Now this is a real attempt, to control the media...


Council Member
Mar 29, 2009
Calgary, AB
Regardless of whether the lawyers are paid or volunteering their services, they are trying to block a story that may influence how some cast a vote, and that contains at least partial truths and that is the same type of unethical power game that people constantly accuse Harper of playing. The story is real: Layton says he was there.

The next issue is "was the establish investigated or found guilty of any crimes centered around prostitution by employees, whether they are minors or not" and does it matter to you as a voter. Personally If the place was found to be running as a brothel with under age prostitutes, then thats one more strike against a leader and platform I didn't support in the first place.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Whatever the case, we'll see where this rabbit goes after the election. If this is a trend, then I fully expect the media to hit Layton hard on our behalf.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
A 15 years after Layton is investigated and cleared of wrong doing, this story surfaces a few days before election day. Sure looks like an attempt to smear some crap on Jack Layton.

However, polls show support continues to rise for Layton as most Canadians recognize this story for what it is and the ones that are too feeble minded to recognize this as a smear weren't planning to vote for Layton anyway.

Meanwhile, on a day when the Sun newspaper chain ran a story about Mr. Layton visiting a Toronto massage parlour 16 years ago, Mr. Nanos said the NDP leader’s personal leadership scores significantly improved and surpassed those of Mr. Harper.
Mr. Layton climbed 17 points, to 97, on the Nanos Leadership Index, which measures perceptions of the leaders’ trustworthiness, competence and vision for Canada.
That compared to 88 for Mr. Harper and 39 points for Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff.
“The one-day polling completed on the same day that the massage-parlour story broke showed that Jack Layton’s score improved, including perceptions related to trust,” said Mr. Nanos.
“This suggests that the story in fact helped Jack Layton,” he added. “A number of Canadians likely viewed it as a deliberate political smear.”
Gap between Tories, NDP narrows to 6 points in 11th-hour polling - The Globe and Mail


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
This whole story and the timing of it seems very stereotypical American-style dirty politics so it kind of seems fitting that it should also have a stereotypical American-style solution. Sue the bastards, lol.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
If you want to go to the origins of the story, it goes back sixteen years. There was no
wrong doing found even according to the notes of the retired police officer. That being
the case it was released as a smear. If it had merritt such as, Layton found to be in
fact engaged in some illegal activity then is has value. There are all kinds of stories out
there that have no new worthy factor and serious news people don't take them to the
airwaves or print medial because it is gossip not news. Its called tabloid journalism.
The lawyers are setting up for after the election, they get to hammer Sun Media and there
is a payday, not because of Layton or his actions, but because this was a story handled
wrong and allegedly using information that could well be in breach of trust.
A new network or news organization should want to get it right and be within the bounds
of credibility, and this could backfire on the media outlet.
Look at what the media outlet did, then look at how Layton handled it. That is also why it
didn't go very far. Layton addressed the issue within four hours. He spoke to it and so did
his wife, head on. They then took appropriate legal action to protect future interests.
A story like this does not have enough time to do immediate harm in a campaign, had this
been done Monday last there might have been serious implications but not so much now.
The real reason Layton did what he did is the Sun Media Network is bound to follow the
law in a Potential Criminal Investigation, that means everything will have to be disclosed.
A criminal investigation backed up by a suit filed by Layton will have a better chance of
getting back to the source of the smear in the first place and God knows where that might
lead. Actually it might be the highlight story that comes after the election and Layton will
look good having cooperated and come forward to determine the truth. The catch here is
the truth will be about who fed the information to Sun Media, did the retired cop act alone
or was there someone else or another group behind it? It adds speculation and drama
until the police reveal the guilty party and that could be interesting. Actually I am surprised
the NDP and its leader finally got smart, over the years they have not acted so quickly
before, such as the Glen Clark affair, when they let the media get away with something that
by and large turned out to be not true. I am looking forward to the outcome of this.
By the way for those defending Sun Media, most serious journalists ignore the outlet.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The story was sleazy and irrelevant.

It was also true.

Yes, this was an attempt to muzzle the media.

