Now this is a real attempt, to control the media...


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
It's words like interrogate that Conservatives and their supporters use to describe a functioning exchange of information in a democratic nation that turn moderates off to their bull $hit.

That's no way to earn a majority.
I agree.

It's almost as disconcerting and silly as the claims of media control leveled at Harper, by NDP supporters, while they deflect and ignore a serious abuse against the fifth estate, like the one perpetrated by the NDP's lawyers.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
What story are you talking about?

The one where Layton was warned that the establishment he frequented my be a bawdy house. So he ceases going there? Which in my opinion, is a non issue.


The fact that Layton's lawyers tried to stifle the media?

Because I see a whole lot of people trying to deflect the real intent of this thread and the NDP's unethical act of stifling the freedom of the press.
Maybe the underlying story, where the NDP`s legal team attempted to stop the story (to demonstrate their moral righteous indignation) and Layton held them back (to demonstrate he was above the allegations)?

Or am I just too cynical about politics?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
I agree.

It's almost as disconcerting and silly as the claims of media control leveled at Harper, by NDP supporters, while they deflect and ignore a serious abuse against the fifth estate, like the one perpetrated by the NDP's lawyers.

All politicians attempt to control the media. The media sources want to sell news, and the politicians want to frame their message. Our current government has in my opinion taken us off the rails in their micromanaging of information, but that just means there's a new record to break.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Maybe the underlying story, where the NDP`s legal team attempted to stop the story (to demonstrate their moral righteous indignation) and Layton held them back (to demonstrate he was above the allegations)?
He stated he was holding them back, until after the election.

Or am I just too cynical about politics?
There's no such thing as too cynical, when it comes to politics.

All politicians attempt to control the media. The media sources want to sell news, and the politicians want to frame their message. Our current government has in my opinion taken us off the rails in their micromanaging of information, but that just means there's a new record to break.
Ya, you can try and dress up that pig, all you want. But even under that pretty orange dress, it's still just a pig. Layton and company tried to silence the media, not merely control what sound bites they themselves make.

HUGE difference.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Which in no way prevents them from printing what they please....

So when did the media acquire judicial-like powers, that they can interrogate the PM at will??????

Well, shutting down reputable reporters like Terry Milewski was a good start.

The only power over our government that we have as citizens is the media. We complain so that the media can complain so that the government can respond.

When a reporter can't even finish a question without getting lashed out at by conservative drones, it's a sign that we're beginning to lose our control over government. They don't even realize that they're fighting against themselves - that's lunacy.

What would happen if this government continued to maintain the long gun registry, and you didn't have a voice Colpy? As much as I disagree with your stance, I would never hold you back from expressing your desire for that freedom. If we can't get the government to answer to reporters; or they dictate the amount of questions reporters can ask; or they even dictate what questions are asked - then even you wouldn't have a voice to make a change.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Which in no way prevents them from printing what they please....

So when did the media acquire judicial-like powers, that they can interrogate the PM at will??????
When did PMO become unaccountable to the public?

See ... what Harper is overlooking is people want to know and press have to sell a story. Wouldn't you prefer it come from the horse's mouth as opposed to the other end?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Well, shutting down reputable reporters like Terry Milewski was a good start.
Just a quick question, which do you think is worse, trying to stifle the media with threats of litigation, or being shouted down by Conservative supporters, for asking a question out of turn?

When did PMO become unaccountable to the public?
When he decided to go into politics. But that isn't what Colpy is talking about.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Just a quick question, which do you think is worse, trying to stifle the media with threats of litigation, or being shouted down by Conservative supporters, for asking a question out of turn?


It is not muzzling the story there was no proof there was a story even with the
retired policeman's notebook. That information used in this manner is in fact
an alleged breach of trust, and if that is true the only criminal offence was done
by a media outlet, and those involved in wanting to use the story for their own
ends. This was at one time of interest but was determined a decade and a half
ago to have no news value.
It was covered briefly by several outlets, on saw it on CBC, CTV and even a
blip on global, but most outlets carried little about it for a couple of reasons, one
being it does not have any content suggesting there was any wrong doing.
Any serious news person would question the source, and why now? That is
what has happened by the way, most outlets are ignoring it because it has so
little value, and I think it originated with Sun Media, which many news stations
don't take seriously.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
That's all well and good MF, but...

