reassigned as tank commanders.
But I guess we can't let Russia collapse, again. Apparently 'too big to fail' also applies to countries run by complete assholes.
This entire war has been a display in old school 'meat grinder' tactics, such as they are. And when Russian troops were getting lower, he pulled in North Korea into the grinder to 'help', which turned into a disaster for both groups.
Trump isn't even playing cards, he's off playing keepsies or some shit claiming things are 'his' when they aren't. He's not smart enough, nor has he kept people around him to be smart enough, to do any of this with intelligence what so ever.
Putin wants it to end on his terms, I think, because he is like any other dictator/autocrat; he HAS to appear strong even in defeat because if he doesn't, his ego won't be able to handle it. Being old school KGB and raised in the "No Russia is the best and we'll prove it" belief, it's not a surprise but it doomed his own country. But like Stalin, he doesn't give a shit, all that matters is power.
IMO, the world should let Russia collapse totally, let it divide itself more into smaller states. Sibera become it's own nation, Russia's core it's own nation, or two, or whatever, and all that the "west" should do about it is ensure China doesn't move in to oppress more people. It won't HAPPEN, I know, but that's one solution of what to do with it.