Olympic Games Paris 2024


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

The woman next to him is wearing hijab. He is not.

View attachment 23829

That's not proof of anything regarding Khelif

What it does prove is you lack the intellectual honesty to research things before posting them.

Despite Algeria is quite conservative Muslim country, there are no government rules about the dress code. In Algeria, the dress code can be imposed by social rules, though.

Or better: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_veiling_practices_by_country


During the Algerian War of 1954-1962, it came to be seen as legitimate for Algerian women to break seclusion and participate unveiled in society, when women participated actively in the struggle for national independence.[21]

In 2018, the government passed a law banning the wearing of full face-veils, called burqas or niqabs, for female public servants while at work.[22][23] The prime minister at the time, Ahmed Ouyahia, pushed the ban because of his belief that women should be identifiable in the workspace.[24]

But okay, so... proof is no hijab? Well then I guess this blond is also a man.

And this one.

And this dark haired person.

Oh and this one.

Or maybe you just teamed up with all the other ignorant TERF and misogynistic assholes all because she doesn't fit YOUR definition of a "normal" woman. Meanwhile she is just another woman who proves that there is more to gender than XX and XY, and that "normal" is not what you think, even in biology.

In other words... cry harder you goddamn snowflake.

(I'd love to see your reasoning for her losing the last time she was on the Olympics to Ireland's Kellie Harrington)


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It's a dude..

It has XY chromosomes, it's a dude.

Yes, keep displaying your ignorance.

What, specifically she has, we don't know.

That you claim she's XY, but you don't know that, no one does.

There's no information from even the IBA.

Since you missed it the first time:

Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confidential. This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors.

Now, the IBA has a bad reputation to the point the IOC doesn't recognize them as legitimate, so really who knows what the truth is from the IBA (then throw in bias from the Russian leadership...)

So no, until she confirms it, she's female and always has been.

Cry more, bigoted snowflake.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Except that didn't happen at all.

Perhaps do some research into the topic. Or general reading.

Unless you're going to put forth the idea that low testosterone men are female?
Except that's EXACTLY what happened. BOTH boxers were banned from internation competition after failing a gender test, both having XY chromosomes. That's called a biological male you dipshit. Yet for the Olympics all one has to do is merely identify as a woman and that's good enough apparently.

But hey, way to support violence against women by biological males. Biological males beating up women? Heinous. Biological males pretending to be women beating up actual, real women? Sport. Progressive sport at that.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
There's no proof she does, hence she's a woman.

How fucking stupid are you? Both the IBC and IBA banned them from international female competition because they are biological males having tested as XY. Maybe YOU should do some reading on the subject.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Except that's EXACTLY what happened. BOTH boxers were banned from internation competition after failing a gender test, both having XY chromosomes. That's called a biological male you dipshit. Yet for the Olympics all one has to do is merely identify as a woman and that's good enough apparently.

But hey, way to support violence against women by biological males. Biological males beating up women? Heinous. Biological males pretending to be women beating up actual, real women? Sport. Progressive sport at that.

I've already given you everything you need.

Right now you're just being willfully ignorant; why, who the hell knows.

And for what it's worth, Khelif got her ass beat last Olympics by the competitor from Ireland.

Pretty shitty to keep saying "He beats up women" when she got beat up just as bad.

But what the hell, why not prove you wrong even more.

