Olympic Games Paris 2024


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So where was this outrage in 2000 at Sydney?

Oh there was some, but not the 'international news' there is now, all because Christians got their panties in a twist over something that wasn't even Christian.

Snowflakes and meltdowns y'all.

Absolute hypocritical hilarity.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
This is gonna sound weird, but…days ago I did happen to watch that video of that last supper with the red bearded Smurf in a G string in that fruit bowl sort of thing on the table…& thought, “What the hell was that?”

Around 6 AM this morning over coffee, it came up in conversation with my girlfriend, so I tried to pull it up to show her what I was talking about…& it’s gone. There’s a few still images but it’s literally gone. I can’t find it anywhere. How weird is that? I mean, there’s a few clips a few seconds long, but nothing in its full Crazy weirdness.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
So all the people freaking out that it was somehow mocking the Last Supper...

It wasn't.

But don't let that truth stop you from having meltdowns, ya snowflakes. :D
The presentation was called, "La Cène Sur Un Scène Sur La Seine," so clearly it wasn’t about the last supper, and I’m not religious…just a guy with google.
So was that the IOC's "excuse" before or after they apologized for it?
The IOC probably speak French.

Me? I can read menus and cereal boxes…that’s the depth of my French as it only extends to my interest in food. Google does have a translation feature though, & there is always good old Babelfish.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The presentation was called, "La Cène Sur Un Scène Sur La Seine," so clearly it wasn’t about the last supper, and I’m not religious…just a guy with google.
A name means nothing. North Korea calls itself a "democratic people's republic". It was deliberate symbolism. Seriously, how many scenes have you seen with a long table and everyone sitting on one side of it? The Last Supper is an iconic painting to christians and this was a deliberate act to mock that imagery. Hell, I'm not a christian and it was pretty obvious what they were doing.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Reprimanded sure. And his timing was horrible (maybe make a side comment later, not at the moment for the Gold) Fired, no.

Just because it's cliche doesn't mean it wasn't legit.

And a joke.

That's also legit.

I mean, most women do take a long ass time to get ready for things.

This, this is the level of BS I dislike.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons

Reprimanded sure. And his timing was horrible (maybe make a side comment later, not at the moment for the Gold) Fired, no.

Just because it's cliche doesn't mean it wasn't legit.

And a joke.

That's also legit.

I mean, most women do take a long ass time to get ready for things.

This, this is the level of BS I dislike.
According to the leftist joke nazis any stereotyping, even in good natured humour, of anyone other than straight White males is verboten. Even "diverse" comedians are strongly discouraged from doing routines based on their own ethnic heritage/country of origin. Cancel culture gone mad. Although it was never sane to begin with.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
And because the IOC wants to prove how "woke" they are, they have let biological males who "identify as female" beat real women up in the boxing ring. How progressive. Kind'a makes their stance on doping seem pointless and arbitrary by comparison if the Olympics are supposed to be about fair competition.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
And because the IOC wants to prove how "woke" they are, they have let biological males who "identify as female" beat real women up in the boxing ring. How progressive. Kind'a makes their stance on doping seem pointless and arbitrary by comparison if the Olympics are supposed to be about fair competition.

Except that didn't happen at all.

Perhaps do some research into the topic. Or general reading.

Unless you're going to put forth the idea that low testosterone men are female?

Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
My Canadian friend's Grandmother won silver in the 100 meter dash in 1932 at the L.A. Olympics. She lost to a "woman" who was later killed in a bank robbery...the autopsy showed she was actually a man.

The Grandmother was given a gold medal after her death by the Olympic Committee I believe. My friend actually showed me her silver medal...I held it in my hand! Her last name was Strike.

Strike retired from competing in 1935 and became a stenographer living in Ottawa with her husband Fred Sisson. In 1980, the 1932 Olympic 100m champion Walasiewicz was shot to death during a store robbery in Cleveland, Ohio and the autopsy discovered that she was a hermaphrodite, with both masculine and feminine characteristics. The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) acknowledged that Strike was entitled to consider herself the world’s fastest woman at Los Angeles 1932 but no gold medal would be awarded. Her granddaughter reported, “You could see a special smirk on her face. She was thrilled to get the news that she was actually the fastest woman in the world on that day.” Just six months later, Strike died of a heart attack in Ottawa, at 78.

I bet that silver medal would be worth a pretty penny to a collector...what with all of these xy athletes competing in women's sporting events these days.