He might have won. People are pretty sick of JT - they might have been willing to give JC a chance. Campaigns matter and Jean is no stranger to campaigns. He doesn't always win them

but he's experienced. And the nice thing about being too liberal is that the liberals can't use that against you in an election. I wouldn't have ruled him out.
to be honest tho, PP's chances are better. I've seen a lot of politics and campaigns, and i don't think i've seen one as organized and put together as PP's. His social media skills are a runaway success. His message is resonating more and more every day as people get fed up with the horrible state of things right now. He's going to turn out a buttload of volunteers come election time, the party is uniting behind him. He just needs a little more polish and proper exposure and the public is going to feel a lot more comfortable with him and focus on his policies. Which are pretty sane for the most part - smaller gov't doing a few things well instead of a lot of things badly, better economic opportunity and less gov't interference. Those have often been winning messages.
If he actually gets three years i think he could have a shot at a majority. If he gets less, we'll see what happens.