As for facts:
  • Imane Khelif is a woman.
  • Imane Khelif is not transgender and does not identify as intersex.
  • Imane Khelif reportedly has a variation in her sex traits, also known as differences of sexual development (DSDs), which are a group of conditions involving genes, hormones and reproductive organs. According to the NIH, some people with DSDs are raised as female but may have sex chromosomes other than XX, or elevated testosterone levels.
  • Athletes with variations in their sex traits, or DSDs, are not the same as transgender athletes. Conflating the two is inaccurate.
  • Imane Khelif has followed eligibility requirements set forth by the International Olympic Committee to compete in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. IOC spokesperson Mark Adams stated: “Everyone competing in the women’s category is complying with the competition eligibility rules.”
  • Imane Khelif participated in the 2021 Toyko Olympics and multiple other women’s tournaments. She was disqualified from the 2023 International Boxing Association (IBA) championship due to an unspecified gender eligibility test, which has different eligibility criteria than the IOC. The IBA has since been decertified as the governing international body of boxing.
  • Lin Yu-ting, also an Olympic boxer receiving backlash, was similarly disqualified from the IBA championship last year for an unspecified gender eligibility test. Yu-ting also competed in the 2021 Olympics and met all criteria.
  • The Olympic Charter states that access to sport is a human right.
  • The IOC affirms the need for inclusivity and non-discrimination to be paramount. Athletes who are able to compete, following all eligibility criteria, deserve to be safe, welcome and included in sports.
  • Transgender and intersex athletes have been a part of global sports since at least the 1930s.
  • The International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced last month that for the first time in history, the Paris Games will feature full gender parity on the Olympic fields of play. Transgender inclusion has had no negative effect on participation and parity at the Olympics, or any other level of participation. This fact mirrors research on transgender participation showing U.S. states with inclusive policies have more girls and women participating in sports than states with bans.
  • Reporters must note the (IOC) released guidelines more than two years ago to support transgender participation, written in consult with medical, athletic and human rights professionals, stating there should be “NO PRESUMED ADVANTAGE BASED ON SEX ASSIGNED AT BIRTH OR SEX CHARACTERISTICS.”
  • IOC recommendations additionally include guiding principles for all sport federations to follow, encouraging:
    • Inclusion of athletes of all gender identities;
    • Use of an evidence-based approach in constructing rules;
    • Preventing athletes from undergoing unnecessary procedures or treatments to be eligible.
  • Nearly 200 out LGBTQ athletes from around the world are competing at the Paris 2024 Games.
  • The IOC released a media guide that includes guidance on reporting on transgender and nonbinary athletes. The Olympic Broadcast Services has also committed to covering all athletes and gender identities accurately, fairly and inclusively, and has committed to parity in its broadcast production. For Paris 2024, this includes hiring approximately 35 female commentators and ensuring balanced gender representation among senior staff and venue production teams."

And then there's:

"IOC spokesman Mark Adams indicated Tuesday no personal information about the boxers' medical histories would be disclosed. "They've been competing in boxing for a very long time," Adams told reporters. “They've achieved all the eligibility requirements in terms of sex and age. We're following the rules in place in Tokyo.""

A good chunk of all this "Reporting" is what people think or are basing on rumors. Thus far neither athlete has said what their 'medical status' is. For all we know Khelif could be XXY, or XYX but people are leaving out information just to press this bullshit that she's 'a man'.

"Thursday Adams added that the issues with the previous tests for the boxers "was not a transgender issue, there's been some misreporting on that in press. ... These women have been competing as women for many years.

"What I would say just quickly on testosterone is, the testosterone (test) is not a perfect test. Many women can have testosterone, even what would be called 'male levels' and still be women and still compete as women. So this is not a panacea − this idea that suddenly you test, do one test for testosterone. Each sport needs to deal with this issue but I think we agreed, I hope we're agreed, we're not going to go back to the bad old days of 'sex testing'. That would be a bad idea.""

"Khelif and Lin have not publicly addressed details of their medical histories regarding the tests."

So all your whining about "They're XY" is bullshit.

Oh and here's a blast from the Olympic past.

"Caster Semenya, a two-time Olympic gold medalist in track and field in 2012 and 2016, was forced to give up competing in the 400 meters because her testosterone levels were too high based on tests administered by World Athletics, the sport’s international federation previously known as the IAAF. Semenya was assigned female at birth. She said she was told at age 18 that she has XY chromosomes and naturally had high levels of testosterone."

So if someone has the female parts to be assigned female at birth, you and other people say "THEY'RE FEMALE!" Until they somehow turn out to be really good in sports, and suddenly it's a fucking question?

Are you going to go after Michael Phelps for HIS advantages in swimming, for example?

Or are you suggesting now every athlete should be genetic tested, blood tested and pass "Are you absolutely normal in every way" tests in order to compete?

Might as well ban the Olympics.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
How fucking stupid are you? Both the IBC and IBA banned them from international female competition because they are biological males having tested as XY. Maybe YOU should do some reading on the subject.

The IBA has no leg to stand on.