You will see much more in the area of muzzling the media in the cause of political correctness if the bloody NDP get in. Mark my words.

The left only believes in free speech if you agree with them.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
If you want to go to the origins of the story, it goes back sixteen years. There was no
wrong doing found even according to the notes of the retired police officer. That being
the case it was released as a smear. If it had merritt such as, Layton found to be in
fact engaged in some illegal activity then is has value. There are all kinds of stories out
there that have no new worthy factor and serious news people don't take them to the
airwaves or print medial because it is gossip not news. Its called tabloid journalism.
The lawyers are setting up for after the election, they get to hammer Sun Media and there
is a payday, not because of Layton or his actions, but because this was a story handled
wrong and allegedly using information that could well be in breach of trust.
A new network or news organization should want to get it right and be within the bounds
of credibility, and this could backfire on the media outlet.
Look at what the media outlet did, then look at how Layton handled it. That is also why it
didn't go very far. Layton addressed the issue within four hours. He spoke to it and so did
his wife, head on. They then took appropriate legal action to protect future interests.
A story like this does not have enough time to do immediate harm in a campaign, had this
been done Monday last there might have been serious implications but not so much now.
The real reason Layton did what he did is the Sun Media Network is bound to follow the
law in a Potential Criminal Investigation, that means everything will have to be disclosed.
A criminal investigation backed up by a suit filed by Layton will have a better chance of
getting back to the source of the smear in the first place and God knows where that might
lead. Actually it might be the highlight story that comes after the election and Layton will
look good having cooperated and come forward to determine the truth. The catch here is
the truth will be about who fed the information to Sun Media, did the retired cop act alone
or was there someone else or another group behind it? It adds speculation and drama
until the police reveal the guilty party and that could be interesting. Actually I am surprised
the NDP and its leader finally got smart, over the years they have not acted so quickly
before, such as the Glen Clark affair, when they let the media get away with something that
by and large turned out to be not true. I am looking forward to the outcome of this.
By the way for those defending Sun Media, most serious journalists ignore the outlet.

Hm.. well that's interesting.

Your insider perspective definitely helps a lot grump.

The left only believes in free speech if you agree with them.

Somewhere out there is a very reputable CBC reporter who is still trying to finish his question.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
It is not muzzling the story there was no proof there was a story even with the
retired policeman's notebook. That information used in this manner is in fact
an alleged breach of trust, and if that is true the only criminal offence was done
by a media outlet, and those involved in wanting to use the story for their own
ends. This was at one time of interest but was determined a decade and a half
ago to have no news value.
It was covered briefly by several outlets, on saw it on CBC, CTV and even a
blip on global, but most outlets carried little about it for a couple of reasons, one
being it does not have any content suggesting there was any wrong doing.
Any serious news person would question the source, and why now? That is
what has happened by the way, most outlets are ignoring it because it has so
little value, and I think it originated with Sun Media, which many news stations
don't take seriously.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Is that the general mindset within the journalistic community, grump?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
The story was sleazy and irrelevant.

It was also true.

Yes, this was an attempt to muzzle the media.

You will see much more in the area of muzzling the media in the cause of political correctness if the bloody NDP get in. Mark my words.

The left only believes in free speech if you agree with them.
Five scripted questions....


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
A 15 years after Layton is investigated and cleared of wrong doing, this story surfaces a few days before election day. Sure looks like an attempt to smear some crap on Jack Layton.

However, polls show support continues to rise for Layton as most Canadians recognize this story for what it is and the ones that are too feeble minded to recognize this as a smear weren't planning to vote for Layton anyway.
What story are you talking about?

The one where Layton was warned that the establishment he frequented my be a bawdy house. So he ceases going there? Which in my opinion, is a non issue.


The fact that Layton's lawyers tried to stifle the media?

Because I see a whole lot of people trying to deflect the real intent of this thread and the NDP's unethical act of stifling the freedom of the press.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
So when did the media acquire judicial-like powers, that they can interrogate the PM at will??????

It's words like interrogate that Conservatives and their supporters use to describe a functioning exchange of information in a democratic nation that turn moderates off to their bull $hit.

That's no way to earn a majority.