1, It doesn't answer my question.
2, His post is an erroneous opinion, that simply supports your position, without fact.

So I ask again...

Which do you think is worse, trying to stifle the media with threats of litigation, or being shouted down by Conservative supporters, for asking a question out of turn?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Ya, you can try and dress up that pig, all you want. But even under that pretty orange dress, it's still just a pig.

There is no single pig to dress up, they all do it, that makes them all pigs.

Conservative supporters talked over a reporter with their boos? So what? That appears to be fine with a small subset of the voting public here in Canada. They are all guilty of it. Martin threatened to sue Harper, Harper threatened to sue Dion, and now the NDP threatened.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
There is no single pig to dress up, they all do it, that makes them all pigs.
So you can show me a news story, of Harper, Iggy or May, threatening a news outlet with litigation, over a news story?

Conservative supporters talked over a reporter with their boos? So what?
Yes, poor form, but not Harper, and that hasn't stop ideologues like MF from blaming Harper for it.

I'm not arguing the smear Ton, I'm arguing the fact that ideologues like MF will pin any silly thing that can on Harper, but just watch him dance around reality when his party steps in it. As we can see in this very thread, where he ignores the seriousness of Laytons actions, and emphasizes minor actions by the Conservations.

and now the NDP threatened.
Go on, finish that statement. Threatened who?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
So you can show me a news story, of Harper, Iggy or May, threatening a news outlet with litigation, over a news story?

No, but I don't think that matters. Whether it's shouting loud enough so someone's voice can't be heard, or intimidation using lawyers (press or otherwise), or controlling what information our scientists are allowed to give to reporters who have questions about climate change, I don't see any material difference in the end. All are attempting to control information.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
No, but I don't think that matters.
I think it does.

Whether it's shouting loud enough so someone's voice can't be heard, or intimidation using lawyers (press or otherwise), or controlling what information our scientists are allowed to give to reporters who have questions about climate change, I don't see any material difference in the end. All are attempting to control information.
Only one is attempting to stifle the fifth estate directly.

And I don't support the Conservative limitations on information. But than again, the freedom of information act, has taken care of most of the issues you cited.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Which in no way prevents them from printing what they please....

So when did the media acquire judicial-like powers, that they can interrogate the PM at will??????

Man are you ever obtuse.

You'll give anything away as along as your guns are safe.

Guys like you are the real danger to this country, why not move to the US where your ideals are better matched?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Because that is a direct attack on the fifth estate.

1, We aren't talking about supporters shouting some down for talking out of turn.

2, We're not talking about the PMO placing gags on his dept's to prevent some of them from eating their own feet.

3, We aren't talking about limiting the material made public by Federal bodies.

1, Outside Harper's control.
2, Right in line with typical party politics, as you have already said.
3, Circumvented by the FoIA.

All of which make the media work for their money.

But threatening the media with a law suit, is an attempt to shut them down. Full stop.

That simply rubs my opinion of free speech and freedom of the press, the wrong way. Whether I agree with the news worthiness of the report or not.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Ahh....the Media that the left claims Harper abuses so......

The editorial board endorsements are in, for whatever they’re worth. A survey of the top 25 or so newspapers by circulation found 13 firm declarations of preference — 12 of them for the Conservatives, and one for … well, it’s a fun surprise.

Chris Selley’s Full Pundit: Endorsement Watch 2011 ? darn that liberal media! | Full Comment | National Post

Read it.........most of them want a Harper majority..........

So, are they masochistic?

Or don't they feel "controlled"?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Ahh....the Media that the left claims Harper abuses so......

Chris Selley’s Full Pundit: Endorsement Watch 2011 ? darn that liberal media! | Full Comment | National Post

Read it.........most of them want a Harper majority..........

So, are they masochistic?

Or don't they feel "controlled"?

So much for liberal media bias....myth debunked by a con.

Still dosen't explain why the media is being given less access.

Tell me this Colpy.

If the cons are so open why do they insist that everything coming out from the minstry of the enviroment goes through the PMO first?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If the cons are so open why do they insist that everything coming out from the minstry of the enviroment goes through the PMO first?
Maybe so a Federal body doesn't embarrass the Federal leadership?

Or even better, why does it matter when the FoIA overrides that?

And how is that better or worse than a direct attack on the fifth estate by your dear leader?