"Last year the IOC banished the International Boxing Association (IBA), long plagued with scandal and controversy that jeopardized the future of Olympic boxing. In fact, the IOC denied IBA the right to run Olympic boxing during the Tokyo Games in 2021 and instead turned over control to an ad-hoc unit.

With that ad-hoc unit in charge, Kehlif and Lin both competed at the Tokyo Olympics. Neither won a medal."

And a bit more reason not to trust the IBA:

"LAUSANNE, Switzerland, June 22 (Reuters) - The International Boxing Association's (IBA) recognition as the global body for the sport was stripped on Thursday by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) due to its failure to complete reforms on governance, finance and ethical issues.
The IOC's extraordinary session, held online on Thursday, rubber-stamped an executive board recommendation by 69 votes to one to withdraw the IBA's recognition.

The IBA, which called the decision "a tremendous error", had tried to have it blocked through an urgent appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, sport's highest court, which rejected the appeal on Tuesday.
The IOC had previously suspended the IBA in 2019 over governance, finance, refereeing and ethical issues and did not involve it in running the boxing events at the Tokyo Olympics.
Boxing is part of the Paris 2024 Olympics but the qualification bouts and the competition are being run by the IOC and not the IBA, as was the case at the Tokyo Games in 2021.
Other issues such as a sponsorship deal with Russian energy giant Gazprom that was terminated in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine further complicated the position of the IBA, which is led by Russian businessman Umar Kremlev."

I don't know where you get the IBC from; nowhere I've seen thus far has mentioned them at all. So perhaps provide a link or three?

In the end, it's just whining about what people who are anti-trans want to have happen; people playing in the sports of the gender they were assigned at birth. And now it's an issue? Make a decision already.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Imane Khelif reportedly has a variation in her sex traits, also known as differences of sexual development (DSDs), which are a group of conditions involving genes, hormones and reproductive organs. According to the NIH, some people with DSDs are raised as female but may have sex chromosomes other than XX, or elevated testosterone levels.
Athletes with variations in their sex traits, or DSDs, are not the same as transgender athletes. Conflating the two is inaccurate.
IOC recommendations additionally include guiding principles for all sport federations to follow, encouraging:
  • Inclusion of athletes of all gender identities;
  • Use of an evidence-based approach in constructing rules;
  • Preventing athletes from undergoing unnecessary procedures or treatments to be eligible.
The Olympic Charter states that access to sport is a human right.
Reporters must note the (IOC) released guidelines more than two years ago to support transgender participation, written in consult with medical, athletic and human rights professionals, stating there should be “NO PRESUMED ADVANTAGE BASED ON SEX ASSIGNED AT BIRTH OR SEX CHARACTERISTICS.”
Now this is with respect to the IOC & their rules. Other federations and sporting bodies have different rules. I’m just taking a quick break at work and then I’m going back to work so I don’t have time to go into depth…. But I’ve read something recently that I think I posted here somewhere (maybe the LGBTQ…etc…thread?) about a different sports body, and track & field competitors with DSD, and some events they are eligible to compete in and some they aren’t, etc…with really no apparent logical consistency with respect to what races DSD competitors can & can’t be in.

It’s gonna come down to this. Access to sport being a human right, for everyone. Then they have Divisions based upon sex (let’s call it gender for lack of a better term) being female & male.

Should DSD get their own division? Would that make this go away (?) or some other solution to avoid situations like the Italian boxer stepping out 46 seconds into her match ‘cuz her bell is getting rung in ways woman aren’t able to do without the DSD advantage?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Women's boxing is mired in yet another controversial gender row as two-time world champion Lin Yu-Ting went the full three rounds to beat Sitora Turdibekova, 22, and is now only one win away from a guaranteed Olympic medal.
It comes just one day after Algeria’s Imane Khelif beat Italy’s Angela Carini in a clash lasting just 46 seconds.

The fight ended less acrimoniously than yesterday, with Lin and Turdibekova touching gloves after she unanimously took victory.
However, the pair did not embrace or congratulate each other and the defeated boxer left the ring quickly refusing to stop to talk to reporters.

Bouncing around the ring above Turdibekova, she made a series of explosive punches against the Uzbekistan sportswoman as she found her range and used her superior reach to rain punches from further away.
She dominated the first round, fighting hard as her opponent only scored one point.

Darting around the ring as she brutally persued her opponent, Lin struggled to make a conclusive punch but repeatedly showcased her strength as she landed thudding blows.
In the second round she already had an unassailable lead as she got all five scorecards in her favour.

Turdibekova put up a brave fight, landing shots and showing her effort as she tried to get inside the fighter's reach.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The usual ones are already at the top of the medals table: China, France, Australia, USA and Great Britain, in that order.

The USA is doing poorly when you consider it has so far won the same number of golds as Great Britain and less than Australia and France despite having a much larger population.



Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
As I was walking home from work tonight I saw a newspaper stand outside a petrol station and looking at The Daily Mail they had on their front cover a story about how a male boxer who identifies as a woman was allowed to fight a female boxer at the Paris Olympics. The Daily Mail pointed out that are sportswomen going to end up being killed by the current Leftie fad of allowing men - bigger and more powerful - to compete against women in sports?

The boxing match saw a man from Pakistan who identifies as a woman fight an Italian woman. Needless to say, the Pakistani man won.

This Paris Olympics has been a bit of a shit show. Bring back London 2012, the best Olympics ever. Not that I'm biased. It had a great Opening Ceremony unlike this one and was very well run, unlike this one. Just yesterday the rowers were barred from rowing because the Seine is too polluted.

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Just think: The 2028 Olympics are going to be in Los Angeles, so they'll likely be even woker than these ones.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Now this is with respect to the IOC & their rules. Other federations and sporting bodies have different rules. I’m just taking a quick break at work and then I’m going back to work so I don’t have time to go into depth…. But I’ve read something recently that I think I posted here somewhere (maybe the LGBTQ…etc…thread?) about a different sports body, and track & field competitors with DSD, and some events they are eligible to compete in and some they aren’t, etc…with really no apparent logical consistency with respect to what races DSD competitors can & can’t be in.

True - it's up to those governing bodies.

Including the IOC.

Which has it's own rules for eligibility.

And both women passed those criteria.

It’s gonna come down to this. Access to sport being a human right, for everyone. Then they have Divisions based upon sex (let’s call it gender for lack of a better term) being female & male.

And how does one determine gender/sex? According to many - like Boom and Jin - it's the junk you see that you're born with.

For Khelif to have been assigned female at birth, she had to have female anatomy, because in Algeria, being "Trans" is illegal.

Now it's suddenly "Chromosomes ONLY!"

Except you've got situations like this...

In order for it to be "based upon gender" that'd mean EVERY athlete would need testing done beyond what's done now.

Okay, sure.

But what about people who - for example - less lactic acid in their bodies?

That's certainly not fair for anyone who DOESN'T have that issue?

And what about other advantages?

Why have an Olympics at all then since someone, at some point, is going to have an 'unfair' advantage?

Should DSD get their own division?


Look, y'all might have a point if she was absolutely dominating and beating any woman she was against left and right. But she isn't. She's got an average fight record. Which means her testosterone isn't that big a factor (I'd suggest it likely rises and falls).

Speaking of T - would a woman who tests for high T due to PCOS also be decried as a "man"?

Would that make this go away (?) or some other solution to avoid situations like the Italian boxer stepping out 46 seconds into her match ‘cuz her bell is getting rung in ways woman aren’t able to do without the DSD advantage?

And what about the other women who had NO issues with her before in Tokyo, or in fights since? And when she won silver, no one said shit then? Remember, the IBA did their supposed test in 2019.

Then the IOC disqualified them from anything to do with Olympic boxing due to their bullshit.

And while OFFICIALLY the IBA has stated that NO results were given publicly, Khelif's medical records were leaked out to cause this shitstorm.

BTW there actually is ONE trans person in boxing right now at the Olympics. And it's neither of these women.

(and because I know people will hate it: https://www.outsports.com/2024/7/31/24098788/hergie-bacyadan-trans-athlete-boxing-paris-olympics/

For the record, He's a trans man, who has elected NOT to take T, but still a trans man. And no one's batting an eye about his fight against a Chinese fighter, and losing. Oh I know, it's because he won't take T... but that doesn't make him any less a trans man.)

As for a DSD "advantage"? Again, not much of one if Khelif can still get beat.


Oh and to throw out a bit of what Algerian's think of this:

And then there's Khelif's opponent:

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